November 13, 2014

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


NOVEMBER SESSION                                     November 13, 2014               SECOND TERM DAY


9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Jim Chmelilk and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd regarding claims:


Current Expense         $         4,729.56           District Court              $           500.00                        Title III Forest-Old   $         5,188.38

Total Expenditures      $       10,417.94



Current Expense         $      36,056.56                        County Road and Bridge         $     17,423.75

Airport                         $           469.16                        Emergency Communication    $            81.14

District Court              $        2,293.55                        Title III Forest-New                   $    55,940.18

Indigent                       $     11,945.20                       Junior College                         $       1,670.00

Sheriff’s Youth                        $           190.67             Solid Waste                             $   137,249.97

Search & Rescue        $           578.29                        Election Consolidation            $           127.92

Noxious Weeds          $             54.60                        Snowmobile 25-A                    $       1,443.28

Total Expenditures      $    265,524.37


Brandt moves to approve claims for FY2014 and FY2015. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:15 a.m.  Mike Cook regarding Forest Plan Revision letter-discussion regarding suggested revisions.  Letter printed and signed.  Cook regarding Johnson Bar Fire letter-discussion.  Letter revised, printed and signed.


9:35 a.m.  Brandt moves to approve minutes of the November 4 meeting as amended. Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Approval of hiring of Daniel Beck as Dispatcher for ICSO at $11.50 per hour.


Approval of request from Prairie Elementary School to change MOSS attendance to fifth and sixth graders every other year.


Order for Cancellation-$296.80


9:45 a.m. Canvass of votes for November 4 Election…


11:00 a.m.  Kirk MacGregor regarding formation of White Bird Recreation District-discussion regarding order approving creation of district and the proposed candidates for district Commissioners.  Rockwell moves to approve candidates recommended by residents and order pending completion of canvass.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


11:15 a.m. Robert Simmons regarding update on solid waste numbers-down a little from last year on the Prairie overall, but up on the Grangeville area dumpsters due to transfer station being closed half day on Saturdays and all day on Sundays-they are keeping up and keeping things clean.  Most of the complaints are regarding people scavenging who just tear bags open and leave trash scattered everywhere.  Rockwell questions whether or not we have signs posted prohibiting this-Simmons advises our ordinance does not address scavenging.  Simmons proposes consolidation of sites in Grangeville, Cottonwood and Kooskia that would be open two days per week and every other Saturday-sites would include Z-sites that would allow for a better separation of materials-Simmons advises this would provide a solid waste system, rather than simply providing open top dumpsters-also looking at assisting the recyclers by handling recycling materials while the mini transfer stations are open.  Simmons regarding updated proposed regulations from DEQ-has until December 5 to provide comment-discussion.  Rockwell questions Simmons regarding follow-up with tribe-discussion regarding placing a sign-Rockwell will pursue making signs and will attempt to contact the tribe again.  Simmons questions what the Commission wants to do regarding scavenging-discussion-current ordinance does address leaving a mess behind-Simmons will work with Sheriff’s Office to see if he can get some patrol of dumpsters to catch those who are tearing open bags and leaving a mess.


11:45 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


0-Approval, 0-Denial, 1-Liens, 1-N1, 0-Lien Release, 0-N1 Release


11:58 a.m. End Indigent


11:58 a.m. Resume canvass of November 4 Election…


1:15 p.m.  Rockwell moves to approve canvass.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:15 p.m.  Recess


Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________