May 17, 2022

County of Idaho
To listen to a recording of this meeting click here.

 MAY SESSION          MAY 17, 2022             SECOND TERM DAY

 9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Ted Lindsley and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.  Commissioner Skip Brandt is absent.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Duman moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1) c for Real Estate.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

9:16 a.m. Lindsley authorize Jessup to work with Solberg Agency to make on offer on the hangar for $220,000.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to go into Indigent Proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

1-Denial; 1-Release

9:20 a.m. Kelly and Leslie regarding claims:

Current Expense        $128,545.42    Road & Bridge             $   94,548.67
Airport                         $  19,902.55    Emergency Comm.     $   28,115.09
District Court             $    9,615.87     Title III New                 $   89,015.95
Title III                        $    1,026.82     Indigent                       $        192.41
Appraisal                    $       667.30     Solid Waste                 $ 153.230.57
Election Consol.        $       671.94      Noxious Weeds           $     2,283.90
Snowmobile 25-A     $         28.13     Snowmobile 25-B        $          13.00
Total                            $527,857.64

Duman moves to approve the claims.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

9:33 a.m. Carol Moehrle regarding public hearing for the budget for the North Central Public Health District-presents budget request for FY23.

Lindsley questions increases in a couple of line items-discussion.

Jerry Zumalt commends Moehrle for support in County preparedness exercises.

Lindsley questions where we are going with COVID-Moehrle reports that our region looks good-no hospitalizations since March.

Jim Church updates regarding his upcoming retirement from the U of I-he has been asked to stay on as the District Manager-this will allow him to assist in the hiring of his replacement who should be on board by mid-July.   Church advises that Kirstin Jensen will be acting as an interim County Chairman and will be presenting the budget and approving time-sheets.

Church advises that the Fair Board met last night-they are coordinating with Lewis County to house their fair this year since Lewis County lost their building this winter-discussion.

Sandi Paul regarding change order on the Massey Project-she identified a large, mature tree when she put the project together, but it was too large for mulching.  The property owners are elderly and frightened about the tree crashing into their house.  Paul obtained a bid from Levi Ewing to remove the tree for $1000-discussion.  Duman moves to approve the additional $1000 from Ewing for the tree removal.  Lindsley seconds.   Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the minutes of the May 9 meeting.  Lindsley seconds.

Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the minutes of the May 3 meeting.  Lindsley seconds.

Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the new hires and wage increases for the Sheriff’s Office.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the wage increase for Road Dept. employee.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the hiring of a substitute secretary in the Extension Office.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the copier lease for the Vault. Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Order for Cancellation as per Abbie Hudson.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Alcoholic Beverage License for Family Dollar. Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the agreement with Syringa Hospital for non-emergency jail medical treatment as amended.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Additional Meeting Requests for Duman for Stibnite Foundation and for Duman and Lindsley for IAC County Officials Institute.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Duman moves to approve the Order Granting Variance for River Rock Investments.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

Hunter Edwards presents Final Plat for Ironwood Subdivision-discussion regarding opening an area that was previously gated by BLM.  Edwards reviews letter from plat review by JUB-discussion regarding how the listed items have been addressed.   Edwards will add a few things to the final plat that have been discussed and send it directly to Geremy at JUB for a final review.  Edwards will coordinate rescheduling with Ackerman.

Duman moves to amend the motion previously passed regarding River Rock Investments, should have been variance for Terri Helmich.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt is absent.

11:16 a.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________