June 19, 2018

County of Idaho

JUNE SESSION                                                JUNE 19, 2018                                     SECOND TERM DAY

8:30 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Mark Frei and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Doug Giddings regarding the surplus equipment program and his thoughts on what the program was intended to be-always intended that the money would go to Search and Rescue because all of the work was done by the Sheriff’s Office-discussion.  Brandt advises that he feels that the Sheriff was able to participate in this program through the authorization of the Commission and funding from the County-feels that the proceeds are to benefit the County as a whole-would like to consider using some of the proceeds to move Driver’s License upstairs-discussion.  Frei indicates that he concurs with Brandt-that he feels that the Commission made every effort to clarify expectations of the proceeds and participation in the program up front-feels that at least $15,000 needs to be designated for moving Driver’s License.  Duman advises that he feels that it is not appropriate to reimburse funds previously expended on Search & Rescue Building construction-feels that the costs needed to move Driver’s License need to be determined and appropriated from the sale proceeds.  Discussion regarding the intent of the program and future participation.  Jim Gorges advises that he did previously indicate that he feels that the proceeds should go for the good of the County-discussion.  Brandt moves to authorize the transfer of auction proceeds to Search and Rescue as follows: $39,294.11 for transportation/repairs, $30,000 for building completion, $36,000 for pickups transferred to other County departments; $9000 to Current Expense for use in the FY2019 SO budget for a fingerprint scanner and $22,011.19 to Current Expense for moving Driver’s License to the Main Floor.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

9:06 a.m. Brandt regarding insurance proposals-three proposals received-Camas Prairie Insurance, Solberg Agency and Farm Bureau Insurance/Murray Group.  Due the large amount of information presented and the intent of the Commission to select three proposals, Brandt suggests inviting each of these agencies to come back for a later presentation.  Duman concurs.  Proposals briefly reviewed-appointments will scheduled for July 3-45 minutes each.

9:15 a.m. Brandt regarding bid opening for Yakus 1c Project-Futuristic Forestry-$785/acre, $10,205 total; Mondragon-$800/acre, $10,400 total; Five Star Forestry-$1058/acre, $13,754 total.  Frei moves to award the bid to Futuristic Forestry.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

9:30 a.m. James Zehner regarding proposed budget-advises that his main increase is in the salary line-requesting 5% increase in order to stay current-requests additional increase for Shanna Legg for added responsibilities.  Zehner advises that additional funding could come from solid waste for administering the solid waste fees.  Decrease in Administrative Fees/Mail Outs, Vehicle Replacement.  Zehner advises that he feels that 5% increase for all county employees is warranted for this year and the next two years-discussion. Brandt questions whether there has been any interest in the open position and how many applications he expects to receive-Zehner advises that there have been a few interested from other departments-not sure how serious they are.  Duman questions how much time is involved in training-Zehner advises that there are several schools in order to obtain certification, as well as a year or two of on the job training with more senior appraisers.

9:45 a.m. Doug Giddings regarding proposed budget-Brandt questions if we are fully staffed-position open in the jail and dispatch, a couple patrol officers are set for POST graduation.  Giddings reviews budget decreases and increases-discussion.

10:00 a.m. Kathy Ackerman regarding proposed budgets for Clerk/Auditor, Elections, District Court Salaries, District Court, Court Facilities, Indigent, Election Consolidation & Interlock Device Fund-reviews salary increases-3% for all employees with additional step increases for some based on duties and performance.  Other changes reflected in District Court are for the anticipated completion of the Lankford trial in this fiscal year.

10:20 a.m. Randy Doman scheduled-did not appear for review.

10:30 a.m. Nadine McDonald regarding proposed budget-requests an additional 5% in salaries in both Misdemeanor and Juvenile Probation-increases also in domestic violence programming and drug testing.  McDonald reviews budget decreases and possible changes in revenue due to priority of payments in Odyssey.  Juvenile Probation will have a few increases due to increased caseloads and costs for detention-also capital outlay for new computers.

