November 21, 2017

County of Idaho

 NOVEMBER SESSION                                     November 21, 2017               THIRD TERM DAY

 9:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Mark Frei and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

James Zehner regarding Idaho Code 63-602NN which was passed granting counties the authority to grant property tax exemptions for business investments. Discussion regarding possible resolution to address the needs of Idaho County-Canyon County resolution reviewed.  Ackerman will make revisions and schedule for next week.

9:59 a.m. Sheila Key advises that she was contacted by T-Mobile, they are requesting an official request from the County to provide E911 coverage via T-Mobile-presents letter and accompanying documentation needed for the official request.  Duman moves to approve the request letter.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:05 a.m. Brandt regarding the Vessel Report-Duman moves to approve the Vessel Report.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:15 a.m. Brandt regarding Grangeville Rural Fire Department Order for Annexation or De-annexation-Commission reviews petition provided by GRFD and supporting map.  Duman moves to approve the Order for Annexation or De-annexation.  Frei seconds.  Zehner advises that he has asked GRFD not to create any more islands in the district due to the problems it creates for dispatch-discussion.  Wes Lester advises there are some issues with roads getting to certain areas of the County-advises there are concerns with the ability to respond.  MacGregor advises that the requirements of Idaho Code were met by the district as far as meeting notice and public hearing.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:30 a.m. Brandt opens public hearing for the Request for Variance for Tahoe Estates Subdivision-Ackerman swears in those individuals who intend to offer testimony. Chad Erickson advises that the purpose of the request is to address the road construction requirements of the subdivision ordinance.  Erickson provides copy of updated subdivision plat with survey corrections made-advises that this subdivision was started in 2000, but wasn’t pursued until Mr. Hicks purchased the property a year and a half ago.  Erickson reviews the variance request and check-list for road construction.  Tim Hicks advises that LHTAC standards leave the inspection requirements to the local highway district.  Ronald Becker advises that he wishes that any building on the property be constructed to county code-Brandt advises that Idaho County has no planning or zoning.  Steve McCoy advises that his only concern was with regards to wells going in. Frances Barnes presents a petition from concerned area residents-presents argument opposing several areas of the ordinance and the request for variance.  Brandt advises that this is a hearing only pertaining to road construction. Barnes questions drainage-Erickson and Hicks clarify.  Barnes questions why certain residents did not receive certified letters-Brandt advises that all property owners within 300’ radius were sent letters-only one letter was returned.  Erickson advises regarding perk test, covenant, road maintenance and requests for further variances. Chad Hill from Idaho County Light & Power advises that they request ROW agreements for power-will discuss with further with Mr. Hicks.  Kirk MacGregor reviews what the variance process entails-advises that the public hearing process allows public comment.  Mark Frei acknowledges issues with existing subdivision ordinance-advises that he has been working on a rewrite.  Frei moves to approve the variance request for the Tahoe Ridge Estates pertaining to road construction standards and checklist.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Erickson requests this be placed back on the agenda for next week for final approval.

11:05 a.m. End Public Hearing

Duman-November 29-Ida-Lew; Brandt-CBC Working Group Meeting-Nov 29-Lewiston; CBC Meeting with Forest Service-Nov 30-Moscow, CBC meeting with Rivers United-December 7; District II Meeting-December 14-Lewiston; Frei-NCPHD-December 14-Lewiston

Duman moves to approve the minutes of November 14.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

11:31 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to 31-874.  Duman seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes.

0-Approval; 1-Denial; 0-Suspended; 0-Lien; 0-N-1; 0-Release Lien; 0-Release N-1

11:33 a.m. End Indigent

Brandt moves to approve the additional meeting for Duman.  Frei seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Certificate of Residency for Devan Branstetter.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Orders for Cancelation as per Abbie Hudson.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Frei updates regarding the placement of additional dumpsters at Fairview and Frei locations.

11:40 a.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________