School Zone Info Lookup

The online Idaho County Parcel Viewer now allows you to look up your Trustee Zone and Precinct. Please follow these directions carefully:

1. Click Here to view the School District & Zones Parcel Viewer Map

2.  Click on the “Layer Button” on the top right of the map.

3.  Check or uncheck the boxes in the legend for what you need the map to show. 
4. If you need to search for an address type in the house number and road name only.

5. A box will appear with the parcel information for that address

6. Click just outside that box to open the other options at the top of the parcel info box
7. Click the right arrow at the top of the parcel info box until the Trustee Zone & Precinct info is displayed

8. If you have ANY questions or concerns about your Trustee Zone, Precinct, or need help navigating our maps please call us at 208-983-2751