November 16, 2010


County of Idaho


NOVEMBER SESSION             November 16, 2010                           THIRD TERM DAY



            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present. Rose absent, Bette Obrien, Clerk


Discussion on letters in the Commissioner Correspondence.


Discussion on the grant with Forsgren and the amount of the fees that they are charging. Will discuss with Rose.


City of Riggins Police Agreement signed   Amount of agreement $25,000.00


Mike Cook- LoLo Creek Bridge- Mike talked to Nester Hernandez and they have reopened the case, it looks positive as to getting the money back but the process will be slow. Rose and Mike discussed adding some interest on the balance. Mike explained how much Clearwater Co paid and how the processed worked before the amount changed. Mike and Rose will keep the pressure on.


Airport AWOS Tower is going up, Quality Electric and all the equipment is here.


Discussion on the AWOS contract Mike will get with Rose.


FAA will notify users that 122.8 is the license frequency for the Airport. Discussion on where to advertise the new frequency.


Mike talked to Mark Jones wants to give flight instructions at the airport, Mike checked with Solberg about liability and Don said if he does not lease property Idaho County does not need any additional coverage.


Commissioners discussing the Purdy property at the airport and where they are on that.


Mike wanting to know what the status is on the building for Search and Rescue and Posse at the airport. Mike will talk with Jim Gorges. Commissions agree that they need to proceed with this now.


Mike talked with Mr. Gerke and discussed with him if he would clean it up the county may possibly be interested in it. The Commission asked Mike to send a letter to Gerke similar to the letter that was sent to Senid LLC, formalizing decision not to purchase land


Jim made motion to approve the November 2 minutes James 2nd All in favor


Jim made motion to approve the November 10 minutes as amended. James 2nd  All in favor.


Commissioners asked Sheriff Giddings why the Riggins contract is down from what it was, how this is going to set precedence for Kooskia. Giddings explained how he came up with that amount. Sheriff explains that this was the only option that he could find and there may be some cut backs for service. Discussion followed.


11:00  Skip made motion to go into executive session under ID Code 31-874    for indigent  Jim seconded Roll Call of districts All Present


5- liens, 5-n-1’s, 1 approve, 2 denied, 1 toll


11:25 ended


Tom Osen- Slate Creek/Clearwater Ranger District- Introduced himself.  Just trying to keep lines of communication open between the FS and the County. Combining the two districts at some point. Explained the process and where everything is and what changes are going to be made. Hoping for a good workable relationship with the Commissioners.



Order of cancellation- Kim Elliot ETAL per Dave Summers $17.50 – approved


Gene Meinen- Bid for Dump Trucks- 1 bid from Kenworth 2- Dump Trucks $279,748.00  66,000 GVW Tandem Axle Truck Cab & Chassis Equipped with 14’ dump bodies, hydraulic systems and snow plow mounts conventional cab severe duty.


Skip made motion to approve purchase of trucks- Jim 2nd  All in favor


Skip made motion to approve bid from Debco, Orofino, Idaho for Big Buck Battle Ridge Road  – Jim 2nd   All approved.  Amount of bid $212,750.00


Gene and Jerry explaining what is holding up getting this project underway. Discussion on everything that is being done. Jerry is working with FEMA to get this process going.


Commission signed a Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement between the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office and the USDA, Forest Service, Payette National Forest.


Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.


Chairman:____________________________   Attest:__________________________