May 15, 2006

County of Idaho

MAY SESSION                  May 15, 2006                  THIRD TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Randy Doman, Jim Rehder, Alice Mattson, Commissioners, and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

Jim Biebow requesting dust abatement for Cove Road.

Jon Stroop re: road and airport report. Randy requested dust oil information for Idaho County web site – cost and road preparation and contact information. Discussion followed.
Airport advisory board – Chad Frei will represent the city of Grangeville – Jim Babb continues to serve on board – Carl Urquhart to replace Bill Spencer. Jim made motion to appoint individuals. Alice seconded. Motion carried with all in favor.
Shingle Creek Road – soften up a couple of corners – road will not be relocated – ROW discussed – survey issue (two different opinions) – has to be resolved – discussion followed.
Jim requested information on Seven Devil’s Road survey – Jon will check on progress.

Karen Braun re: road to Dutchers Place up Cottonwood Creek – requesting county to maintain this road – possible road switch between Winona Highway District and Idaho County discussed – Karen presented copy of Winona Highway District meeting minutes from 4-2-44. Jon will get further information from highway district – Jon will check on ROW deed.
Daryl Newman stated he owns the road – he is paying taxes on road – he should be consulted – road runs through his property.

Alice read letter from resident regarding logging on Greer Grade – causing problems and damage to road – Jon will check out situation.

Commissioners’ reports:
Alice – contacting individuals for solid waste committee – discussion followed on size of committee and what committee hopes to accomplish – it should be to advise commissioners.
Jim – dive team – mental health board – solid waste survey – support for Gene Danliker’s visit to Washington D C for Craig/Wyden fly in – possibility of donating $100. Jim made motion to donate the $100. Randy seconded. Discussion followed. Jim withdrew motion.

Del Lunders re: Deed of Trust signature on subdivision – Inland Title was asked to sign off as trustee – disagreed with this – Summer Breeze subdivision – explained that he doesn’t want to set precedence.
Dennis Albers explained title insurers have no problem – clearly it should be done – trustee as defendant if law suit is filed. Discussion followed.
Randy made motion to not have trustee sign off on subdivision plat. Jim seconded. Discussion. Motion carried with all in favor.

Solid waste committee duties discussed – 10-18 people on committee – new contract is due by July 31, 2006 – Dennis explained process of what should be accomplished – meeting set for May 17, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Task Force – objective – discussion followed.

Commissioners signed application for transportation and utility systems and facilities on federal lands (BLM). Idaho County, applicant for parcel of land to be used as dumpster site.

Reports continued:
Randy – county road system working with highway districts – combining of equipment and personnel – discussion only.
Jim solid waste advisory committee – strategic plan to get things accomplished for the county.

11:30 a.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims. Alice seconded. Motion carried.
11:45 a.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.

Elected Officials meeting:
Steve Frei, Coroner, reported on meeting he attended in Reno.
John Nida, Under Sheriff, – all new pick ups have arrived – car will be delivered in about two weeks – Riggins Rodeo – jail report – employees
Rose – elections and WIR report
Joan Hall for Sharon Cox , Treasurer, – tax payment reminder
Kirk MacGregor, Prosecuting Attorney, – meth labs and cases – post murder trial – child abuse cases.
Jim Beckman, Assessor, – homeowners exemption – solid waste notices – vehicle registration.
Jim Rehder, Commissioner, legislation on mental health issue
Randy – high cost of fuel issues

Silas Counts reported on the building he is tearing down – burned apartment building – has problem with Walco charging for tearing house down and hauling to land fill – Randy explained charges and read portion of Ordinance 12 regarding disposal of bulky items.

Charlie Poxleitner re: lien for county assistance against his property – wants lien released – buying house and lot – his last payment against lien was August, 2002.
2:20 p.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session regarding indigent matter. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
2:39 p.m. Ended. Regular session resumed
Alice made motion to subordinate the indigent lien on his house located at 973 Keuterville Road – pay $50.00 each month on lien. Jim seconded. Motion carried with Alice and Jim in favor. Randy against.

Don Solberg and Denise Uhlenkott, District 242, re: health insurance program – deductible buy down program – Denise explained their school program. Don Solberg will get further information for county and return to commissioners.

John Nida re: Riggins dive team –presented list of items from sheriff’s office – want to turn over to Riggins Dive Team – Jim made motion to transfer items to city of Riggins. Alice seconded. Motion carried.

Jim Rehder re: Mental Health Update – Vicky and Joyce invited from Lewiston to report on ACT team – Orofino has three members – Lewiston has five members – grant is available for one more Act team member – Jim would like to have this member in Idaho County. Vicky and Joyce explained what ACT team does – goal is to get this one person in Grangeville – information meeting only.

Richard Baines, Summer Breeze Subdivision, (recorded) met with Grangeville Highway District three times – LHTAC discussed on when highway district adopted standards – comments followed on condition of road – Grangeville Highway district refusal to sign plat.
Plat has to be drawn to include the entire 40 acre parcel – property owners within these 40 acres have to give their consent. Dennis Albers will draft letter to other property owners requesting their consent to participate in subdivision plat.
Baines compared letter from Albers to the subdivision ordinance – Baines is appealing to the commissioners and not the legal department – he has questions regarding original 40 acre parcel – does his subdivision have to go back to original 40 acre parcel – he does not forcibly want to include other owners of this 40 acre parcel to be part of this subdivision. He wants to only plat his 10 acres. Plat will be drawn if the other three property owners agree – Dennis will do further work.

Resolution #59 signed granting permission to the Idaho Department of Motor vehicles supervisor of Idaho County to destroy those certain records which are shown and attached in Exhibit A, which have been kept a number of years – various documents pertaining to motor vehicle licensing prior to 1999 and various receipts pertaining to motor vehicle prior 1999.

The Board recesses at 5:15 p.m.
Chairman:___________________________ Attest:________