11:00 a.m. Mike Cook regarding proposed budget-everything is about the same except Professional Services, which reflects costs of ongoing litigation.  Cook advises that there is a need for a mower in order to take care of the grass between the taxiway and runway-discussion regarding costs-Commission proposes trying to contract with a nearby farmer to take down the grass.  Cook advises that there are remaining amounts in Runway and Taxiway Construction Match-amounts reflect spending authority-our share is 7%.

11:20 a.m. Jim Church regarding proposed budget-requests an additional 3% in salary lines, plus a small increase for additional temporary support staff.  Other line items are shifted slightly, but the bottom line is the same.   Church regarding Fair budget-they are requesting the same amount.  Church updates on flooding at the fairgrounds.

11:30 a.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding proposed budget-requesting 3% for Adam and him, 5% increase for secretarial support.  Other line items are adjusted to reflect the completion of the Lankford trial.

11:45 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Duman seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

1-Approval; 1-Denial; 0-Suspension; 3-Lien; 3-N1; 0-Release of Lien, 0-Release of N1

11:53 a.m. End Indigent-Break for Lunch

1:00 p.m. Connie Jensen-Blyth regarding MOU with Clearwater R C & D for the use of youth in summer programs-this is similar to what was done last year-additional work will be done on the South Fork this year.  Duman moves to approve the MOU as presented.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor. Jensen-Blyth regarding proposed budget-3% adjustment to salary line except for Alana-additional duties and work hours will come out of Noxious Weeds and will be adjusted accordingly from Extension. Ackerman will work with Connie and Jim regarding this adjustment. Jensen-Blyth reviews other line items with Commission-discussion.

1:30 p.m. John Cantlon and Jim & Yvonne Rector from the Secesh area regarding concerns they have over several various issues they would like clarification on.  Cantlon questions regarding the cemetery and how the Grangeville Cemetery District is involved in the care and maintenance-discussion regarding the contact information of Grangeville Cemetery District board members and how burials have been historically handled.  Mr. Rector advises that the homeowner’s association has been handling these requests and payment for the plots-Ackerman will provide the contact information in order for the homeowner’s association to reach out to the cemetery district for a possible agreement since Grangeville Cemetery District is the legal owner.  Cantlon questions regarding EMS services and coordinating with the County-discussion-Brandt directs Cantlon to make contact with the Sheriff’s Office, also advises that Jerry Zumalt is a good resource. Cantlon questions whether or not the fire house could be exempt or qualify for reduced taxes. Cantlon questions regarding the small lot owned by the County that is adjacent to the Fire House-questions whether or not the County has plans for this property or if someone could at least maintain the property to keep it looking nice and free from weeds.  Zehner advises that the fire house is currently exempt-although it is not a taxing district.  Cantlon questions regarding the road situation-questions whether or not creating a highway district would solve the problems.  Duman advises that we bladed the road last year even though an agreement wasn’t in place and we were chastised for that-they are currently working on an agreement with the Forest Service to make this happen-discussion.  Duman questions Cantlon regarding solid waste issues-Cantlon advises that they are not ready to address this issue currently-they are aware of the concerns-will be thinking of possible solutions.  Brandt thanks the group for coming to participate and for attempting to lead and unify the community.

2:05 p.m. Gene Meinen regarding proposed budget-requesting increase in the salary line-this is a yearly request-he feels that he is once again at a point where his employees are looking for jobs elsewhere.  Meinen reviews other line items-some have increased to reflect anticipated future costs of fuel and materials-also repairs and maintenance have increased due to the age of much of his equipment.  Brandt requests a prioritized list of equipment needs.

2:25 p.m. Brandt moves to approve the Idaho Dept. of Commerce grant agreement for Framing Our Community.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on the Patton Vacation.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Brandt moves to approve the Order of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the hiring of Danya Daniels as janitor to replace Dan Schwab.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the wage increase for Terry Matthews.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Proclamation Recognizing June 24 as Vietnam Veterans Day.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the minutes of June 12 as corrected.  Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Additional meetings: Brandt-CBC-June 27

2:45 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________