September 23, 2014

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


SEPTEMBER SESSION                                    September 23, 2014              SECOND TERM DAY


9:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Jim Chmelik and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Rockwell regarding bid opening for Kidder Ridge Project-Pony Creek Outfitters, $750 per acre-total of $18,975; 5 Star Forestry, $1125 per acre-total of $28,462.50; Futuristic Forestry-$1372.53 per acre-total $34,725. Rockwell moves to award bid to Pony Creek Outfitters.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Randy Doman regarding developing a resource plan-discussion regarding applying for a grant to develop this plan-Gordon Cruickshank, Valley County Commissioner, is working on this project for Valley County. Doman feels that this may give us some leverage on overall strategic planning with the Federal government, rather than project by project interaction.  Commission has no objection to pursuing this.


10:00 a.m. Syd regarding claims

Current Expense         $      44,161.34                        County Road and Bridge         $    291,523.52

Airport                         $        9,697.89                        Emergency Comm.                $        7,403.51

District Court              $        3,282.27                        Title III Forest-New                 $      86,813.03

Indigent                       $      15,053.56                        Appraisal                                 $        1,432.88

Solid Waste                 $           200.13                        Search & Rescue                     $             51.51

Election Consolidation$               9.34                        Noxious Weeds                       $     22,598.66

Snowmobile 25-B        $             10.00
Total Expenditures      $    482,237.64


Brandt moves to pay the claims. Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Approval of hiring of Linda Gullikson at $10.00 per hour as seasonal tax help in the Treasurer’s Office from November 10 through December 31.


Alcoholic Beverage License approved for CHS Primeland-beer only.


Approval of cancelation of check 2014-05763 for $35.75 for witness fees paid to Gene Meinen.


10:22 a.m. Gene Meinen regarding update on Salmon River Road-has been advised again that Federal Highways will no longer discuss substantial compliance, but will discuss the possibility of pursing alternative funding-requests that we consider hiring Givens Pursley to review this case to see if we have a case for pursing substantial compliance-discussion. Chmelik questions the cost of hiring an outside attorney for review.  MacGregor advises he believes it would be around $2000 or so. Rockwell advises that he would like to make sure Mike Cook is on the same page before we pursue outside counsel.


Meinen advises that he has run into a few problems regarding subdivisions, requests that an RFP be put out for an engineering firm to act as the County engineer-discussion regarding current practices and what availability we have for engineers in the area. Chmelik advises that he is in favor of pursing this on a three year contract basis-discussion.  Meinen will do some research on what types of things should be included in a proposal and get back.


10:45 a.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding correction in the April 15 minutes to reflect the correct bid amount for Pony Creek Outfitters-does not impact the way the bid was awarded. Brandt moves to approve minutes as corrected.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


10:50 a.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding terrorism coverage through ICRMP-we have not taken this coverage in the past. Rockwell moves to reject terrorism coverage.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the September 9 meeting as amended. Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Rockwell moves to approve payment of NACo dues at $450.00. Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


11:00 a.m. Deanna Hall regarding resolution for destruction of old tax records-she has contacted Adam Green for direction and he has provided a letter with directions. Brandt moves to approve resolution.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Approval of 2% increase in wages for FY2015 for all employees in the Auditor/Recorder’s Office, District Court, Disaster Management, Mapping, Assessor’s Office, Airport, Weed Department, Extension Office, Fire Mitigation, Treasurer’s Office, Commissioners, Sheriff’s Office, Juvenile Probation, Coroner, Law Clerk and Janitorial.


Approval of total salary line increase in Prosecuting Attorney’s Office of 2% to Kirk MacGregor.


Approval of 2% increase in Road Department salary line divided equally among all employees.


Approval of Liquor Catering Permit for Doreen Ash at Greencreek Hall for Summit Academy.


Approval of wage increase to $14.96 per hour for Assessor’s Office employee Megan Murphy for successful completion of appraisal courses.


Approval of wage increase to $13.86 per hour for Idaho County Sheriff’s Office employee Patrick Adler for successful completion of probation.


