May 3, 2006

County of Idaho

MAY SESSION                   May 3, 2006                   SECOND TERM DAY

The Board met at 1:15 a.m. with Randy Doman, Jim Rehder, Alice Mattson, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

1:15 p.m. Jim made motion to enter into executive session for pending litigation. Alice seconded. Motion carried.

2:00 p.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.
No decision made

2:10 p.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session for pending litigation. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

2:55 p.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.

3:00 p.m. Commissioners met with mayors regarding solid waste issues.
Solid Waste Committee will be formed under the direction of Alice Mattson. Each city council will appoint a person by May 10, 2006 to serve on the committee. Following topics will be used as a guide line for the committee:
1. Collection – equitable cost spread
2. Re-cycling
3. Regional land fill – possible MSW Landfill
4. Equitable distribution of cost
5. Education
6. Commercial Accounts – Contractors Building
7. Garbage separation MSW & Non MSW separation
8. Communication
9. Encourage compliance
10. Disposal – equitable cost spread
11. White goods/tires
12. Cost to haul to MSW landfill
13. South Idaho County area
14. Review of Ordinances – county & city
15. Non incorporated cities

Co-ordinator discussed. Jim made motion to hire co-coordinator and ask city to share expense. Alice seconded. Discussion. If cities do not support cost of co-coordinator – commissioners will review issue. Discussion. Terry Vanderwall stated the county should bear the cost. Motion dies for lack of vote.

Randy made motion to hire co-ordinator to work four hours/week for next six weeks at $15.00 per hour. If this proves to be useful, commissioners will ask cities to contribute equitably. Jim seconded. Discussion. Jim stated not enough time to work on project. Motion amended.
– Randy made motion to hire co-coordinator for $15.00 per hour – eight hours per week for six weeks. Jim seconded. Discussion followed.
– Dennis Albers suggested Bill Taylor for the job.
– Alice wants to work with just a committee. Jim wants Alice to take over the formation of a committee. Randy requested that Walco and Simmons provide figures for average ton per household. Discussion ended.
– Motion carried with all in favor.

Next meeting set for May 17, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. for solid waste committee.

Meeting recessed at 3:50 p.m.

Chairman:_________________________ Attest:_________________________