June 23, 2009


County of Idaho


JUNE SESSION                    June 23, 2009               FOURTH TERM DAY


            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.


            PILT disbursement discussed:   Following approved:  District Court – $100,000 – Indigent – $100,000 – Appraisal – $50,000 – Airport $150,000 – remainder in to Current Expense -$1,022,343. Total amount PILT received -$1,422,343.

            Jim made motion to approve disbursement.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            9:00 a.m. Road oil bid opening – Two bids presented from Western States and Idaho Asphalt Supply.  Tabled until Gene reviews.


            Gene Meinen re: road/airport report.  Grangeville Truck Route discussed. 

                        Airport – fuel truck acquisition – land acquisition at airport discussed.  Gene will continue to work with Riedesel on land acquisition.

                        Runway project is in process – may be completed the end of this week – airport closed during this time.


            9:30 a.m.          Regular session recessed – Commissioners meet as Board of Equalization.  Assessor and appraisers and residents appealing their market value were sworn in by Rose before they give their testimony.


            Ralph Espinota T34N R3E Sec 3 – house built in 2005 – feels it is over assessed – home increased 44% in four years – one acre of land increased 116% – no improvements made.

            Ron Funke presented Woodland area sales – 39 sales.

            James Zehner explained assessing of agriculture and the one acre around the house/homeowners exemption.

            Ralph feels as if he is getting penalized.  He built the house for $48.00/sq. ft.


            Adeline Cooper presented by James and Max re: hardship – Adeline is on circuit breaker, but still doesn’t cover all of her taxes.  $328,580 total assessed value – circuit breaker covers $193,000 of this assessed value.


            BOE recessed – regular session resumed.


            Rod Lundgren re: Title III money – Idaho County wildfire mitigation plan – requesting to hire Suzanne Acton to integrate all of the documents into one – charging $30 -$40/hour – money will be taken from new Title III money – cost will be under $3,000.  Commissioners approved the hire.


            Syd Fuzzell re: Claims.

Current Expense           $17,313.48         Road & Bridge          $   992.21

Airport                           19,403.22         Emergency Comm       3,457.28

District Court                       223.94         Title III                           182.33

Indigent                            7,797.85         Appraisal                        197.37

Drug Enforcement                196.75        Solid Waste                  7,204.74

Noxious Weeds              15,071.78        Snowmobile 25B                 6.50

            Jim made motion to approve claims.  James seconded.  Motion carried.

                                                Total claims                  $72,047.45


            Regular session resumed.  BOE continued.


Steven & JoAnna Smith, Secesh Meadows subdivision Lot 11, Blk 2 presented appeal via phone.  Solid waste fee too costly – lives five months out of year in Secesh – states service is not very good in this area.

            Ron Funke stated there are no sales in this area to present.

            Joanne stated – since there are no sales – market value should not go up.

            James Zehner explained solid waste fee process.


            Harvey McCain, T 20N R3E Sec 12 – concerned on market value increase – feels it should be appraised at $70 – $80,000 – house is unfinished.

            Kim Nuxoll stated all but one acre is ag exemption – presented 5% trend on land and property – with trend; she is at the 98% level.

            Harvey will provide further information to Kim.

            James Zehner explained homeowners process.


            BOE recessed – regular session resumed.


            James Zehner re: Herman Yates request for  solid waste refund – ground was leased in December – Yates solid waste fee will be reduced to half rate for this year.

            Skip made motion to reduce the rate.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            James presented Eugene Ulrich request for solid waste refund.  Discussion followed.  Skip made motion to deny request.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            Deanna Hall re: Joan Arnzen request for solid waste fee exemption.  Joan – deceased – mobile home moved to Lewis County – James explained taxes on mobile homes – taxes were not prepaid – requesting removal of second half of solid waste fee.  Jim made motion to cancel second half.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            JoAnne Smith solid waste fee exemption.  James presented request to be half rate only.  Discussion followed.  Jim made motion to deny request.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.


            Regular session recessed.  BOE resumed.


