July 3, 2006

County of Idaho

JULY SESSION                  July 3, 2006                  FIRST TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Randy Doman, Jim Rehder, Alice Mattson, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.

James Zehner re: tax commission schooling the end of July in Boise for two days – asking for approval to attend – commissioners approved.

Larradon Subdivision variance decision – Larry and Donna Knight, petitioners, present. Discussion followed. Alice made motion to grant variance regarding 12% grade on road. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Dennis Albers re: Draft of Idaho County Ordinance regarding solid waste – amends Ordinance #3, 12 and 17.

Public defender contract application – commissioners extended another 10 days for applications.

Diamond Springs Ranch subdivision – Ralph Blassingame and Ray Hamell – discussion followed on permanent easement across Pollock road – Dennis Albers explained the requirement for a resolution and hearing for this process – public notice – appraisal will be waived – grade requirements discussed. Slide area within the Pollock road discussed, Randy explained process for the possibility of fixing this road – discussion.

Larry Dasenbrock, Alice Mattson, Sharon Cox re: wolves – Alice questioned – where do we go when wolf problems happen – do we report to the Sheriff’s department – Alice explained Clearwater area – more wolf problems.
Sharon Cox suggested we should make public more aware of activities of wolves – education important.
Larry Dasenbrock explained the public process for reporting wolves – wolves in Idaho County are causing problems – have to learn how to protect ourselves.
Randy Doman explained modifications in Idaho & Montana – not yet complete – Justin Mann is the one to contact.
Larry also suggested contacting the sheriff’s office if problems occur.

11:18 a.m. Randy made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
12:05 p.m. Executive session ended. Regular session resumed.
One lien – one N-1 – one assignment – seven approved – one denial

Order for cancellation of taxes approved:
Mark Russum – 379.94 & 522.24 – 2004 & 2005 taxes and solid waste – building on wrong parcel when split
Kirk Kludt – 3.50 – 2005 taxes – payment timely
Diane Gray – 385.76 – 2004 & 2005 MH and solid waste – uncollectible

Certificate of residency approved:
Jenna Lynn Nida

Karl Urquhart airport ground lease signed on Lot 17 & 19 – for period of 20 years – first five years – $535.50 per year for each lot – fee will increase slightly after the first five years.

Commissioners voted to re-appoint Shirley Greene to the North Central Board of Health for a five year term – to represent Latah County.

June 19th – 21st – 23rd minutes. Jim made motion to approve minutes as amended. Alice seconded. Motion carried.
June 26th – 28th minutes. Jim made motion to approve minutes. Alice seconded. Motion carried.

12:20 p.m. Board recessed.

Chairman:___________________________ Attest:____________________________