June 9, 2009


County of Idaho

JUNE SESSION              June 9, 2009                SECOND TERM DAY

             The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.


            Jerry Zumalt re: Communication project and funding – broad band update – microwave dish on the courthouse roof – grant funding – requesting $12,000.00 from E911 funds to install cement slab for installation of tower on  Rupp place on Mountain Top above Riggins.   Commissioners approved.


            Gene Meinen re: road report – Dennis Talbort letter regarding abuse of ROW in Pine Ridge Subdivision – discussion followed.

            Grangeville Highway District met with commissioners regarding Cove Road – RAC funding did not come through for this project – paving of one mile – district wants to work with County for paving of this road – Gene and Daryl Mullinix will rough out project to get road paved.


            Mike Cook, Jim Gray and Tom Bates, NezPerce National Forest regarding Idaho Airport – leasing agreement – provision of additional services discussed.

            Jim Gray stated negotiations to provide fuel to helicopters can be done, but difficult – they are self supporting.

            James discussed landing fees – fuel flowage – parking issues.


            Skip signed participating agreement between Idaho County, NezPerce Tribe and NezPerce National Forest for treatment and management of specific noxious weeds.


            Claims – Jennifer Randall

Current Expense             $44,207.97        Road & Bridge             $6,054.05

Airport                               5,428.50        Emergency Comm             211.72

District Court                      4,590.38       Title III New                24,362.88

Indigent                              6,627.91        Junior College                    150.00

Solid Waste                    106,726.18       Noxious Weeds            35,400.96

            Jim made motion to approve claims.  James seconded.  Motion carried.

                                    Total                $233,760.55


            11:19 a.m.        Skip made motion to enter into executive session for pending litigation I C 67-2345(f).  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            11:45 a.m.        Ended

                        Skip made motion to authorize Joe Wright to draft stipulation stating county has no interest in McLean vs. Schwab litigation including additional condition for protection of county’s interest.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            11:50 a.m.        Jim made motion to enter into executive session for indigent session. I C 31-874.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            12:05 p.m.        Ended.

                        Three liens/N-1’s          two approved   one denied


            Sheriff Giddings re; employee grant proposal – requesting support from commissioners – discussion followed on whether or not this extra employee is really needed.  Employee would work traffic – county pays 25% – state pays 75% for the first year.   No decision made at this time.


            Leo Hansen requesting solid waste fee relief – Ron Funke presented information – discussion followed.  Hansen leases one parcel.  Commissioners said to follow policy and charge one parcel full fee and the other parcel half fee.


            Deanna Hall re: Vogelsong solid waste exemption for rental property – discussion followed.


            Lisa Kline, Jim Gray, Laura, Joe Harper, Payette National Forest presented Large Fire Plan update.  Information given to commissioners.


            Sheriff Giddings re: budget – employee grant for traffic enforcement deputy.  Jim made motion to approve the traffic enforcement deputy via grant.  James seconded.  Motion carried.


            3:13 p.m.          Jim made motion to enter into executive session for personnel matters – I C 67-2345(b).  James seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            3:40 p.m.          Ended.


            Bennett Building purchase agreement discussed – Skip made motion to approve purchase of Bennett Building for the Idaho County Road Shop.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            3:50 p.m.          Skip made motion to enter into executive session for pending litigation I C 67-2345(f) .  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            4:05 p.m.          Ended.


            Walco/Simmons requesting what to do with dumpsters – since we are consolidating dumpster sites – commissioners decided county’s portion of dumpsters will be given back to Walco/Simmons to continue to use.

            Skip made motion county will no longer participate in 50/50 contract clause for maintenance or ownership of dumpsters since no longer value to county – include no increase in existing contract.  James seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            James Zehner/Deanna Hall re: solid waste fees – cancel solid waste fee for Vogelsong half of first half cancellation.


            4:35 p.m.          Jim Rehder excused for remainder of meeting to attend Riggins City Council Meeting.


            FTP – file transfer protocol – $40.00 set up – $30.00/month from First Step.  Commissioners approved program.


            June 2, 2009 minutes.  Skip made motion to approve minutes.  James seconded.  Motion carried.


            5:00 p.m.          The board adjourned.


Chairman:___________________________       Attest:_______________________