June 29, 2021

County of Idaho

 JUNE SESSION                     JUNE 29, 2021                FOURTH TERM DAY

 8:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Denis Duman and Ted Lindsley and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Barb Grimm regarding situation with addressing when more than one address is requested on a parcel such as for RV parks-discussion regarding assigning one address with space numbers to delineate each space.  Commission advises that one address should be assigned-Ackerman will work on an updated resolution.

8:47 a.m. Kim Nuxoll regarding the new change for Homeowner’s Exemption-questions whether or not the exemption should be pro-rated depending on when the exemption is requested-discussion regarding how this will impact taxing districts.  Discussion regarding how to process cancellations-Hudson can prepare one sheet as she has in the past. Kirk MacGregor and Matt Jessup advise that they believe the law can be interpreted to allow proration. Commission directs Nuxoll and Hudson to move forward with this process.

9:00 a.m. Brandt opens public hearing on Application for Variance filed by Jeff and Nicole Sloan.  Jeff and Nicole Sloan sworn and testify.  Brandt questions regarding septic system and well-Jeff Sloan advises that there will be a shared well-agreement-septic has been checked by Public Health.  Brandt questions access-Sloan advises that there is access available, will need to do an easement if the variance is granted.  Jessup questions survey depicting parcels 1 and 2-Sloan clarifies that the request is to split off parcel 1.  Jessup questions access via private road-Sloan advises that the road becomes private once it reaches his property-discussion.  Jessup questions regarding whether or not strict adherence to the subdivision ordinance would create an undue financial burden-Sloan advises that it would.  Ackerman advises that the road is actually maintained by Kidder Harris per Gene Meinen, therefore, the Road Dept. has no objection.  Brandt moves to approve the variance.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

9:10 a.m. End Public Hearing

9:15 a.m. Nadine McDonald presents budgets for Juvenile and Misdemeanor Probation-increases for juvenile detention and electronic monitoring-discussion.  McDonald reviews proposed salary increases and salary scale-discussion.  Duman questions the amount delineated in juvenile detention-discussion.

9:35 a.m. Brandt moves to amend the agenda to include a fire mitigation bid opening at 11:45 a.m. that was advertised, but inadvertently left off the agenda. Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

9:36 a.m. Connie Jensen-Blyth presents budget for Noxious Weeds-outlines proposed salary increases and salary scale-discussion.  Brandt advises Jensen-Blyth to reach out to the Sheriff’s Office regarding replacing their aging ATV’s.

10:00 a.m.  Gene Meinen presents budget for the Road Department-outlines proposed salary increases and salary scale-discussion.  Meinen requests to hire someone temporarily to replace an employee out on Worker’s Comp-Commission has no objection.

10:15 a.m. Kirk MacGregor presents budget for Prosecutor’s Office-outlines proposed salary increases and salary scale-discussion.

10:30 a.m. Brandt regarding distribution of PILT funds-we received $1,856,702-discussion. Brandt moves to distribute $100,000 to the Road Department, $100,000 to Solid Waste and $1,656,702 to Current Expense.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:45 a.m. Abbie Hudson presents budget for Treasurer’s Office-outlines proposed salary increases and salary scale-discussion. Hudson updates Commission regarding investments-is expecting about $60,000 in interest due to bond investment decisions-discussion.

11:00 a.m. Brandt regarding continuation of Public Hearing concerning RS2477 Validation request by Lawrence Padrta.  Alan Cochran makes statement concerning the date of the parcel split.  Alan Cochran, Ken Cochran, Alana Lyons, and Lawrence Padrta sworn.  Jessup questions Ken Cochran regarding his statement concerning Exhibit 2.  Padrta offers copy of historic Nez Perce Indian Reservation map-marked as Exhibit 11.  Padrta offers copy of Survey #1372 as Exhibit 12.  Padrta offers Exhibits 13-17, aerial photos-discussion regarding photos.  Jessup questions Mr. Padrta regarding his personal knowledge of the location of the original trails-Padrta offers Exhibit 18-field notes.   Padrta requests that the Commission hire a surveyor to interpret the field notes-discussion.  Jessup questions Mr. Padrta regarding the purpose for seeking the validation-Padrta indicates that he seeks to assert the RS2477.  Jessup questions Mr. Padrta how the validation will benefit the public-Padrta indicates that this will open the road-feels that the action of the Commission from 1999 was erroneous.  Alana Lyons presents a letter written to Alan Cochran regarding his intent for opening the road-marked as Exhibit 19.  Mr. Padrta reads a portion of Exhibit 1 into the record.  Duman moves to deny the validation.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Jessup will prepare Findings.