Approval of wage increase to $32,873.77 annually for Idaho County Sheriff’s Deputy Keith Olsen for successful completion of probation.


11:05 a.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding needs in the Prosecutor’s Office for a new phone system-would come out of his Capital line-these would be County owned and in the event he was no longer Prosecutor, the system would be turned over. He has contacted Fisher Systems with some of the features he is requesting to include caller ID, voice messaging, etc. The estimate for the project is around $4000. Brandt questions the expenditure since we gave an increase in rent and salary-discussion regarding what would happen with the phones and whether or not phones should be provided.  Brandt suggests tabling for a month for us to research whether or not Valance can provide an updated quote to include the Prosecutor’s Office with the proposed upgrade to the Courthouse system.


11:20 a.m. Kirk MacGregor advises that he was contacted by one of the property owners regarding the Larradon Heights subdivision-these roads were kept private, rather than dedicated to the public-however, the roads were still to be kept to LHTAC standards.  An agreement was signed by the Knights regarding road development specifications-this placed a lien on the properties in the subdivision.  Property owner, Caleb Long, wants to develop the roads and is asking what needs to be done in order to satisfy the lien-an engineer needs to provide guidance on this.  Road contractor, Tony Williams, advises that he needs direction on specifications that will satisfy the County. Rockwell questions what engineer approved the plat-MacGregor advises it was Carl Edwards.  Meinen advises that he has talked with John Dilts of TD&H and he is ready to review this.  Gene Meinen questions whether specifications should reflect the current subdivision ordinance or the one in existence at the time-MacGregor advises the specifications in existence at the time.


11:30 a.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding proposed Ordinance No. 62 regarding wellheads in the Grangeville Area of Impact-only change was changing ‘shall’ to ‘may’.  Rockwell moves to adopt Ordinance No. 62 as presented.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Ackerman questions whether or not this should be published.  MacGregor advises to publish for one week.


Approval of hiring of temporary secretarial staff in the Prosecutor’s Office-Patty Suhr at $14.75 per hour and Caryl Frei at $13.50 per hour for the month of September. Prosecutor stated it was within his budget.


11:45 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


2-Approval, 1-Denial, 1-Liens, 1-N1, 9-Lien Release, 9-N1 Release


12:00 p.m. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. Dane Johnson, Kyleigh Duclose, Madison Shears, Pixie Jones of Prairie Elementary present information on their attendance at the McCall Outdoor Science School-all had great reviews of the activities, meals, housing and learning opportunities-encourage the Commission to continue funding.


1:15 p.m. Jim Chmelik regarding Juvenile Detention MOU-nothing has changed from last year-it’s been reviewed by Kirk and approved. MacGregor regarding formula for determining the amount-discussion.  Chmelik moves to approve MOU.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:20 p.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding public defender contract-he put together a contract using some of the language that Latah and Clearwater Counties use-just got this to Scott Olds today and they need time to review.  Rescheduled for next week at noon for signatures.


1:45 p.m. Deanna Hall regarding request for cancellation of taxes for Michelle Osborn-residence was previously owned by her father-it was taken by the state due to a large medical lien and then deeded back to her since the property didn’t sell-requesting cancellation of taxes. Discussion regarding follow-up-Hall has not heard anything further from her-will request another appointment if Michelle contacts her again.


Del Lunders regarding a Deed to County Property that was done back in 2008-is questioning that this was recorded without a notary-indicates that he doesn’t feel it’s valid. Commission directs Lunders to Kirk MacGregor for review.


2:00 p.m. James Zehner regarding Power 7 Software Maintenance-discussion.  Rockwell moves to approve a 2 year agreement for $2835.40.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


2:05 p.m. Jerry Zumalt regarding release of grant funding-needs an acceptance signature.  Signed by Rockwell.


John Gaither regarding change in Ag solid waste billing-was here a couple of months ago and is disputing the new method-wonders if this has been discussed further and where the Commission stands. Rockwell advises this has been discussed and that they have determined this is the most equitable way to collect the fees.


2:10 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________