            David & Shirley Overcast, Grangeville North of Main Street Addition Lots 1-3,  Max presented appeal – stated assessment has increased by almost 100% – sales in this area presented.


            BOE recessed – regular session resumed.


            11:30 a.m.        Jim made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims I C 31-874.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            11:48 a.m.        Ended.  Regular session resumed.

                        Three denied    Three approved            One lien and N-1


            11:50 a.m.        Skip made motion to enter into executive session for pending litigation I C 67-2345(f).  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            12:00 p.m.        Ended.


            June 16, 2009 minutes approved as amended.


            Towing policy – Kirk MacGregor and Sheriff’s Office – (recorded) – Terry Jackson present to discuss older court case Jackson vs. Idaho County – has documentation since 1990 – stated officers do not have right to call whom ever they want – policy is a guide line – Terry does not want the old policy thrown out.

            Commissioners stated it is a sheriff policy only.

            Kirk said there still is a rotation list and Terry is still on this list.

            Sheriff Giddings stated – if individual requests someone – they take that towing company – if not – they follow rotation list.


            Mike and Judy Fassino re:        solid waste fee being charge on their tool shed – protesting mandatory garbage fee – lives in this area six weeks out of the year – is being charge for a full year – Skip explained process.


            Regular session recessed.  BOE continued.


            Norman Keesler, T 21N R1E Sec 23, presented by Max – purchased in 1990 – built cabin for $40,000 – Keesler feels $100,000 is a fair market value.

            Max presented sales in this area.


            Gary & Mary Smith, Quailwood Estates Subdivision, presented by Kathy Terhaar – Kathy presented sales in this area – Smith feels $35,000 is fair market value.


            LaVahn England and Joannie England Fuchs, Hidden Canyon Subdivison Lot 5, Blk D – Lot 7 Blk D – Lot 6 Blk D – Lot 6 Blk B – Lot 5 Blk C   and Quailwood Estates Subdivison Lot 6, Blk 1 – Lot 8, Blk 1 – Lot 9,Blk 3 – Lot 9, Blk4 –Lot 11, Blk 4 – Lot 12, Blk 4 – Lot 1, Blk 5 – Lot 3, Blk 5 – Lot 2, Blk 5 – Lot 8, Blk 3

            Tammy Ragins entered for England Trust – requesting 25 – 30% reduction.

            James Zehner stated each block is appraised on its own – this raises the value – it was appraised at bulk acreage before.

            Tammy stated the rock crusher in this area takes away from the market value

            Kathy presented recorded sales

            Tammy questioned if sales are current – June 2006 is last sale.

            James stated it hasn’t been reappraised for five years.  Quailwood was trended in the past

            Alea Mager  – Quailwood Subdivison –  presented four sales.

            Joannie questioned why this area was appraised as individual lots – Hidden Canyon was appraised as individual lots.  Quailwood was just done this year as individual lots.


            Lloyd Kinser, Grangeville Halls First N2 Lots 11, 12, Blk F – value is higher than neighbors according to Kinser – feels fair market value should be $22,000 – $25,000.

            Kathy ran a sales ratio for 1 ½ years – appraisal is less than average – $39,030 should be the value.


            Bagdad Chase, Inc presented by Ron Funke – Marshall Lake Mining District – cabins were reduced in value – unable to mine according to owner.


            Jess & Lynn Brown, T21N R1E Sec 23, Tax #7 and #17, presented by Max – located by Rainbow Bridge – presented trend history.


            The Golden Trust presented by Kathy Terhaar, 34N R3E Sec 25 – feels $30,000 is fair for acreage and $18,000 for improvements according to appellant.


            BOE recessed until June 24, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.  Regular session resumed.


            Jim reported on commissioners and clerks meeting – rural health board meeting – Grangeville Highway District meeting – RAC meeting will be this Thursday.


            James – no report.


            Skip reported on land fill (SWAB) meeting  and the ATV issue.


            Recycling Committee report – power point presentation by Charlie Fournier, Chairman, survey was sent out – 818 responded.  Discussion followed.


            The board adjourned at 5:20 p.m.


Chairman:____________________________     Attest:______________________