October 29, 2013

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


OCTOBER SESSION                                         OCTOBER 29, 2013                             FIFTH TERM DAY


11:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Jim Chmelik and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Charlotte Coombs, resident of Warren, requests support for historical site project in Warren-her understanding is that it is easier for a transfer of property to happen if it’s between government agencies-she is requesting that Idaho County offer to take the transfer of the South Fork Guard Station in order for it to be protected from demolition by the Payette National Forest.  Brandt questions whether or not Ms. Coombs has been in contact with PNF regarding this-a meeting has been set for tomorrow.  Rockwell questions funding of this project-Coombs advises that there are grants available for this-they are working with several people who will do an analysis on costs.  Discussion.  Brandt moves to offer conditional support for the transfer-if it is not made available to the historical society, Idaho County will work toward obtaining the transfer.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


11:10 a.m. Sheila Key regarding development of a regional GIS for the purpose of sharing shape files and data between agencies throughout the region-this is in the developmental stage right now-grant funding is being researched to fund this.  Key is requesting general approval for the idea from the Commission-this will allow the committee to move forward with development.  Jerry Zumalt regarding current challenges, particularly when an incident occurs near a county boundary.  Discussion.  Commission has no objection to going forward with further development of this idea.


Approval of donation of 7.85 hours of vacation time from Gene Meinen to Bryan Spets for sick leave.


Approval of merit wage increase for ICSO employee Gideon Roberts to $32,873.77 annually.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the October 22 meeting as corrected.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with Chmelik and Brandt in favor. Rockwell abstains-he was absent.


11:35 a.m. Paul Boehmke regarding exhaust fans-he is still working on getting another bid-will be in contact with Ackerman.


11:45 a.m.  Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874.  Brandt seconds. Roll call-District 1- yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


1- Approval, 0-Suspension, 2-Denial, 5-N1, 0-Release N1, 5-Lien, 0-Release Lien


11:51 a.m. End Indigent.  Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. James Rockwell requests a report from Jim Chmelik regarding American Lands Council and how those efforts are benefitting Idaho County-Chmelik report on various states that are pursuing the concept of transfer of Federal land to State ownership-advises that he has gained support of this concept on the State level through his resolution with the Idaho Association of Counties-this resolution was passed by 75% at the IAC Annual Conference-discussion.  Derek Far questions Chmelik regarding his membership in ALC and Idaho County’s membership-suggests that one other person on the Commission obtain a personal membership, thereby saving the County $4000-that would still give us the same number of votes with ALC.  Mary Mangold questions what direct benefit the County has received for $5000-Rockwell advises that one benefit is that on the State level an interim committee has been formed and solutions are being discussed in many different groups and forums.  Shelley Dumas questions the timeline of the interim committee-Chmelik advises that 15 months is the timeframe for reporting, at which time the legislature will consider legislation. Dumas wants it to go on the record that she opposes renewing the dues.  Brandt moves to renew the dues payment of $5000 to American Lands Council.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:25 p.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding Limited English Proficiency Plan-this draft was prepared by Richard Wyatt for submission for the Clearwater Water District grant application.  Ackerman requests that we adopt this plan by resolution in order to meet the requirements for project funding for the Clear Creek Bridge project, which will be presented next-discussion. Rockwell moves to adopt Idaho County Resolution 2013-09, adopting a Limited English Proficiency Plan.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik opposed.


1:30 p.m. Ackerman regarding State/Local agreement for the Clear Creek Bridge-she has spoken with Gene Meinen and he advises this is a routine agreement.  Rockwell moves to approve Agreement for Project A013(445) Clear Creek Bridge.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:30 p.m. Deanna Hall regarding value cancellation for Dabco and Dabco Inc-Brandt moves to cancel as presented.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Hall requests cancellation of taxes for Natives West Nursery-business closed and owner is no longer in the area.  Rockwell moves to cancel half of the taxes, since solid waste was used for half the year.  Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Hall requests solid waste cancellation for Ron Trout-discussion.  Brandt moves to cancel solid waste for 2012/2013 due to low income/low assets.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:45 p.m. Brandt reports on activities/progress of the Clearwater Basin Collaborative.


2:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned.



Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________