September 13, 2011


County of Idaho


SEPTEMBER SESSION                                    September 13, 2011                          SECOND TERM DAY


10:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd regarding claims-

Current Expense               $       60,542.42          County Road and Bridge         $ 236,324.72

Airport                                $     102,885.19          Emergency Com.                     $         345.16

District Court                     $         4,291.85          Title III-New                            $ 156,754.62

Indigent                                $       28,206.23         Appraisal                                 $       2,323.90

Drug Enforcement              $                 4.86         Solid Waste                          $   107,699.53

Election Consolidation     $            243.79           Noxious Weeds                        $   43,378.40

Waterways                          $           358.75


Total Expenditures      $743,359.42


Brandt moves to pass Resolution 2011-06 for approval of the budget for FY 2012. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


11:05 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to 67-2345(b). Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.


11:25 a.m. End Executive Sesssion


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

2 Approval, 0 Denial, 2 Suspended/Tolled, 2-N1, 0 release-N1, 2-Liens, 0-Lien Release


12:00 p.m. End Executive Session


1:00 p.m. The Board reconvenes.


Brandt moves to accept bid of 5-Star Forestry for Hungry Ridge Fuel Reduction. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


1:05 p.m. Ralph Rau, Deputy Forest Supervisor, Nez Perce National Forest and Tom Osen of Slate Creek Ranger District present consolidation plan. Osen regarding Ranger District consolidation-offices and workers have been working together for some time-some positions will be eliminated, however those positions have been vacant for the past few years-no current employees are expected to be cut. Beginning the first of the year, they will go to one regional fire management officer, rather than two, but they will otherwise maintain fire leadership in the area. Rau gives update on current fire activity. Rau presents handout with overview of consolidation that lists budget and personnel trends, as well as a plan for implementing the merger of the two forests. The workforce will be reduced by 71 positions from May 2010, leaving a proposed permanent workforce of 259. This is approximately half the number of employees working for the Forest Service in the early 1990’s. When coming up with the consolidation plan, they looked at areas that are stable or increasing such as fisheries, timber, soils, etc. vs. areas that are declining such as engineering, recreation and wilderness. Employee leadership teams then put together proposals to reflect various different scenarios which will be used to build a proposed organizational chart. A tentative timeframe for doing this is December 1. Discussion. Commission requests update on stewardship contracts-Rau will get with Ackerman to set up another time on the agenda.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the September 6 meeting as amended. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:00 p.m. Meinen and Paul Eimers regarding a road outside of Pollock called Ranney Road. The County provided maintenance on that road until they were asked by the resident at the end of the road not to continue as blackberry bushes were getting damaged. This resident is now elderly. There is no recorded easement for the County to provide maintenance, although the road is on the County map. In order to accomplish this now, there has been a proposal for Whitewater Wilderness Homeowner’s Association to deed the property to the County in order to create a public easement-discussion. No objection from the Commission. Chmelik moves to support this proposal. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries. Attorney for the buyer will be preparing paperwork for Whitewater Wilderness to sign.


2:15 p.m. Contract for engineering on manhole cover design for Search & Rescue Building signed.


Agreement with Debco signed for Clear Creek project. Agreement is standard and has been reviewed/supplied by Forsgren.


Task Order for Big Cedar Road Project signed upon the recommendation of Gene Meinen.


2:25 p.m. Georgia and Phil Lamm regarding a fence line issue they have had since 1998. This is recently a problem again because of blasting and rock removal that they believe was contracted by the County on their side of the pit. Lamm’s are requesting that we agree to a property fence line agreement that reflects their existing fence and that we pay for rock that was removed during the blasting and crushing operation. Meinen advises regarding the placement of survey pins that have been in place for many years and were recently re-surveyed and confirmed. Meinen also advises that no rock was taken from the pit. Discussion. Mrs. Lamm feels that they established their property ownership based on a letter she recorded in 2000. Rockwell advises that recording a letter doesn’t establish legal ownership and/or property boundaries-advises that an order from the Court might be necessary in order to establish true ownership. Commission suggests that the Lamm’s hire their own surveyor to check the pin placement and/or arrange a meeting with surveyor Cuddy to verify their measurements. Meinen will try to facilitate a meeting to go over the pin placement.


3:15 p.m. James Zehner and Deanna Hall regarding solid waste fees in Lewis Clark Pines RV Park that have been assessed on two lots for two years- one lot is a storage shed and the other has an old trailer-property owner is deceased-discussion. Solid waste cancelation denied.


3:30 p.m. Karen Wisdom regarding previous years’ request for fifth graders to attend MOSS program. Now their classrooms have changed to multi-age classrooms with 4th and 5th graders in the same class. Commission asks that the teachers check with other schools to find out how they are handling this issue. Teachers will report back to Commission on September 27.


3:50 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________