September 25, 2012


County of Idaho


SEPTEMBER SESSION                                    September 25, 2012                          THIRD TERM DAY


10:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt and Jim Chmelik and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present. James Rockwell will be a few minutes late.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


10:45 a.m. Syd regarding claims-

Current Expense          $       35,598.05          County Road and Bridge         $   193,959.83

Airport                         $     105,776.98           Emergency Com.                     $       4,205.15

District Court               $         1,536.67          Title III-New                            $     36,735.25

Title III-Old                  $         1,273.25          Indigent                                   $     17,124.73

Appraisal                     $             513.67         Drug Enforcement                   $             12.72

Sheriff’s Youth             $         1,503.97          Solid Waste                             $         179.13

Noxious Weeds           $             773.37          Snowmobile 25-B                    $           10.00


Total Expenditures      $     399,202.77


Brandt moves to approve payment of claims. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:00 a.m. Frank Yates regarding incident he is having with a neighbor-presents information to Commission for review. He has been to the Sheriff’s Office with complaints, but it always comes back to the lack of zoning in Idaho County-requests that the Commission take a stand so that the Sheriff’s Office has something to sink their teeth into. Brandt questions regarding whether or not Mr. Yates has spoken to an attorney-Mr. Yates presents a copy of a letter from his attorney to Sheriff Giddings. Jean Webber advises that there is a continual disturbance with shooting. Chmelik questions whether or not Idaho statutes may have been violated. Giddings advises that there is an issue with prosecution of these types of cases. Discussion. Brandt questions what Mr. Yates is requesting the Commission to do—Yates advises that he wants and expects the Commissioners to do something that will allow the Sheriff to take care of this situation. Rockwell suggests that all of the neighbors get together and try to work this out-asks if Sheriff Giddings would be willing mediate. Discussion. Brandt will contact the Prosecutor about resolving this situation and will get back to Mr. Yates.


11:15 a.m. Mike Mager regarding Grangeville Rural Fire Protection District annexation-they have received petitions and gone through the hearing process-requests an Order be signed by the Commission. Chmelik moves to approve the Order for Annexation. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.


0-Approval, 4 Denial, 0 Suspended/Tolled, 4-N1, 0 release-N1, 4-Liens, 3-Lien Release


11:40 a.m. End Executive Session


Approval of agreement for Pathology Services with Ada County-agreement signed.


Approval of agreement with Computer Arts for service and support-agreement signed.


Approval of Ground Lease Agreement with Gene Dandliker-agreement signed.


11:55 a.m. Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the September 11 meeting. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:55 a.m. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. The Board reconvenes. Chmelik will be about 10 minutes late.


James Zehner and Leah Mager regarding casualty loss on a couple residences that resulted from a fire in the Kooskia area-discussion. Rockwell moves to deny the request for cancellation. Brandt seconds the motion. Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor. Chmelik is absent.


1:20 p.m. Rocky Davis, Idaho State Division of Veteran’s Services, regarding the need to upgrade to a software system called VetraSpec that will allow our Veteran’s Officer to utilize all of the same forms that are used by the State-will streamline the process and save the county on postage and paper-requests that the County sign on to this program under the State’s contract. Rockwell moves to approve upgrade. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor. Chmelik is absent.


1:30 p.m. Jerry Zumalt regarding fire activity-provides updated information-advises that there is some help available for folks impacted by the fires-discussion. Zumalt regarding revenues and expenditures on emergency communications fund-he has checked around on costs for next generation equipment and they are projected at around $30 million for a Statewide system. Zumalt regarding the need for a repeater in the Burgdorf/Warren area—he is working on getting some grant funding—they are not looking at doing anything this fall.


2:00 p.m. Nadine McDonald regarding MOU with Department of Juvenile Corrections-this is done annually. Discussion. Agreement signed.


2:15 p.m. Jim Gorges regarding ATV course that would be placed on County property adjacent to the Search & Rescue Building -the Department of Parks and Recreation will come in and build the course-they would train the Department to be Instructors, who could in turn train volunteers and others in the community. Brandt questions Mike Cook regarding the need to check with FAA about using the land for this purpose. Discussion. Commission has no objection as long as it is okay with FAA. Gorges will check on what kind of a commitment they are requesting.


Gorges requests permission to close the Courthouse parking lot for Trunk or Treat on Halloween. Commission has no objection.


Gorges regarding completion of the Search and Rescue Building-he is wondering to what extent he should be getting bids-for completion of sheeting and/or completion of the building. Cook regarding check we should be getting from FAA for reimbursement on the airport land acquisition-money can be used for anything. Discussion. Chmelik moves to complete the sheeting in the building. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor. Gorges will get bids for the total completion of the building.


Giddings regarding grant funding that was received through ITD to hire a STEP officer-this was a decreasing grant that expires October 1. Scott Paulsen was hired for this position and has done an exceptional job. The SO was led to believe that the grant would be renewed and that Paulsen could be rehired for that position, however they have found that they have not been approved for the grant. Giddings is requesting that Paulsen be kept on in order to fill any vacancy that may occur. Commission has no objection to Sheriff’s Office working within their budget to make this plan work.


2:45 p.m. Brandt regarding dues that we have received from various highway districts for the National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition dues-he has attempted to contact Gordon Cruickshank to find out the status of this group, but has been unable to get any response-wonders if we should send these back. Discussion. Ackerman will check on the status of this group to determine if the checks should be sent on.


3:00 Gene Meinen regarding repairs of culverts on Sears Creek that are adjacent to the Morrow property. In researching the project, it has been determined that more extensive work needs to be done. Estimate of $60,000 for telephone pedestals that need to be replaced in order for work to be completed on the Morrow property-this has gone from a $5,000 project to a $65,000 project. Discussion. Meinen will contact the Morrows to discuss other options.


Meinen regarding two old vehicles-they are gas operated and are beginning to cost more to maintain. He has obtained a few bids on diesel pick-ups-has tried to contact the dealership out of Boise that has the State contract, but they are not interested in getting him any numbers at this time since the contract is about to be rebid. Discussion. We will hold off until a new State contract comes out.


Meinen regarding Buck Horn Bridge project-no contract will be presented until funding comes through the RAC, therefore the bridge work cannot be started. Cook advises that there is still a question regarding ownership of the bridge. Discussion.


Cook regarding Salmon River Road-questions whether or not we have heard anything from the Feds regarding taking back maintenance of the road-Brandt advises we have not heard back on that.


Meinen regarding conversation he had with Mr. Smid’s attorney regarding the damage on French Creek Road-expects that he will be requesting an appointment with the Commissioners-attorney wants a commitment from the Commission on financial support to make the repairs.


Meinen regarding BLM permit for logging the damaged timber from the Sheep Creek Fire-he has been in contact with Jeff Cartwright regarding this.


Meinen advised that the Road Department did grading on the McGuire Fire on the road to Dixie for the Forest Service-they completed the work, but the FS allowed heavy equipment on the road the next day and the road surface was damaged again. Discussion.


Meinen regarding dust abatement on Forest Service roads for timber sales-discussion.


3:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________