November 8, 2011


County of Idaho


NOVEMBER SESSION                         November 8, 2011                             SECOND TERM DAY


11:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd regarding claims-

Current Expense          $       40,756.58          County Road and Bridge         $     46,706.84

Airport                           $       49,269.89           Emergency Com.                       $           639.24

District Court               $         2,234.24           Title III-New                              $   117,267.16

Indigent                         $         9,027.52            Appraisal                                   $             58.88

Drug Enforcement       $               35.46            Sheriff’s Youth Program          $           68.09

Solid Waste                 $     113,553.62            Election Consolidation             $         956.12

Noxious Weeds           $       14,906.03


Total Expenditures      $     395,479.67


Brandt moves to approve claims. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


11:15 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

2 Approval, 2 Denial, 0 Suspended/Tolled, 2-N1, 0 release-N1, 2-Liens, 1-Lien Release


11:30 a.m. End Executive Session


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 67-2345(f). Chmelik seconds. Roll Call-all in favor.


12:05 p.m. End Executive Session


1:00 p.m. The Board reconvenes.


Jim Church and Susie Heckman present request for old Title III funding for the Farm and Forest Fair. Rockwell moves to approve $2000 expenditure from old Title III. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


Wage increase to $12.62 approved for Sheriff’s Office employee, Rebecca Warren, for successfully completing POST Detention Academy.


1:15 p.m. Deanna Hall and James Zehner regarding solid waste cancellation for mobile home belonging to Ron Beitelspacher. Brandt moves to approve. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.

Zehner reads letter from Dennis Albers regarding solid waste fees for James and Ingrid Ellis, who are deceased. Discussion. Deanna will write a response indicating that the service to the sites will have to be completely removed in order for a waiver of solid waste fees.


Chmelik moves to approve the minutes of the November 1 meeting. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


1:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________