April 30, 2013

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho

APRIL SESSION                                   April 30, 2013                         FIFTH TERM DAY


11:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Skip Brandt, and Jim Chmelik and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Jim Crowley and Nadine McDonald present Department of Juvenile Corrections update and distribution of JCA & Tobacco tax funds.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2013.  Chemlik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


MacGregor regarding order on the Petition to Relocate filed by J D Schwab-ready for signature. Findings were prepared based on the testimony given at the public hearing. Rockwell notes that no one is present for discussion of this agenda item. Rockwell moves to approve the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and the Petition to Relocate as presented by MacGregor.  Brandt seconds. Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik abstains due to conflict.


11:30 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to 67-2345(a) Personnel.  Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes


12:20 p.m. End Executive Session


12:20 p.m. Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874.  Brandt seconds. Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


1 Approval, 1 Denial,  0 Suspended/Tolled, 2-N1, 4-release-N1, 1-Liens, 4-Lien Release


12:27 p.m. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m.  Oil bid opening—bid opened by Chairman Rockwell

Western States Asphalt was the only bidder, bid as per specifications.  This will be given to Gene for review. Tabled until next week.


1:05 p.m. Mike Cook regarding approval of runway extension by FAA-the next step is the independent fee review.  Cook presents an agreement for this fee review by JUB-discussion. Agreement signed by Rockwell-Cook will take it from there.  Brandt questions how fee review is conducted-discussion.


1:30 p.m. Robert Simmons regarding solid waste update-things are going well with the exception of a couple of issues. The Elk Lake Road dumpsters are overused and difficult to keep clean, mainly due to the nature of them being open top-provides photos of abuse.  Regarding the Elk City site, Simmons advises that it takes approximately 2 hours per trip for clean-up on this site due to the birds-discussion regarding fencing the area.  Grangeville area is going well except for the top of Harpster Grade and Frei’s-he believes much of this problem comes from City of Grangeville folks using the dumpsters. Seven day a week pick up is in place for several areas.  Discussion regarding pick up for the Riggins Rodeo.  Simmons regarding investigation from North Central Public Health-provides copy of report and response letter-discussion.


Brandt regarding ITD permit for Slate Creek area-discussion.  Brandt regarding preparing the site in Slate Creek-volunteers are willing to put this together using the materials that have been salvaged from other locations-this may be an added site, not contracted separately by the residents as was discussed. Simmons will coordinate with Slate Creek to make sure that the site is well planned and put together.  Application for permit signed.


Simmons regarding Hammer Creek site-dumpsters have had human waste in them from boaters and RVers using personal porta-potties-discussion regarding adding this to list of prohibited materials.  Simmons will work on the language for an ordinance amendment.


Simmons advises that he will be putting together a task force meeting for both the Prairie and Elk City areas within the next week.


2:25 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:_______________________