Lieutenant Richard Knutson
Administrated by the Office of the Idaho County Sheriff
Visiting Hours:
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Mission Statement
The purpose of our facility is to lawfully detain individuals charged in the violation of State and all applicable laws. All inmates entrusted to its care are treated fairly and justly without regard to their race, gender, religion, age or social status. The health, safety and well being of these individuals are absolute. This is maintained by providing a nutritional diet and adequate medical care. The Idaho County Jail recognizes its responsibility to the citizens of this community to operate the jail facility in the most cost effective manner possible.
Jail Facts
The Idaho County Jail Facility was built in 1954. One Chief Jailer and seven Detention Officers currently staff it. The jail at this time houses a maximum of 11 individuals (male and female). Minimum jail time is one day up to the maximum time of 365 days. The average number of inmates per day presently is 18. The average cost to house an inmate is $138.00 per day. Idaho Code 20-607 requires Idaho County to bill inmates $25 per calendar day to offset the costs involved for their incarceration.
The Idaho County Jail is a participating member of Victim Information and Notification Everyday. (VINE)
VINE is a method that victims and others may use to register and be notified when an inmate is released or transferred.
Click this link to be transferred to the VINE website where you can register for notifications.
Jail FAQ:
- What are the visiting hours at the jail?
- Monday-Friday 10am to 4pm
Saturdays 3pm to 6pm
Inmate must be in the custody of Idaho County for 5 days before they will be allowed visits.
Can I call and talk to an inmate?
- To contact an inmate or put money on an inmates books, go to Inmate Canteen. To check current inmate list Click Here
Can I bring personal hygiene items like shampoo to an inmate?
- No, inmates are provide with all necessary hygiene items.
Can I send publications or books to an inmate?
- Yes, however the book or publication has to be pre-approved by the Jail Commander, and then sent directly from publisher or vendor.
Are the inmates allowed to have tobacco?
- No.
How do I mail something to an inmate?
- Mail should be addressed to the inmate care of the Idaho County Jail,
320 West Main Street, Grangeville, ID 83530.
What are the rules for inmate mail?
- All correspondence must show the full name and address of both the sender and the recipient on the envelope.
Correspondence not showing both addresses will not be given to the inmate.
All correspondence must be in English, unless the writer’s primary language is not English.
Inmates will NOT be allowed to receive the following items:- NO Polaroid photos
- NO Photos larger than 5×7
- NO Stickers in or on envelopes
- NO Tape in or on envelopes
- NO Pornographic materials
- NO Publications describing the making of weapons, bombs, explosives, drugs or alcohol
- NO Publications related to gang activities or involvement
- NO Coded messages – Sending or receiving
- NO Cards larger than 8×10
- NO Gang related items i.e. drawings, photos, photocopies, etc.
- NO Laminated cards
- NO Books, Magazines, Newspapers Etc.
Can I bond someone out using a credit or debit card?
You may also bond someone out during business hours with a credit card used in person, or over the phone at the District Court Office. The Idaho County Sheriffs Office/Idaho County Jail CANNOT take credit card information.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) establishes a zero-tolerance standard against sexual assaults and rapes of inmates.
PREA sets the standard that protects Eighth Amendment rights of federal, state and local prisoners, making the prevention of sexual assault a top priority and makes statistical data available.
The Idaho County Sheriff’s Office is committed to a zero-tolerance standard and supports the prosecution of persons who commit acts of sexual misconduct and sexual assault in its jail. The Idaho County Sheriff’s Office has developed uniform guidelines and procedures to reduce the risk of in-custody sexual assaults and sexual misconducts.
You can learn more about PREA at:
You can call (208)983-1123 and speak with any jail staff to report any sexual incidents.