June 25, 2012


County of Idaho


JUNE SESSION                                    June 25, 2012                         BOARD OF EQUALIZATION


1:00 p.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, James Rockwell and Jim Chmelik and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Riggins Associates c/o Watkins Development not present. They have submitted an appraisal of this property from 2010 for consideration.


Kathy Terhaar, Idaho County Assessor’s Office, presents basis for valuation.


Chmelik questions whether or not income stream is looked at when assessments are done-Terhaar indicates that they do try to get that information, but they are not always able to get it. They did not have the information on this.


Chmelik requests the assessment numbers on this property from 2005-Terhaar will get that information.


Ron Funke advises that the submitted appraisal was done for estate purposes. Given the purpose of the facility, (low income housing), they are restricted from showing a profit for the terms of their financing. Funke advises that the appraisal had to look at comparables a great distance away-the reality is that property/land in Riggins is expensive-he feels that the property value is appropriate.


1:25 p.m. Kelley Chamberlain, Debbie Chamberlain, Suzie Eckert and James Zehner sworn.


Exhibit 1-packet of 4 pictures of mine across from property, marked

Exhibit 2-sales flyer for custom log home
Exhibit 3-Carver Creek Property sales flyer


Mr. Chamberlain advises that they have been trying to market this property for the past three years, but due to the mining activities across the river they have not been successful. Advises that he is not against mining activities, just indicating that the few interested folks he’s had don’t like the noise and dust.


Suzie Eckert, Assessor’s Office, indicates that they have adjusted the property rating to reflect a change in the status due to the mining activities-downgraded to ‘fair to average’ from ‘good’. Discussion.


1:40 p.m. Scott & Vickie Harrold not present. They have submitted written documentation for consideration.


Joyce Bruegeman, Idaho County Assessor’s Office, presents basis for valuation. Property was purchased back in February for $53,000-owners came in to request an address for the purpose of putting in power. The addition of on-site services adds to the value of the property-discussion.


1:47 p.m. Rene Jack & Tyko Isaacson not present. They have submitted a letter for consideration.


Suzie Eckert, Idaho County Assessor’s Office, presents basis for valuation. Discussion.


1:55 p.m. John and Sandy Charles not present. They have submitted a letter for consideration.


Suzie Eckert, Idaho County Assessor’s Office, presents basis for valuation-advises that they have completed a grid for valuation of the properties on Diamond Springs Subdivision-the lots have trended down for the past several years. Discussion.


2:05 p.m. George Locke-Paddon not present. He has submitted a letter for consideration.


Leah Mager, Idaho County Assessor’s Office, presents basis for valuation. Advises that the area was trended down this past year.


2:10 p.m. Skip Brandt appears on behalf of Kamkoo Flying Club-presents a copy of non-profit certification-requests cancelation based on non-profit status.


James Zehner advises that other non-profits, such as gun clubs and ski-courses, are off the property tax rolls. Discussion. Kathy Terhaar, Idaho County Assessor’s Offices, presents basis for valuation-advises that the assessment was done mostly for accounting purposes.


Rockwell questions what happens to other non-profits who provide documentation-Zehner advises that people requesting this exemption are directed to petition the Commission. Discussion. Zehner will follow-up with MacGregor and will do some further checking on non-profits.


2:30 p.m. Board of Equalization adjourns.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:__________________________