March 10, 2015

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho

MARCH SESSION                                            March 10, 2015                      SECOND TERM DAY

  8:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Jim Chmelik, Mark Frei and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Syd regarding claims:

Current Expense         $      48,462.80                        County Road and Bridge         $     37,083.42             Airport                         $        1,302.43                        Emergency Comm.                 $       3,094.02

District Court              $        5,196.93                        Title III Forest-New                 $     47,501.10               Indigent                       $        6,926.29                        Appraisal                                 $             44.45

Drug Enforcement       $        7,423.27                       Solid Waste                             $   132,137.30

Search & Rescue         $           308.83                        Election Consolidation            $       1,463.73             Noxious Weeds           $        1,870.88                        Snowmobile 25-A                    $          696.87

Snowmobile 25-B        $           169.94


Total Expenditures      $    293,682.26


Brandt moves to pay the claims.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


9:00 a.m. Gene Meinen regarding Federal Lands Access Program grant application to fund some of the repairs necessary on the Salmon River Road.  Meinen provides background on Salmon River Road project and concerns with substantial conformity-grant will assist in the repairs without compromising our position on acceptance of the road-discussion.  Chmelik moves to approve grant application.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Grant application also requires signature of Forest Supervisor Cheryl Probert-application signed by Ms. Probert.


9:05 a.m.  Cheryl Probert and Ralph Rau, representing USFS, present update on activities.  Jim Chmelik regarding concerns for timber salvage sales and timber sales in general-understands that there are problems with the threat of lawsuits, NEPA process, etc.  Chmelik regarding travel plan and straightening of Crooked River-advises these are other areas of concern.  Mark Frei advises that he believes in human exceptionalism-that humans are given plants, trees, animals, etc. to be cared for and used for the betterment of society.  This puts us at odds with most environmentalists, who feel that humans are a detriment to nature. Frei advises that he understands the Forest Service has many different groups of people they have to work with and that this is a challenge when there are so many opposing views.  Brandt thanks Probert for attending the last meeting of the CBC-feels it is important that she continue to attend in order to understand the process.  Probert regarding the need to be more efficient in light of consolidating two forests, big projects being considered and fewer staff members to handle the workload.  Probert regarding Forest Plan Revision-advises of the benefit of the county being engaged as cooperating agency status-advises that new planning rules address not only environmental sustainability, but also social and economic sustainability-this is not an area of expertise for them, so they rely heavily on the input of others, such as the County Commissioners.  Brandt questions timeframe for developing the Forest Plan Revision-Probert advises she hopes for April, with the draft EIS coming out in the Fall-she will be relying on the collaborative to work through some of the identified issues, such as recommended wilderness-discussion.  Brandt questions reforestation process-Ralph Rau advises that the funding hasn’t been available in the past-acknowledges that there needs to be better evaluation-feels that there may be some change coming as this need is being recognized.  Chmelik advises that he has discussed the health, safety and welfare component of this situation with Director Tidwell-advises that he feels the Forest Service could engage the American public with some public relations efforts-feels that many on the East coast do not truly understand what is at stake.  Chmelik questions what a categorical exclusion is-Probert advises that the Forest Service has a list of extraordinary circumstances, which will allow this exclusion from the NEPA process-examples are road maintenance, trail maintenance, etc. For projects this category that qualify for categorical exclusion, the process has been done enough times that it is pre-determined that no significant impact will occur-discussion.  Chmelik questions how much consideration would be given to a County resolution pertaining to roadside salvage, ingress and egress for the health, safety and welfare of our citizens-Probert advises that areas should be prioritized and outlined with an emphasis on desired conditions-feels this would be very helpful.  Chmelik advises that he feels that we need to be in coordinating agency status, rather than cooperating agency status-feels that the collaborative groups are not providing the kind of results he would like to see and that the environmental groups tend to drive the productivity of the collaborative groups as a whole.  Rau advises that the collaborative has helped in significant ways, perhaps not to the level the Commission would like to see, but it has helped. Discussion regarding collaborative process, both in outside groups and also in plan revision development.  Chmelik questions NEPA process and whether or not the Forest Plan Revision will include a study on the human and economic impact-Probert advises that this is being considered and discussed-have been talking with U of I for information on costs associated with conducting this type of study.  Chmelik advises that he has concerns about studies done by Headwater Economics-they are providing a static study that does not reflect actual changing conditions or the positive possibilities presented with change. Brandt regarding the impact of ‘take no action’ decisions-asks for an explanation of how various impacts are weighed-Probert advises that this has been addressed much better in the past ten years-advises that an example of this is the Johnson Bar salvage-could be considered salvage or could be considered restoration-they are working on developing a communication strategy to assist in telling the story and advising the public of the trade-offs of no action.  Chmelik regarding previous letters sent concerning Crooked River and the Forest Plan Revision-asks for a response from the Forest Service.  Brandt questions the new process for submitting comments/objections to draft plans.  Probert explains that the objection process takes place prior to the decision-this allows stakeholders to participate and collaborate, rather than waiting until an appeal is filed which places the Forest Service in the position of defending the decision.  Brandt questions whether or not the comments made previously regarding the Crooked River Project are the basis of a formal objection or whether additional comments/objections can be made-Probert explains process specific to this scenario-discussion.  Frei questions whether or not the Forest Service has data on the number of people visiting the wilderness-Probert advises they do have information that includes the number of ‘local’ visitors and the number of visitors from outside the area-discussion.  Commission advises that they appreciate the discussion and look forward to a continued relationship.  Ralph Rau advises the Nez Perce Travel Plan is coming out soon and that the county will be kept in the loop.


