June 16, 2009


County of Idaho


JUNE SESSION                    June 16, 2009                    THIRD TERM DAY


            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Skip Brandt, Jim Rehder, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.


            Vern Meyer re: shed for jail equipment – possibility of placing this shed on cement slab by picnic table on courthouse lawn.  Discussion followed.  Vern will get quotes for building.


            Gene Meinen re: road report.  Trip to Valley County regarding Warren Wagon Road – will work on contract with Valley County for maintenance of this road.

            Orogrande roads – NezPerce National Forest is doing work in this area – possibility of doing dust abatement in Orogrande Community – cost/share project.

            Timber sales in Carabel and Nut Basin area – Gene would like to get help or funding to maintain these roads from the Idaho State Lands. 


            9:25 a.m. James Rockwell present.


            Daryl Mullinix re: Cove Road – cost to pave this road is $66,720/mile – cost to county is first one mile – remainder is Grangeville Highway District.  Discussion followed.  MOU will be drafted.


            Jeff Dean re: sale of 160 acres of his land to BLM – sale to occur 3rd quarter of 2009 – reason is to provide working capital and debt reduction for Canyon Pines RV Resort – discussion followed – property tax on this property is $145.96/year.

            Skip stated he is reluctant to loose any more private land – Jim agrees, but he can also see a gain for Idaho County – does not object to sale.

            Jeff is requesting commissioners’ concurrence – not to object to sale.

            James Zehner stated the taxes on this property are next to nothing.

            James Rockwell stated he will draft letter to BLM asking them to increase PILT payment on their property.


            Chuck Dillon, Robbin Boyce, Marc Pierce, BLM, met with commissioners regarding change in personnel in their office beginning July, 2009.

            Topics discussed as follows: – land exchange in Elk City regarding the Bennett Building for the Idaho County Road Department –part of land under shop is owned by BLM. – still in process.

            Law Enforcement officer hired by BLM – wants to thank Idaho County Sheriff Department for their support during the Riggins Rodeo.

            Resource Management Plan report.

            Buffalo Gulch Mine project – BLM gave owners until the end of June on their plans for the project – if this deadline is not met, they will have to go back to the beginning with the process through BLM.

            Large project in Elk City – stewardship project – contract will be awarded end of August – 10 million board ft green timber being awarded.  Discussion followed.

            Stimulus money discussed – $573,500. awarded for capital improvement – habitat restoration (weeds) – camp ground improvement – fuels project in Elk City.

            Rose questioned whether or not their would be funding for solid waste payment to the county since there will be camp ground improvement.  Discussion followed – Chuck will look in to this.


            10:30 appointment cancelled.  Skip made motion to modify agenda to include solid waste fee discussion.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            James Zehner re: Duane Lytle – solid waste fee – requesting refund.  Jim made motion to grant refund.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            Virgil & Donna Wassmuth re: solid waste fee on their tool shed with bunk beds in Winona area – being charged half rate for a cabin – requesting exemption – currently they pay residential rate – agriculture rate – half cabin rate.  Request denied.


            Dave Parcels re: name change on Mountain Peak site – Dave gave history on this project – information given to commissioners – requesting comment on this project.    

            Puzzle Point is current name – wanting to change to Parsell Point.

            Skip made motion to support name change.  James seconded.  Motion carried.


            Syd Fuzzell re: Claims.

Current Expense             $44,941.90        Road & Bridge           $19,690.41

Airport                                  151.63        Emergency Comm             846.98

District Court                         481.27        Title III                           4,945.98

Indigent                            16,670.32        Appraisal                           114.31

Drug Enforcement              7,931.95         Noxious Weeds            69,320.53

Snowmobile 25A                    20.63

            Skip made motion to approve claims.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.

                                                Total claims – $165,115.91


            11:40 a.m.        Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims I C 31-874.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            11:50 a.m.        Ended.

                                    Four liens         four n-1’s         one denied


            Approval of scanner for welfare department – cost approximately $800.00 – approved.


            Brian Disney, Western Pacific, re: Lochsa Land Exchange – Skip stated his position is that all lands stay in Idaho County.  Discussion followed.


            James reported on Grangeville Truck Route


            Jim Rehder stated the house across street from courthouse is for sale – possibility if county would purchase house for county’s use – discussion followed.

            Jim also reported on topics as follows:   IAC meeting – census – ICRMP open meeting law training, June 30, 2009 – legislative task force – ninth circuit – indigent – cell phone use written agreement for county usage – family medical leave act – secure rural schools/PILT


            Rhonda Wemhoff, Bott & Assoc. – via phone – re: sheep barn bid problem – who will pay T D & H bill for $600.00 – discussion followed – contract is ready to sign between Wimer Construction and County for building of sheep barn.

            Skip made motion to pay $600 bill from Commissioners budget – professional services.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

            Audit cost for fair board will also be taken from audit line of current expense.


            Elected Officials Meeting: 

                        Steve Frei will be serving on the task force for coroners.

                        James Zehner – ATV license plate sale is on an increase – Zebra sticker – assessment notice sent out – BOE – new construction roll.

                        Kirk MacGregor – confidential enforcements – detective meeting on search warrants – drug bust – DUI’s – vehicle accident cases – subdivision ordinance.

                        Doug Giddings – ICRMP claim – Gordo vs. Mundt – July 23-24th meeting forest service – city contracts – will not be asking for increase this year.

                        Rose Gehring – budget and public records request – discussion followed – will work with Kirk MacGregor.

                        James Rockwell – letters to gun manufacturers – recycling commission report – task force for airport development – CEDA grant for airport study

                        Jim Rehder – met with forest service on travel plan – RS2477 – Rural Health Board meeting.


            Christine Frei, CEDA, re: Gem grant award for airport study – received $25,000 instead of the $50,000 requested.  Process will move forward – CEDA will manage grant process.


            Budget Work Shop


            June 9, 2009 minutes.  Jim made motion to approve minutes as amended.  James seconded.  Motion carried.


            Beverage license approved:

                        Halfway Club – beer & liquor transfer


            Warrant #2009-05132 – $1,595.00 – Pine Hills Funeral Chapel – void – new warrant issued for $900.00.


            Order signed for Harpster Fire Protection District be amended so as to include the following:

                                    Phil Wimer – Wimer Trust – T30N R4E Sec 7, Lots 1, 2, S2 Ne4 W/O ROW located in Idaho County.


            Following Gem Grants signed for approval:

                        Idaho County Airport Hangar – Feasibility/Master Plan – $25,000

                        Power Upgrades for FOC Incubator, Elk City, – $5,405

                        U S highway 12 and Trenary Turn Lane – $50,000


            The board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

  Chairman:________________________________   Attest:________________________