August 23, 2022

County of Idaho
Click Here to listen to a recording of the meeting 

AUGUST SESSION             AUGUST 23, 2022         FOURTH TERM DAY

9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.  Commissioner Ted Lindsley is absent.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Lesli regarding claims:

Current Expense    $    22,655.45     Road & Bridge             $    30,155.83
Airport                     $    75,130.26      Emergency Comm.    $      6,114.15
District Court         $      2,800.91      Indigent                       $    12,629.94
Appraisal                 $      4,154.45       Noxious Weeds          $         374.10
Snowmobile 25-B  $            13.00
Total                            $  153,988.09

Duman moves to pay the claims.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

9:15 a.m. Abbie Hudson regarding quote for replacing carpet in the hallway on the 2nd floor-presents quote from Bette’s that utilizes carpet that we already have purchased and is in storage-discussion. Duman moves to approve the quote.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

9:30 a.m. Brandt regarding bid opening for Hertzog,

Herzog-$18,900 with 2 piles per acre; Kelly-$10,000 with 2 piles; Kimball-$15,795 no piles; Wood-$29,835 no piles; Olp $19,800 1 pile per acre.  Ackerman will forward the information to Sandi Paul for review.

9:45 a.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding petition for validation from Joshua Palken-he is requesting to proceed with the petition without paying the fee, as he feels that this is in the Public’s best interest-discussion.  Brandt moves to reject the request to proceed without fees. Duman seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

9:50 a.m. Ackerman regarding proposed change to the Idaho County Handbook that would clarify when accrual of vacation and sick leave cease-discussion.  Brandt moves to adopt the change as presented.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

10:01 a.m. Brandt opens public hearing on proposed increase in solid waste fees-makes opening statement regarding solid waste services and the responsibility of the County.   Duman addresses increased CPI over the past 10 years-this was really fairly stable until last year.  Matt Jessup regarding Idaho Code that requires the county to provide and contract for solid waste disposal.

Robert Simmons advises regarding the state of dumpsters, where trash is taken, and updates on drop off locations.

Discussion regarding developing new landfill location.  Duman regarding past work that has been done in trying to find a new landfill.

Don Haukedahl questions how tonnage overages are figured-Simmons advises that the Prairie/Salmon contract has the tonnage trigger, Clearwater contract does not.  Simmons also advises that they are doing additional weekly pickups.  Haukedahl advises that the increased tonnage could be alleviated if people used burn barrels.

Don Sickels advises that there are problems with recreationists hitting our dumpsters-feels that USFS and BLM should be responsible for providing a location for their patrons to dispose of their recreational waste.

Robert Simmons advises that there are some USFS dumpsters for campsites.

Don Haukedahl questions how many citations are written for violations-discussion.

Robert Simmons updates on costs of disposing tires.

Mary Ann Blees regarding the inequity of the current fee structure-asks for consideration in allowing a concession for property owners who have bare ground.

Don DeHaas regarding abuse of dumpsters by Grangeville residents.

Myrna DeHaas regarding sending a notification to city residents.

Kathy Ackerman reads statement from Taina Frank into the record.

11:00 a.m. End Public Hearing

11:02 a.m. Gene Meinen regarding Pine Bar-presents proposal from Keuterville Highway District to cover the area via a Memorandum of Understanding-discussion regarding possible annexation.  Jessup will do some further research-continued to September 13.

Meinen requests permission to put out a bid for rock crushing in the Woodland area-discussion.  Commission advises Meinen to proceed with bid.

Meinen updates regarding Leading Idaho Grant-advises that the Nome Bridge was accepted and will be repaired to accept greater load limits.  This project will be managed by ITD.

Meinen advises that the Toll Road was also awarded funding Federal Highway Lands-he is working with JUB to get moving on this, as it will need to be completed mid-March.

Meinen advises that Clearwater Water District is wanting to put in another line to a residence-he has told them that they will need a utility permit-discussion.

Meinen advises that he would like to look into purchasing another grader-requests permission to begin looking-Commission has no objection.

Brandt requests update on Luke’s Gulch Road and truck traffic-discussion regarding placement of signs and contacting Google for a redirect.  Meinen will check into solar powered signage that would draw attention to the sign.

11:23 a.m.  Brandt moves to accept the bids from Rad Mulching.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

11:24 a.m. Brandt moves to approve a pay increase for Ben Stowell.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the pay increase for Lacy McIntyre.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the pay increase for Tom Crowell.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the Certificate of Residency for Hannah Lott.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the August 16 meeting.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the Additional Meeting Request for Duman for the CMC.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Brandt moves to approve the GEM Grant Request for Funds.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with Brandt and Duman in favor.  Lindsley is absent.

Duman updates regarding the request for the County to participate in the Broadband Consortium-it has been determined that it is illegal for counties to participate, therefore the grant will be sponsored by CEDA and the Port of Lewiston.

Duman updates Public Defender-Lewis County has contacted him regarding approaching John Wiltse to provide services for them as well-discussion.

Duman updates regarding Warren/Secesh.

11:35 a.m. Meeting adjourned.

____________________________________                        ____________________________________
Chairman                                                                                                        Attest