March 11, 2025

March 11, 2025
*Denotes Action Item

9:00 a.m. *Storage Shed Flooding Remediation————————-Jerry Zumalt
9:15 a.m. *Employee Benefits———————————————-Terrance Kohler
9:30 a.m. *Road Department Vehicle Purchase Request/
Idaho County Soil & Water Conservation District Contract————-Guy VonBargen
9:45 a.m. *Airport Apron Grant/Snow Removal Plan; JUB Contract for Services-Mike Cook
10:15 a.m. *Claims———————————————————–Teresa/Andrew
10:30 a.m. *Idaho Department of Lands Agreement——————–Sandi Paul
10:45 a.m. *Miscellaneous Approvals/Additional Meetings————Commission
Minutes of the February 25 Meeting; Orders of Cancellation; SO New Hires; Assessor’s Office Wage Increase Requests;  Parks & Rec Boat Safety Grant; Quality Heating Quote; Alcoholic Beverage License Mac’s Steak House; CompuNet Quote; Mapping Independent Contractor Agreement; Tyler (Credit Card Vendor)
License Agreement;
11:00 a.m. *Project Update————————————————-Jerry Zumalt
11:15 a.m. *Review of Split Process—————————————-Matt Jessup
11:25 a.m. *Executive Session 74-206(1) b Personnel——————-Kim Nuxoll
The Afternoon Session will be held in the District Courtroom-Doors Open at 12:45 p.m.
1:00 p.m. *Public Hearing-Petition to Vacate White Bird Station/Adams Camp
USFS Workarounds———————————————————Commission

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
March 11 is National Johnny Appleseed Day

Additional Meetings
Brandt– CFTM Timber Methodology Meeting-March 13