September 28, 2010


County of Idaho


SEPTEMBER SESSION                      September 28, 2010                        FIFTH TERM DAY  


      The Board met at 11:30 a.m. with Skip Brandt and James Rockwell, Commissioners, and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.  Jim Rehder absent until 1:00 p.m.


            Syd Fuzzell re: Claims

Current Expense                      $54,378.68                  Road & Bridge             $72,921.76

Airport                                       29,700.25                  Emergency Comm            2,597.92

District Court                               2,341.60                  Title III                              8,758.00

Indigent                                     33,400.30                  Junior College                       55.94

Appraisal                                     1,088.60                  Solid Waste                         403.44

Noxious Weeds                         67,291.16                  Snowmobile 25B                      6.50

            Skip made motion to approve claims.  James seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

                                                Total Claims                            $272,944.15


            Jim Carpenter and Pat Lightfield re:   Idaho Transportation Department Report.  Almost finished with highway 95 between Grangeville and Cottonwood.     Overlay between Grangeville and Kooskia has not been completed as of yet – overlay will begin October 4, 2010 – approximately 4 ½ miles.

            Arrow Bridge will also be completed by October 2, 2010.  Pat reported on problems with the work on the bridge, which caused a delay. 

            Over size load traveling over Highway 12 discussed.  Court decision should be made by this Friday.  Discussion followed on the speed of the loads being hauled.  Ten minutes stops vs. fifteen minutes stops discussed.  To meet 10 minute limit, need to increase speed and increase danger.  

            Future projects – State 13 job will be completed – 7.6 miles of road.  US 12 overlay project for portion of road.  F/Y12 projects – shoulder rehab on US95 – along with a turn-bay – between Ferdinand and Cottonwood.  State Highway 162 between four corners and Kamiah- approximately five miles.  Eventually paving will go to Thorn Springs.    F/Y13 projects – Red Rock Road to Kamiah.   US12 bridge rehab project Crooked Fork Bridge.    Safety project on US95 – Greencreek junction – possible overpass. 

            Jim Carpenter stated if the commissioners would like to complete a new list to submit to the Idaho Transportation Department for road projects – feel free to submit with ITD.  Approx. 29.3 million will be spent in Idaho County. 

            Jim Rehder mentioned road in front of the sales yard.  Wants to meet with ITD to discuss and improve this section.   Usually if an improvement is made in front of a private business – owner has to pay. 


            1:43 p.m. Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims according to I C 31-874.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Roll call taken.

            1:55 P.M.   Ended.

                        Four liens/N-1    Two approved   One medical review


            Randy Doman re:  Title III funds.  Randy presented ideas of what could be spent with Title III funds.    Clear Creek Strategic Fire Plan in conjunction with other public entities.  High Camp-White Bird Hill Strategic Fire Plan in conjunction with other public entities.  Implement fuels treatment at Root Ranch.  Completion of Red River Fuel Treatment.  Individual homes and parcels as opportunities present themselves.  Discussion followed. 

            Randy also suggested leasing a vehicle for use on fire mitigation projects.  Commissioners told Randy to check out prices.        

            White Water Ranch project – is still waiting to happen.  Commissioners asked Randy to check further into this.  Discussion followed.  Tree planting projects discussed.

            Randy will work with the forest service to get projects going. 

            James is interested in hiring local people who are unemployed to do the fire mitigation jobs.   This can be an investment in jobs for our people clearing brush etc. next summer.  A job program in line with Title III.

            Skip reported on what the CBC is doing with their projects.  Discussion followed.


            Rebecca Warden re:  IBM renewal for printer and server.  No advantage to getting a 3 year contract.  $2,965.00 per year.  Replacement of printer with a refurbished one – cost of printer is $2900.     Discussion followed.  Maintenance is $1900 per year.  Two year maintenance agreement is $3600.  Commissioners asked Rebecca to get further information on prices.    Also requested James Zehner to help with prices.


            Skip made motion to amend agenda to go into executive session for personal matters.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Roll call taken.


            2:35 p.m.         Skip made motion to enter into executive session for personal matters according to I C 67-2345(a).  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Roll call taken.

            2:44 p.m.         Ended.  Regular session resumed.


            James Gorges and Doug Giddings re: snowmobile purchase.  Replacement of snowmobiles sold in the county auction.  Two in Elk City and one in Riggins.    Currently have one snowmobile in Powell and one in Riggins.    Commissioners approved the purchase of the three snowmobiles.  Expense is for f/y2010. 


            Jerry Zumalt  re: E911 –  19” monitors – three monitors needed – old phone system – Judge Bradbury’s current office will work for the placement of the E911 system.  Judge will move into current undersheriff’s office.  Commissioners will visit with Judge Griffin on office space for the undersheriff.


            Gene Meinen re: Road Report.  Flood damage – projected construction dates – tribe has retracted their position on archeological sites – they are requesting a larger area of influence.  FEMA has brought in a liaison to work with the tribe.  This may delay the project dates. 

            Skip stated we need to get an article in the paper so the people know why the projects are not moving forward.    

            South end of Pleasant Valley has been dug out – completed.

            Letter was sent to Rick Brazell, NezPerce National forest requesting an extension of the RAC project on the Upper Salmon Road Crushing and Placement.


            4:00 p.m.         James Rockwell excused himself for remainder of the meeting.


            September 21, 2010 minutes.  Skip made motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            Inmate Medical Care – Kirk MacGregor and Sheriff Giddings – inmate being admitted to hospital – discussion followed on whether or not a hospital can deny admittance of an inmate.  Discussion followed.  Kirk will do further research.


            Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order regarding the abandonment of a portion of Baldwin Springs Road aka, Idaho County Road No. 367 –  signed by R. Skip Brandt and Jim Rehder.  James Rockwell absent.


            Grant of Easement from Jason Dean Schwab granting easement to Melvin R. McLean located in SW ¼  SW1/4 of Section 5 Township 31 North, Range 5 East of the Boise Meridian, Idaho County, Idaho presented to commissioners – recorded under instrument #          474921


            The Board adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Chairman:__________________________________  Attest:____________________________