11:48 a.m.  End Public Hearing

11:50 a.m. Brandt regarding bid opening for fire mitigation projects-one bid received from Rad Mulching-Fuller Project-$9,250; Scheide-$14,400; Gentry-$19,550; Flowers-$13,250; Fuhrmann-$24,716; Walker-$21,500; Myers-$13,800.  Brandt moves to approve the awards to Rad Mulching.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Paul questions the 50% cost share-advises that there are a few properties in the Red Segal area that were quoted at 100%-Commission advises that those previously quoted should be grandfathered in.

11:55 a.m. Brandt moves to approves the Orders for Cancellation as per Abbie Hudson.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the June 22 meeting. Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Additional meetings-Duman-July 8-SAC; July 23-District II

12:05 p.m. Break for lunch

12:56 p.m. Brandt moves to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding the Application for Variance filed by Jeff and Nicole Sloan.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

1:05 p.m. Brandt opens Board of Equalization

Francis Joe Aragon, who requested to appear in person, not present.  Kim Nuxoll, Leah Mager, Ron Funke, Megan Turner and Alana Lyons sworn.  Leah Mager testifies regarding Mr. Aragon’s appraisal.

1:15 p.m. William and Maureen Guido, not present, were given an option to appear by phone but did not make arrangements to do so.  Alana Lyons testifies regarding the appraisal for the Guidos.  Brandt questions regarding process for trending-Nuxoll explains the process.

1:30 p.m. Richard Gribble sworn and testifies. Discussion regarding the assessment process and the ability to manage increases.  Nuxoll presents market trends since 2009-advises that there were a few years when values went down.

1:45 p.m. Fred & Janet May, not present, were given an option to appear by phone but did not make arrangements to do so.  Megan Turner testifies regarding the appraisal for the Mays.

1:50 p.m. Break until 2:30

2:30 p.m. Brandt reopens BOE.  Albert and Terrie Mills sworn and testify. Alana Lyons testifies regarding the appraisal for the Mills.

2:45 p.m. Lowell Pitman, via telephone, sworn and testifies.  Leah Mager testifies regarding the appraisal for the Pitmans.

3:05 p.m. Daryl Mullinix sworn and testifies. Alana Lyons testifies regarding the appraisal for Mullinix.

3:21 p.m. Scott Stouder & Holly Endersby Trust, not present, were given an option to appear by phone but did not make arrangements to do so. Alana Lyons testifies regarding the appraisal for the Trust.

3:30 p.m. Rick and Rene Schultsmeier, via telephone, sworn and testifies. Alana Lyons testifies regarding appraisal for the Schultsmeiers. Mr. Schultsmeier will remeasure the residence and report those figures to Ackerman.

3:45 p.m. Christie Christensen sworn and testifies. Alana Lyons testifies regarding appraisal for Christensen.

4:05 p.m. Mark and Shelly Frayser, not present, were given the date and time for hearing-advised that they would be appearing, but did not appear.  Ron Funke testifies regarding appraisal of all parcels.

4:15 p.m. James & Brenda Luetger, not present, were given an option to appear by phone but did not make arrangements to do so.  Alana Lyons testifies regarding the appraisal for the Luetgers.

4:22 p.m. Guy Burke sworn and testifies. Leah Mager testifies regarding appraisal for Mr. Burke.  Appraisers will come down to do a site visit.

4:35 p.m. Rebecca Klaus, via telephone, sworn and testifies. Alana Lyons testifies regarding appraisal for Klaus Sisters, LLC.

4:48 p.m. End BOE

4:50 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________