November 27, 2012


County of Idaho

NOVEMBER SESSION                         November 27, 2012                           FOURTH TERM DAY

9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt and Jim Chmelik present.  Commissioner James Rockwell and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk will be arriving shortly.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Equalization for Sub-Roll Opens

10:00 a.m. Commissioner Rockwell and Kathy Ackerman present.

Discussion regarding upcoming Commission meetings with Christmas and New Year’s Day both falling on Tuesday.  Chmelik advises he is unavailable on December 11-requests change to a different day that week.  Meeting for the week of December 10, will be held on Wednesday, December 12 as there are Indigent hearings already set that day.  The Commission will meet on Monday, December 24 and Monday, December 31 in order to make up for the holidays.

11:00 a.m.   Syd regarding claims


Current Expense          $       37,746.80           County Road and Bridge         $      28,977.67

Airport                         $         1,643.43           Emergency Communication    $        4,340.51

District Court               $         4,724.89           Preventive Health                   $      29,345.25

Title III Forest-New     $       81,476.57           Indigent                                   $           837.11

Junior College             $          1,250.00          Appraisal                                 $           494.48

Solid Waste                 $       16,861.29           Search & Rescue                     $           255.00

Cons. Elections           $              41.11            Noxious Weeds                       $       3,057.86

Snowmobile 25-A        $          1,483.87          Waterways                              $          837.52

Snowmobile 25-B        $               10.00

Total Expenditures      $     184,038.21


Rockwell moves to approve the claims.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion  carries with all in favor.

Chmelik moves to approve the minutes of the November 20 meeting.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with Chmelik and Brandt in favor.  Rockwell abstains as he was not present for that meeting.

Order for Cancelation signed-$796.42

Approval of the hiring of Christopher Williams for an open patrol position in the Sheriff’s Office at an annual salary of $30,633.64.

11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874.  Rockwell seconds. Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.

1-Approval, 2 Denial, 1 Suspended/Tolled, 5-N1, 0 release-N1, 5-Liens, 0-Lien Release

11:48 a.m. Break for lunch

1:00 p.m. Jim Church and Susie Heckman, University of Idaho Extension, regarding Farm & Forest Fair-present slide show with highlights from last year.  They are looking at some changes to the program to include a possible change of location to Grangeville. The Commission allowed $2000 last year for this project-Church requests support again this year.  Brandt moves to allow $2000 for the 2013 Farm & Forest Fair out of Old Title III funds.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

1:30 p.m. Mike Cook regarding Resolution 118, which set up the Airport Development Authority-expired recently-he is recommending a renewal or extension.  Two members of the Authority want to be off-Cook has found a replacement.  He would recommend Shannon Fuchs for this position.  Ackerman will prepare an updated Resolution for signature at the next meeting.

Cook presents two letters for review-a letter of support for the BLM Sheep Fire salvage sale and a letter to the Forest Service regarding Crooked River Road-discussion.  Letters signed.

Cook regarding briefing sheet he is working on with Joe Bonn and Gene Meinen regarding the Manning Crevice Bridge-this will be sent in with the grant/funding application.  Cook reports that 235,000 acres burned this summer with total suppression costs of $52 million.  Cook also reports that greenhouse emissions are at 50 tons per acre as a result of a forest fire.

2:00 p.m. Kathy Ackerman requests an early release/ Courthouse closure for County employees on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  Brandt moves to allow release/ Courthouse closure on December 24 at 1 pm and on December 31 at 3 pm.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

2:05 p.m. Brandt regarding Snowmobile Advisory Committee Agreement with the Forest Service-discussion.  Rockwell moves to approve agreement extending the agreement for one more year.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

2:15 p.m. Susan Morris regarding request for homeowner’s exemption-she believes that the forms were sent to the wrong location.  Zehner regarding the process for claiming the exemption-the exemption was not signed and returned, although they are signed up for 2013.  Morris indicates that the problem she has is that the deadline for filing for the exemption is April 15, yet they were not notified that the deadline was missed until it was too late.  Zehner advises that the statute does not allow for him to allow the exemption after the deadline, but the Commission does have the ability to cancel taxes.  Discussion.  Rockwell advises that he does not believe that this can be cancelled at this point, as it hasn’t be allowed for others in the same situation.

Zehner regarding request for cancellation of solid waste fees for Fredrick West-discussion.  Chmelik advises that we have an ordinance in place for this-feels we need to stick with what we have established.  Rockwell moves to take no action on the request.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Zehner regarding fee increase for Access Idaho, the system that allows them to accept credit cards-fee is increasing to 3%, plus $1 per transaction. Agreement is actually with the County-Zehner requests reauthorization of agreement.  Discussion.  Brandt moves to approve additional $1 transaction fee. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor. Agreement signed.

3:00 p.m. Brandt regarding solid waste-invites members of the audience to comment if they wish.  Phil Wimer regarding the dumpster near his house-the open top dumpster is a problem as it is always a mess-there is pick up only once a week.  Also, there is a gated dumpster a couple of miles up the road-folks are using the open top near his house rather than utilizing the gated area.  Wimer requests that this be addressed-Simmons advises that the dumpster in question is on the list for removal.  Lot Smith advises that he has contacted several members of the Republican Central Committee and he feels that the Commission has not fully investigated this situation-feels that we are getting less service for more money-advises that a 5% cost of living increase per year is excessive.  Simmons clarifies that his bid was for a yearly CPI and fuel surcharge-Simmons addresses other concerns such as consolidation.  Brandt advises that this has been a long process and that the Commission has worked diligently to try to address all of the concerns, maintain service and also keep costs down.  Brandt reviews history of costs associated with Walco contract.  Dave Bodine questions whether this will involve municipalities-advised that it will not.  Rockwell advises that the contract was put out for bid at Walcos request-also advises that consolidation will work to streamline the procedure.  Bill Spencer questions how many dumpsters are to be consolidated-Brandt advises 32 current dumpster sites to 8-12 sites.  Simmons advises that they consolidated 24 dumpsters in the Kooskia/Kamiah to 6 sites-advised that the public has been supportive of this.  Bill Spencer advises that our current ordinance needs to be enforced and there would not be the issues with the unsightly dumpster sights.  Dave Bodine questions boundaries that will be impacted-Simmons advises that they have put together a map of the area-will work with task force members to see that all areas are covered.  Bodine questions if billing will still be paid through taxes-Brandt advises it will.  Spencer questions how appliances will be handled-Simmons advises that they are planning a once-a-month manned roll-off. Discussion.

Brandt regarding draft contract-advises that we can make copies if needed.  Simmons regarding draft contract-discussion and questions clarifying language-work session.  Special meeting will be held on November 30 at 9 am for possible contract closing.

4:10 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:__________________________