May 4, 2021

County of Idaho

 MAY SESSION                                     MAY 4, 2021                           FIRST TERM DAY

 8:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Denis Duman and Ted Lindsley and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Connie Jensen-Blyth regarding certification of gravel pits-she currently has no authority to do this-discussion regarding MOU with NAISMA, North American Invasive Species Management Association, to provide training that will allow her to do certifications.  Brandt moves to approve the MOU with NAISMA.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Jensen-Blyth advises that she is still waiting for the RAC Agreement-discussion.

8:52 a.m. Bid opening for Fire Mitigation-Rad Mulching-Morris-$42,250, Gedgaudas-$7200, Stone-$2495 per acre, Joy Cove-$9250; Wally Williams-Morris-$34,125, no bid on other properties. Duman moves to approve Rad Mulching for Gedgaudas, Stone and Joy Cove and Williams for Morris.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

9:00 a.m. Frank Schmitz, White Bird Summit Lodge, updates Commission regarding incident that happened a few weeks ago wherein there was a fire, but no help was dispatched in spite of two phone calls.  Discussion regarding breakdown with dispatch-Jerry Zumalt advises protocol for fires which gets the right departments responding-advises calling 911 is the best advice.  Brandt directs individuals to follow up with Sheriff Ulmer regarding the issue with Dispatch response.

9:17 a.m. Mike Cook regarding two leases-Lots 5A and 6-discussion.  Ackerman advises that we have received the checks on these two lots-we need to wait on their original signatures.  Duman moves to approve the two leases with Wolfe Property Holdings.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Cook regarding the need for water and sewer services at the airport-City has revised their buy-in fees and are proposing one buy-in fee of $5400 with individual service meters owned by the County-proposes that existing leases be modified to include the installation fees and monthly fees-discussion.  Commission has no objection to moving forward with this.  Cook will follow-up and get back.

9:30 a.m. Erik Hayes, Endomines, provides update on activities in the Elk City area-they anticipate that there will be increased activity this summer.  Hayes advises that they have been working under an MOU for road maintenance-discussion regarding critical improvements/maintenance that need to be made on the Gnome Bridge and the Orogrande Bridge.  Mike Cook advises that MOU needs to be updated-will reach out to Hayes to work on this.  Brandt questions how many people will be employed-Hayes advises that this is not known yet-advises that housing is an issue.

10:00 a.m.  Lynn Oliver, Ara Andrea and Scott Corkill, Idaho Department of Lands, present update on Stewardship Program.  Discussion regarding use of Title III funds for fire mitigation and coordination with Sandi Paul in getting funds to the ground.  Connie Jensen-Blyth questions whether any coordination is being done regarding noxious weeds-discussion.

11:00 a.m. Brandt opens Public Hearing on Application for Waiver of Subdivision filed by Steve Robinson.  Joe Wright is representing Mr. Robinson.  Joe Wright and Steve Robinson sworn and testify.  Wright offers Exhibit 1 (all Exhibits attached to the Petition) and Exhibit 2-a map.  Wright advises regarding the reason for application-the request is for the parcels to be recognized as three separate parcels, as they were originally listed that way.  Exhibit 3 marked and entered-Easement, Instrument No. 527859.  Brandt questions regarding access-Robinson advises that there is no need for access easement from neighbors, as he has direct access.  Jessup questions access-Wright advises that if parcels are sold in the future, easements would have to be granted.  No objections have been received.  Brandt moves to approve the waiver with the contingency of easements to each parcel.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

11:30 a.m. Barb Grimm regarding addressing-feels that there isn’t a need to include a construction address element at this point-discussion regarding other fees for addressing.  Jessup will work on a resolution for next week.

11:48 a.m.  Gene Meinen regarding brush cutter that needs to be repaired-estimate is $23,555-discussion.  Brandt moves to approve the repair.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Meinen regarding crushing bid that was awarded previously-he is short on what is needed-Kaschmitters will sell it for the same price per ton as the original bid-discussion.  Brandt moves to approve the purchase. Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Meinen regarding the need for some cover help while Vicki is on vacation-Commission has no objection to Meinen finding someone to fill this need.

11:55 a.m. Duman moves to approve the minutes of the April 27 meeting.  Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

Duman moves to approve the quote for computers for Jerry Zumalt and Sandi Paul.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve Idaho County signing on with the Port of Lewiston’s letter regarding Dam Breaching.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

12:08 p.m. Break for Lunch

1:00 p.m. Brandt opens discussion regarding budget and wage considerations as we begin preparing our FY2022 budgets.  Discussion on the impact of legislation that now allows people to claim a homeowner’s exemption at any time.  Meinen advises that what is needed is some guidance from the Commission on a firm number that everyone can work with.  Duman advises that he feel that we need to address this issue that has been neglected-feels that a 5% increase with a commitment to increase over time might be a good remedy given all of the unknowns that might be coming as a result of legislative action.  Nadine McDonald regarding the need for a wage matrix-discussion.

1:33 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________