December 9, 2009


County of Idaho


DECEMBER SESSION          December  8, 2009         THIRD TERM DAY 

           The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Ship Brandt, Jim Rehder, Commissioners, and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.


            James Gorges, Sheriff’s Office, re:  Kooskia contract – discussion followed.  Jim made motion to approve contract.  Skip seconded. Motion carried with all in favor.

Amount of contract – $46, 267.20 per year.

            Organizational chart discussed – number of deputies for now and in the future for the sheriff’s office – compensation for overtime from State and Fed discussed.


            9:30 a.m.          James Rockwell entered.


            Claims – Syd Fuzzell:


Current Expense        $27,926.24           Road & Bridge           $30, 406.08

Airport                        31, 186.43          Emergency Comm               500.48

District Court                4,491.50            Title III ­­– New                3, 957.50

Indigent                       41, 415.16           Solid Waste                106, 848.34

Noxious Weeds           10, 841.53                  

            Jim made motion to approve claims.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

                                                Total Claims                 $257,573.26


            U S Dept of Energy – environmental questionnaire for energy grant sign by Skip.


            Sharon Cox & James Zehner re:  solid waste hardship and exemptions.

                        Greg Taylor – solid waste exemption request – denied

                        Lucile Brubaker – solid waste hardship request – denied

                        Scott Garrett – requesting homeowner’s exemption – did not remember to file paper work – denied.


            December 1, 2009 minutes.  Ship made motion to approve minutes as amended.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            11:30 a.m.        Jim made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims – I C 31-874.  James seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            12:00 p.m.        Executive session ended.  Regular session resumed.

                        Four liens/N-1’s           One approved              One extension


            Treasurer/Auditor Joint Quarterly Report approved.


            Certificate of residency approved:

                        Jesse Josiah Acheson

                        Samantha Spencer


            Sheriff’s monthly report – civil trust fund – approved


            Order for cancellation of taxes approved:

                        $397.44 – solid waste $11.56 – taxes $388.06 – tax & solid waste


            Subdivision Ordinance Task Force work shop.


            3:00 p.m.          James Rockwell excused for remained of day.


            Jerry Zumalt re:  2007 Citizen Corps Grant – Joint Powers Agreement between the District 2 counties – tables until amendment is made re:  Treaty of 1855.


            Work & Financial Plan between State of Idaho, Department of Correction – Orofino and Idaho County –Period beginning January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010 signed.


            The Board adjourned at 3:30 p.m.


Chairman:__________________________   Attest:_________________________