March 22, 2016

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


MARCH SESSION                                            March 22, 2016                      FOURTH TERM DAY



8:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Jim Chmelik, Skip Brandt and Mark Frei, and Annie Bledsoe, Deputy Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd and Kylie regarding claims:


Current Expense         $     28,278.73              County Road and Bridge   $   15,060.92 Airport                       $     33,057.86             Emergency Comm.            $    6,181.25

District Court              $    21,863.60              Title III-New                     $  14,870.10 Indigent                     $    10,789.33              Junior College                   $    4,900.00

Appraisal                    $        978.30              Solid Waste                       $    1,000.00

Search & Rescue         $         106.59             Election Consol.                 $         16.51

Noxious Weed             $       2,867.11            Snowmobile 25-B              $         10.00

Total Expenditures     $  139,980.30


Frei moves to approve claims. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:00 a.m. Mark Frei regarding potential solid waste depot site- Bruce Graham is interested in renting his property for depot site but only for ten years-agreed to $600 per month for the site. This site has great access, flat ground, already an approach going in on the truck route-would like to do another approach on Day road so one could be entrance and one could be exit. County would have to carry the liability. Frei will also approach Rocky Canyon Pellet about the extra room on their lot. Frei advises that we need to get potential locations in the paper so people can have a chance to speak their opinion. Frei regarding the need to do some landscaping around the area so the view coming into town is better-this location is near where they are currently recycling. Brandt advises that we should do a public meeting at the site-there is potential to buy a lot that is right behind the Graham property. The only thing that could change would be the status of the transfer station.


9:10 a.m. Sophos Enduser Protection Web and Email quote from CompuNet-discussion regarding coverage and need for this protection.  Dominic Ponozzo was contacted by phone to answer questions. Brandt moves to approve 36 month agreement with CompuNet for $7164.00. Chmelik seconds. Motion passes with all in favor.


9:15 a.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding lease with Kenneth Walters for the Riggins Dumpster Site- Mr. Walters wants to make sure that the site will be kept clean of debris and waste every two weeks. Chmelik moves to approve the lease agreement with Kenneth Walters. Brandt seconds. Motion passes with all in favor.


9:25 a.m. Miscellaneous Approvals- Chmelik moves to approve the purchase of three file cabinets for the Treasurer’s Office-priced around $1200.00. Brandt seconds. Motion passes with all in favor.


Frei advises that he has a meeting with Ida-Lew on Wednesday at 5pm in Kamiah.


There is a priority planning meeting in Kamiah, tentatively set for March 31st. Brandt will attend if need be.


Brandt advises there is a fire fighters meeting on Thursday the 24th at 9 in Kamiah that he will be attending.


9:30 a.m. Weed Shop Carpet Bids- tabled until next week.


Jerry Zumalt regarding application for hazard mitigation funding-this will be utilized to fix the road where the tree fell at John Day Creek, among other things. Grant application requires a resolution appointing an application agent. Brandt moves to approve resolution number 2016-103. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


9:45 a.m. Mike Cook regarding Airport Lease agreement sale of Dale Everly hanger to Kaschmitter-Frei at $.07 cents square foot.  Brandt to approve lease to Kaschmitter-Frei. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Don Everly is tentatively buying Kamiah Air Service hanger. Brandt moves to approve lease to Don Everly, if sale takes place. Chmelik seconds. Motion passes with all in favor


Mike Cook advises that it will be in paper tomorrow that the taxi way and runway will be completed this year. Bids open April 19th. They are short of funds, but state has already agreed to come up with the difference.


10:00 a.m. Jenny Fisher, USFS, regarding Crooked River Valley Rehab Project- Mike Edmonson in Elk City on the phone. Kirk MacGregor provides background on this project to date-advises that the project started in 2012-USFS moved forward with mitigation package, but had not formally invited the county to consult on the adverse effects of historic property. The County made an appeal to Advisory Council for Historic Preservation regarding our concern that our objections to the project with respect to historical value/preservation were not considered -ACHP sent letter of their opinion back in August putting a stop work order on the contract-Phase One was already in play. MacGregor advises ACHP is an oversite agency that considers federal rules and acts as a mediator when there is a disagreement-Federal and local agencies need to get together and talk, but if there is no agreement then the agency will step in and mediate. Brandt advises that the current project as it sits will destroy a piece of history-it was a part of our mining history. Ripping it out and putting a plaque up will be detrimental to preserving this part of local history. Chmelik advises that Crooked River is a thriving area we should recognize what is there and leave it alone-great fishing there and that will be ruined with this project in addition to destroying the history-questions how the project will improve the habitat. Chmelik advises that an environmental assessment was done-it is clear that this area has very important historical value, there is no way to do this project and preserve the historical value. Discussion regarding mining operations and access on the Buckhorn Road.  Cook regarding his understanding that there was a proposal for Crooked River that was less intrusive, but wasn’t considered-need to look at something that maintains history, but helps the fisheries. Cheryl Probert advises she is willing to look at other options and come to an agreement-discussion regarding possible solutions and what should be considered.  Both sides agree there may be middle ground to agree on-there needs to be further conversations about where the area of compromise lies.  Brandt again requests a meeting on-site to review and discuss the project. Cook advises carefully consideration should be given to the mitigation package-Commission will look at this again and make suggestions to include access to the Buckhorn area.  Jamie Edmondson suggests that the Historical Preservation Commission should be involved as well.


10:57 a.m. Tucker Lindsey regarding issue he has with USFS charge on some of his property taxes. The Commission explained that it is a timber tax assessed by the State Department of Lands for fighting fire.  Lindsey is frustrated that they won’t protect his cabin anyway.


11:07 a.m. Skip Brandt regarding Jt. Powers Agreement with Adams County to pursue regional landfill each county holds a portion of liability. Continued until Brandt meets with other counties.


11:11 a.m. Gene Meinen regarding upcoming meeting with ITD-discussion regarding the County’s position on the 129,000 lb. loads. Meinen advises that he is personally against allowing the 129,000 lb. loads because of safety concerns, as well as the condition of the road.  Brandt advises that his concern is limiting road use and the potential of closing the road completely to truck traffic-there is currently an 80,000 lb limit. Meinen will attend the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 23 at 4 pm, but the Commission is not ready to take a position.


Meinen regarding an agreement with Idaho Asphalt Supply for road oil-this is piggy back pricing that was offered to Shoshone Highway District. Brandt moves to approve recommendation from Meinen for asphalt prices to piggy back with the Shoshone bid. Chmelik seconds. Motion passes with all in favor.


11:34 a.m. Dave Kuisti regarding Elk City Slide update-one rock was the size of a truck, none made it into the river. The contractor is building a temporary elevated road that will be accessible to all vehicles-open 7 days per week at designated times each day-can accommodate emergency traffic.  Kuisti was advised that the Forest Service detour route is coming apart-not sure when it will get opened up again. Discussion regarding road use and possibility of additional meetings in Elk City.


12:00 p.m. Chmelik moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874. Brandt seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes.


0-Approval, 1-Denial, 1-Lien, 1-N1, 1-Lien Release, 1-Release N1


12:05 End Indigent.




Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________