Approval of wage increase for Data Processing employee Shawna Hilbert to $11.65 per hour for completion of probation.


Approval of voided check to IPICD, Inc. for $375-class not attended.


Order for Cancellation-$200.80-Michael Hensel


Approval of hiring of James Spets as a part-time employee in the Road Department at $17.34 per hour.


10:57 a.m.  Chmelik moves to amend the agenda to include oil bid opening.  Brandt seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes


10:58 a.m.  Bid opening-Idaho Asphalt & Supply-HFE300-$77,850; HFE150-$127,600 for a total of $205,450; Western States Asphalt-HFE300-$87,300; HFE150-$136,675 for a total of $223,975.  Frei questions the unloading fees-Meinen advises that they generally allow two hours for unloading .  Meinen requests a review of bids prior to award-tabled until next week.


11:02 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 67-2345(f) legal.  Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes


11:57 a.m. Chmelik moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Brandt seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


1-Approval, 0-Denial, 2-Liens, 2-N1, 4-Lien Release, 4-N1 Release


12:31 p.m.  End Indigent


1:00 p.m. Randy Doman regarding grant for fire mitigation work near Harpster through IDL-they have been working on this for a year and a half-MOU was just completed and needs to be signed.  Chmelik moves to approve the MOU with the Idaho Department of Lands for fire mitigation as presented.  Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


1:10 p.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding MOA with North Central Public Health District-this is an agreement that allows health links to be placed on our website in exchange for a $2000 reimbursement, funded through NCPH grant funding.  Brandt moves to approve the MOA with North Central Health.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Order for Cancellation-$1.05 Debeeann Boyd


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the March 3 meeting as amended.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:15 p.m.  Jim Chmelik regarding a request from BLM to pay $2250 for administrative costs to transfer 31 acres of BLM ground for a shooting range near Riggins.  Chmelik moves to pay these fees.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  This should be taken out of Commissioner’s Professional Services line.


1:30 p.m. Carl Crabtree regarding Weed Supervisor position-Brandt reviews job description, questions requirement for a bachelor’s of science degree-Crabtree advises that he feels the education would be very beneficial.  Discussion regarding grants and the ability to supplement salary with grant administration fees.  Discussion regarding starting salary and ways to incentivize position. Kathy Ackerman will put together an ad for the newspaper.  Crabtree will send information out to area colleges and others who might be interested.


2:00 p.m.  Kathy Ackerman regarding janitor position.  Discussion regarding applicants.  Brandt moves to hire Daniel Schaub, who has been a substitute janitor for the County for the past year.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Chmelik will contact Mr. Schaub.


2:15 p.m.  Gene Meinen regarding design standard changes for Manning Crevice Bridge.  Chmelik moves to approve Western Federal Lands design modification.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


2:20 p.m. Meinen regarding engineering agreement from ITD for TD & H for engineering services on the Clear Creek Bridge.  Meinen did not present it to MacGregor for review-this is standard language for agreements under grant funding.  Chmelik moves to approve agreement as presented.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


Meinen advises that long-time Road Department Secretary Mary Lycan is retiring.  Discussion on replacement-Meinen will run the position through Job Service and/or in the newspaper.


2:30 p.m. James Zehner and Abbie Hudson regarding opening in Data Processing.  Brandt regarding the need for IT person-discussion about whether or not now is the time to expand that position into one of more IT responsibilities. Hudson advises the position is needed for work in both her office and the Assessor’s Office-feels that an IT position should be created if the Commission wants to move to utilizing someone in-house rather than contracting with CompuNet for support services. Hudson regarding utilizing Marie Lerandeau for training-she is available for 20 hours a week through May-feels this would be beneficial to insure proper training of the new person.  Zehner regarding DMV employee who is interested in position if the position can be a lateral transfer.  Commission has no objection to this proposal.  Lerandeau will be hired back part-time at $11.98 per hour for training.  Zehner will advertise for an opening in DMV.


2:47 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________