May 30, 2006

County of Idaho

MAY SESSION                   May 30, 2006                SIXTH TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Randy Doman, Jim Rehder, Alice Mattson, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

Carl Crabtree re: Noxious weed grant report. Discussion. Jim made motion to approve grant application for National Forest Foundation Funds. Randy seconded. Motion carried.
Purchase of 4-wheeler for noxious weed department – Jim made motion to purchase one 4-wheeler. Randy seconded. Motion carried with all in favor.

Jon Stroop re: road & airport report. Blading and patching of roads. Dixie road problem – huge sink hole – being fixed. Lolo Creek Bridge discussed. Secesh Summit road is open into Warren – road needs work – waiting for dryer weather.
Dumpster site at Bennett Saw Mill in Elk City discussed. Property for sale – ½ acre for dumpster site – discussion only.

Lori Lindsey re: Old County Shop in Elk City – would like this building for QRU if county will no longer be using this building. Discussion only.

Randy mentioned he has been appointed to serve on the Idaho Association of Counties Native American Tribe Relations Committee,

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Idaho County and Cottonwood City/Rural Fire Department to loan and locate equipment with the Cottonwood Fire Department for response to hazardous chemical incidents requiring patient decontamination assistance – signed.

Jeff Kutner re: Randy Doman residency issue – attorney general’s opinion – office should be declared vacant. Lewis County prosecuting attorney’s opinion – declined to prosecute. Discussion followed.

Alice Mattson requested her portion of this meeting be recorded. Randy and Jim said “no” – no recording. Alice read her statement regarding article in Lewiston Morning Tribune – dated May 27, 2006 regarding residency issue of Randy Doman. She stated she did not hand deliver anything to the AG’s Office in regards to this case as was stated in the paper

May 22, 2006 minutes. Randy made motion to approve minutes as amended. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Dale Thennes and Sharon Cox re: hardship request. Discussion followed. Jim made motion to exempt 2003 taxes. Alice seconded. Motion carried.

George Calvin re: Twilligar subdivision – requesting gates to be removed and road opened. Randy explained that original plat has roads public – amended plat makes roads private. Discussion followed.

Richard Baines re: Summer Breeze subdivision plat. Alice made motion to approve Summer Breeze Subdivision. Jim seconded. Motion carried. Plat signed.

Daryl Mullinix re: approval process for survey billing of subdivision. Discussion followed. Commissioners will get further information from Dennis Albers to determine who pays for services – will be discussed June 5, 2006.
Daryl submitted bills for Crimson Ridge – $800.00 and Summer Breeze – $900.00

11:30 a.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
11:50 a.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.
Two liens One release of lien

Larradon Heights Subdivision Preliminary Plat – Larry & Donna Knight – Carl Edward – requesting variance on slope of grade. Discussion followed. Hearing will be set.

Joe Wright and Sharon Cox re: tax reduction and problems with deeds – new survey done – property located in Harpster – Simons, Adams and McCoy property involved – eight foot overlap. Sharon will send through order for cancellation of taxes on portion involved.

Joe Wright re: Shane Bernard parcel – regarding variance on having Fir Court (portion) shown on replat of Lot 1, Block 6 of Pine Ridge Subdivision vacated. Hearing held at an earlier time. Randy made motion to direct Dennis Albers to draft document to vacate Fir Court. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioners canvassed the votes for Primary Election 2006.

Vern Meyer presented proposal for striping of courthouse parking lot – cost $435.00 – approved.

Dennis Albers re: solid waste committee meeting – reported on recommendations to help solve solid waste problems. Committee recommends that the levy, now in place across the county, continue for income generation. They also recommend there be an additional charge of 25% of whatever the county charge in the rural county is added to the city tax bill. Another recommendation relates to tightening up on those residents who receive half billing for vacation homes. Dennis will continue to work on Walco & Simmons contracts.

Commissioners continued canvassing votes.

Order for cancellation of taxes approved:
Dale Thennes – 190.93 – 2003 taxes and solid waste – as per commissioners
James Dobbins – 656.66 – RP taxes – mill reported in error

Beverage license signed – Rodeo Club and Grill – beer & liquor

The Board adjourned at 6:03 p.m.

Chairman:______________________ Attest:__________________________