May 8, 2006

County of Idaho

MAY SESSION                   May 8, 2006                 SECOND TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Randy Doman and Jim Rehder, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

9:00 a.m. Jail inspection scheduled – cancelled.

Dylan Rinker, Youth in Government, reported on Riggins City Council meeting – dive team joining with city – attended school board meeting.

Claims – Stefanie

Current Expense         $40,167.72

Road & Bridge              $5,114.64

Airport                            582.28

District Court                2,551.83

Preventive Health        26,230.00

Title III                        5,959.87

Indigent                      1,579.09

Appraisal                        168.58

Solid Waste               80,237.01

Noxious Weeds            9,452.21

Snowmobile 25A            699.00

Snowmobile 25B              19.40
Jim made motion to approve claims. Randy seconded. Motion carried.
Total Claims $172,761.63

Nadine McDonald & Jim Crowley, Idaho County Juvenile, re: juvenile correction act allocation for next f/y07. Policy-reporting forms remain the same – name has been changed from Block Grant to Juvenile Correction Act fund. P.O.S.T. Academy Waiver – allocation of $4,500.00 in fy/05 JABG funds to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections for use to support juvenile training council.

Lenore Hill re: expenditures for lawn improvement for courthouse – Commissioners thanked Lenore for all work she has done.

11:35 a.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
12:20 p.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.
Two approved – one denied – one lien – one N-1

Summer Breeze subdivision (recorded) Richard Baines – Discussion followed on Grangeville Highway District – ROW change – original 40 acre parcel within a section – explained by Randy and Dennis Albers. Richard expressed his concerns – never heard of this method of doing a subdivision – requesting something in writing of any changes or guide lines of what county and Grangeville Highway District want him to do.
Dennis Albers will draft letter. Discussion followed.

Calla Hagle re: Youth in Government report.

Judge Griffin re: Idaho Judicial Management.

May 3, 2006 minutes: Randy made motion to approve minutes as amended. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
May 1, 2006 minutes: Jim made motion to approve minutes as amended. Randy seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioners’ reports:
Jim – budget/levy workshop in Lewiston – mental health board conference call – Riggins Dive team – solid waste meeting – medical insurance.
Randy – Kirkwood RS2477 road – discussion – Shingle Creek road – dispute over right of way – Carrot Ridge road. Randy met with Julie Fowler re: Craig/Wyden – fly in to D. C. – PILT funding discussed.

Robert & Don Simmons re: solid waste proposal – requesting 15% increase due to high increase in diesel and insurance increase – tires/metal going up – dumpster placement and pickup discussed. Discussion followed.

Order for cancellation of taxes approved:
Burt Penkins – 166.25 – MH 2005/solid waste – commissioners allowed
Brian William – 204.20 – 2005MH/sw – tribal
Ed Mills – 71.95 – 2005 MH – can’t locate
Vern Frislie – 24.22 – 2005 MH – can’t locate
Bryan Heath – 197.86 – 2005MH – can’t locate

The Board recessed at 3:30 p.m.

Chairman:_________________________ Attest:______________________