October 12, 2021

County of Idaho


 8:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Ted Lindsley and Denis Duman and Bette Polack, Deputy Clerk present.   Commissioner Brandt is absent.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Duman moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to 74-206(1) d Records Exempt from Disclosure.  Lindsley seconds. Roll call-District 1-Absent; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

8:55 a.m.  End Executive Session

Kelly and Lesli regarding claims FY21:

Current Expense  $       74,323.16  County Road and Bridge   $   1,578,732.99
Airport                   $             969.52 Emergency Comm.             $           2,311.30
District Court       $         2,344.36  Title III-New                        $        38,983.44
Indigent                 $         3,168.98  Pest                                        $                82.40
Appraisal               $            982.12   Solid Waste                          $       152,271.14
Search & Rescue   $        5,907.21   Election Consolidation      $               431.48
Noxious Weeds      $     56,603.07  Snowmobile 25-A               $                25.69
Waterways             $        4,000.00 Idaho Co Range Improve. $          2,944.75
Snowmobile 25-B $            760.77
Total Expenditures$        1,924,842.38

Lindsley moves to approve claims FY21.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Claims for FY22:

Current Expense     $   90,444.49  County Road and Bridge   $    83,696.17
Emergency Comm. $      4,137.80   Idaho County Fair             $       2,392.06
Title III-New           $         180.00   Election Consolidation     $       2,159.20
Noxious Weeds      $       2,977.10    Snowmobile 25-A             $            47.84
Snowmobile 25-B $             47.84
Total Expenditures     $          186,082.50

Lindsley moves to approve claims FY22.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

9:00 a.m. Mike Cook regarding FAA ARPA funds for fiscal year 2022 funds in the amount of $32,000.00-discussion on how the money can be spent.

Duman moves to sign grant acknowledgment for grant assistance through FAA. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt is absent.

9:30 a.m.  Monica Walker regarding vehicle purchases for Sheriff’s Dept. SO is requesting authorization for their annual vehicle purchase. The need is five Ford F10 Responder patrol pickups. The base price of the vehicle is $35,237.00. They are still waiting on trade-in value to finalize the lease payment amounts. They are also requesting permission to purchase a sixth patrol pickup if the insurance adjuster deems our 2021 Ford F150 pickup totaled from a recent accident.

Duman moves to authorize up to 6 vehicles. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt absent.

9:40 a.m. Duman moves to approve the minutes of October 5. Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Orders for Cancellation as per Abbie Hudson.  Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Master Agreement with Computer Arts software and service support for FY 22.  Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve Trunk or Treat in the back parking lot on Sunday, October 31.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion caries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt is absent.

10:00 a.m.  Joe Slichter regarding bids for noxious weed projects. Upper Clearwater Interface & New Invader Weed Control-one bid for this project, Graning Ranch & Co. for $29,737.00-discussion on this being a continuation of pre-existing project.

Salmon River & Upper Clearwater CWMA USFS Rock Pit Project, 18 rock pits identified by the US Forest Service. Two bids:  Graning Ranch & Co- $29,945.50; Rural Acreage Management, LLC- $30,000.00

Duman makes motion to award Graning Ranch & Co.  the Upper Clearwater Interface & New Invader Weed Control project. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt is absent.

Duman makes motion to award Graning Ranch & Co. the Salmon River & Upper Clearwater CWMA USFS Rock Pit Project. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt is absent.

10:10 a.m.  Joe Slichter regarding the Teepee Springs Project with FEMA-outlines notice requirements which include publication in two newspapers (McCall and Grangeville), mailing notices to certain impacted property owners and area residents and making hard copies of the Draft Environmental Assessment available, and on Idaho County’s website-discussion.  Duman moves to support and go forward with the project.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman makes motion to amend agenda due to a financial emergency to include signing the Idaho Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Program for the Elk Creek Bridge.

Discussion regarding form for Elk Creek Bridge. Duman makes motion to sign the Landowner Acknowledgement Form. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor. Brandt is absent.

10:35 a.m. Meeting Adjourned

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________