March 22, 2011


County of Idaho


MARCH SESSION                                March 22, 2011                                  FOURTH TERM DAY


11:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Molly regarding claims—

Current Expense          $     50,338.21             County Road and Bridge         $   57,237.81

Airport                         $     18,814.10               Emergency Com.                     $     2,464.12

District Court               $       2,903.94             Title III-New                            $   21,443.36

Indigent                       $       4,403.36               Junior College                         $     2,500.00

Appraisal                     $          226.78              Drug Enforcement                   $          67.90

Solid Waste                 $       5,134.58              Election Consolidation            $        127.40

Noxious Weeds            $       5,267.83              Snowmobile 25-A                    $     1,478.94

Snowmobile 25-B        $       2,707.15


Total Expenditures      $175,115.48


Brandt moves to approve claims, Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


11:15 a.m. Judge Griffin thanks Commissioners for their support of the remodel of the District Court Jury Room.  Gives update on Drug Court-we have lost our provider in this area-they are looking for another-discussion.


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into executive session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

0 Approval, 4 Denials, 0 Suspended/Tolled, 2-N1, 1 release-N1, 2 Liens, 1-Lien Release


11:55 a.m. End Executive Session-Lunch Break


1:00 p.m. Scott Wasem, Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District member, gives presentation regarding current activities-requests funding for FY2012.  Brandt moves to approve funding in the amount of $7000, which is the same amount as last year.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries.


1:35 p.m. Mike Cook gives update on airport activities. Regarding the recently purchased Purdy property, mobile home needs to be returned to titled personal property rolls.  James Zehner will do the necessary paperwork.

Cook advises that a portion of the property was used as pasture-requests that we continue to allow pasture use-will get with Kirk MacGregor to come up with a pasture rental agreement.


Cook advises that there are two fuel trucks at the airport. One is not being used-requests advertising it for sale-discussion.  No objections.


Cook has been working with Riedesel on the land acquisition to make sure that all requirements are being met.


Cook advises that it is increasingly necessary to plow at the airport and current vehicle with attached plow is no longer adequate.  He will work on getting together some figures for a replacement.


Cook requests approval for attending Idaho Airport Managers conference in McCall in May. Brandt moves to approve attendance. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


Cook advises meeting of Airport Advisory Group with Riedesel at 10:00 a.m. this Thursday.


Cook regarding updating the leases at the airport-has been working with MacGregor to get this done. MacGregor reviews potential modifications to the wording of the existing lease agreements. Cook will get with Ackerman to review current lease agreements and make sure there is no outstanding billing to be done.


2:00 p.m. Jeff Heath with Quality Heating presents proposal for spring maintenance. Rockwell moves to accept the bid as presented. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:15 p.m. Jim Gorges and Doug Giddings regarding transport of a prisoner from Georgia-discussion. Rockwell moves to approve spending up to $3000 for the recovery of prisoner. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:30 p.m. Gene Meinen requests approval for obtaining bids for oil-no objection from Commission.


2:50 p.m. Molly Terhaar has been working with Meinen on getting the Tribal Monitoring Contracts in order.  There was an error, which Molly has corrected-request that Commissioners sign off on old contract and sign new contracts to reflect the modifications-discussion. New contracts signed.


3:00 p.m. Deanna Hall requests cancelation of $1215.43 for 2009/2010 taxes due to hardship. Brandt moves to approve. Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries.


Chmelik moves to approve minutes of the March 15, 2011 meeting. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


3:10 p.m. Dave Bodine, member of the North Central Idaho RAC, addresses Commission regarding past activities of RAC-speaks to concerns of the Commission regarding Idaho County’s contribution vs. return in terms of completed Idaho County projects-discussion.


3:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________