September 27, 2011


County of Idaho


SEPTEMBER SESSION                                    September 27, 2011                          FOURTH TERM DAY


10:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Greg Skinner regarding Rivers Edge Subdivision amendment. Original was filed in 2009 with a design for how the sewer lines would connect with Elk City system. Amendment combines three lots into one in order to create a drain field and septic system for the subdivision. Brandt moves to approve amended subdivision. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries. Amended plat signed by Brandt.


Chmelik moves to approve the minutes of the September 13 meeting. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


10:30 a.m. Brandt regarding the Notice of Title III Projects. Mike Cook regarding projects currently underway and pending-discussion.


Brandt moves to approve Resolution 2011-07 adopting the Notice of Title III Projects. Chmelik seconds.   Motion carries with all in favor. Commissioners also agreed to put a hold on all non-committed Title III projects until we receive firm numbers on next years’ payment. Randy Doman requests that we have a discussion in May or June regarding future fire mitigation projects and the availability of funds for those projects. Ackerman will calendar this for the first meeting in May.


Mike Cook regarding the farming of crops on County property near the airport. He contracted with Ken Seubert for an 80/20 split and received a check for $2294.06 for the County share of the crop. Cook gives general update on construction of site excavation for Search & Rescue Building.


11:00 a.m. Syd regarding claims-

Current Expense         $       36,079.13          County Road and Bridge       $ 249,605.23

Airport                           $       39,149.01          Emergency Com.                     $       2,857.50

District Court              $             625.81          Title III-New                            $     29,146.62

Indigent                         $         4,989.02           Appraisal                                 $       1,489.13

Solid Waste                 $       13,936.98            Election Consolidation         $           75.00

Noxious Weeds           $       61,680.63            Snowmobile 25-B                   $             9.60


Total Expenditures      $439,643.66


Chmelik moves to approve the claims. Rockwell seconds the motion. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:15 a.m. Robyn Crosby from Irwin Drug regarding prescription billing for the jail. Owner Chad Jungert would like to propose a cost plus 10% fee with a minimum of $10. Commission requests that Chad write a letter to that effect, otherwise there are no objections to this proposal.


11:30 a.m. John Murray, Mobility Manager for Idaho Transportation Region 2, regarding the development of a Mobility Plan-advises regarding existing programs available to assist the elderly and disabled-gives update on CABS and Valley Transit. Murray regarding the necessity for the Commission to support mobility-Idaho County’s median age is 47, compared to the State median of 34 and national median of 36. Murray asks for the Commission to support mobility providers such as CABS and Apaloosa Express, which runs a loop from Lewiston through Kooskia/Kamiah to Grangeville, COAST and also the Volunteer Driver Program.   All of these providers will be seeking funding through ITD to provide services. Murray asks for development of a Transportation Advisory Group within Idaho County-Brandt advises that this group would be difficult to put together given the diverse nature of our County and the large geographical area. Murray asks for permission to take the existing group in the Riggins area and add other interested individuals to volunteer as an advisory group, not under the umbrella of Idaho County. No objections from Commission for a volunteer group.


11:45 a.m. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. The Board reconvenes.


Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

1 Approval, 1 Denial, 1 Suspended/Tolled, 3-N1, 2 release-N1, 3-Liens, 2-Lien Release


1:20 p.m. End Executive Session


1:30 p.m. Kevin Kehoe and Chris Bent regarding the needs of rural fire departments-request the use of Title III funds as a match to leverage grant funding-advises there would be no on-going funding requests as the upkeep/maintenance would be provided by the local fire departments. Zumalt advises that he has been working with CEDA to develop a plan for rural departments for upgrades-block grant application would incorporate all departments on one application. Rockwell questions the use funds for this purpose-discussion. Cook will look at this proposal and get back to the Commission with a recommendation next week.


2:00 p.m. Melissa Bryant and Lorraine Roach regarding multi-tenant building-they have come up with a proposal of potential building/operating costs-provide informational packet for Commission to review-request that the County be the sponsor for a block grant to further develop this plan. Rockwell regarding some concerns he has with the numbers-wonders about the viability of maintaining tenancy, as well as if taking this building off the market will truly benefit the County in terms of usable space that would attract businesses/jobs. Chmelik concurs. Discussion. Rockwell moves to approve sponsorship conditional on the firming up of tenants and the signing on of an additional tenant for 8000 square feet and 10 new jobs. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:40 p.m. Carl Crabtree regarding noxious weeds-advises that a monitoring program was implemented to follow-up on the success of the use of insects to combat noxious weeds-so far there hasn’t been any noticeable improvement-paid for through RAC funds. Brandt regarding the fire mitigation work that has been done-inquires about treatment after the work has been done-proposes a workshop for residents to address how to care for property after mitigation work.


2:45 p.m. Deanna Hall regarding hardship-asks for forgiveness of $620.01. Brandt moves to forgive this amount. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


Deanna Hall regarding solid waste issue at Lewis-Clark Pines RV Park previously discussed with the Commission-cites examples from the area that were cancelled-asks for clarification regarding policy. Brandt asks that a letter be written to individuals with extra lots advising them that if there are utilities to the lots, a solid waste fee will be charged at the half rate. The only way to not be charged the fee would be if all services were disconnected/removed. This would be in effect January 2012. Discussion regarding commercial rates. The Commission will draft and send this letter.


3:15 p.m. Ackerman regarding section of Subdivision Ordinance that makes her the Administrator of subdivision applications-she has concerns about Article IV, Section B that list several duties as administrator that would be beyond her knowledge-submits proposal for modifying the ordinance. Brandt moves to adopt modification as presented. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries. (Rockwell absent.) MacGregor advises that we need to publish the change in the newspaper within 30 days.


3:30 p.m. Karen Wisdom, 4th/5th teacher from GEMS-they have contacted other area schools and found that there was no objection to the proposal to send all students every other year-they are working with the MOSS program coordinators to figure out when they could take the whole group during the same week, as they have too many students to fit into the same session. Brandt moves to approve both classes to attend every other year. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries. (Chmelik absent.)

3:50 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________