July 20, 2010


County of Idaho


JULY SESSION                    JULY 20, 2010                   FOURTH TERM DAY


            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioner James Rockwell, Commissioner Jim Rehder present Bette Obrien deputy clerk, Skip Brandt and Rose Gehring absent.  


            Jim and James signed Board of Equalization letters.


            Discussion on Jim’s meetings in Reno.


            Commissioners Rockwell and Rehder signed letters of support the Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District’s proposal to the 319 Nonpoint Source Grant Program in the Rock Creek watershed and the Idaho County AFO Project.

            Commissioner signed approval to Idaho County Sheriffs Dept. to hire Brian Hewson for patrol. Starting wage will be Step 2/$31,290.42.


            9:30- Jim  made motion to go into executive session for Land Acquisition under ID  67-2345 Sub C  James-  2nd

Roll call officers – District 1 absent, District 2 & 3 present 


            10:00  Ended- No decisions made.


            Vern is here with 2 bids on the repair of the Elevator to bring it up to State Inspection. Vern recommends Northwest Elevator bid was less. Commissioners approve going with Northwest Elevator.

            Vern updating Commissioners on other repairs that need to be done in the Court House.


            Deanna here for George Curtis about Solid Waste Fee.  He can’t get to his property it is land locked. He doesn’t feel he should have a solid waste fee on property he can get to

James moves we take the solid waste fee off -Jim second – all in favor

Discussion on how he could get to his property and what avenue he could take.


  11:30   Jim made motion to go into executive session for indigent under IC – 31874      

James  second

District 1 absent-  District 2 and 3 present


  11:55 Ended

1 approval


1:00  Baldwin Springs road Hearing- Continuation from the previous hearing. Skip Brandt via phone Mel McLean, Jason Schwab, Kirk MacGregor, Gene MeinenMel McLean – Is offended that James keeps saying through Jason’s house and it is not.

James speaking of where the road goes through Jason’s property.  Jason states it takes out 2 decks and a shed.

Sharon McClean- speaking about God Bless America, One Nation Under God, asking if the Commissioners are going to act in behalf of Justice

Ty Romney attorney for Mr. Schwab-trying to explain different options that McLean would have. Talking of compromise that Jason Schwab would be willing to make.

He is agreeing to grant an easement to Idaho County for an alternative route.

Discussion on where the new easement would be and that it be comparable to the existing road.


Frank Laughlin- walked on the road and found that some pins were not there. Asking if the road was surveyed all the way through.

Discussing the survey that was done

Mel has an easement from John Glen that allows him to cross his property.

James thinks they should bring in a third party engineer.  Mr. Mclean wants notified when the third party engineer so he can accompany him.

Vinal Hardin- will it be big enough for a swather.


Frank Loughran-Clear Creek- stating that a lot of work was done on a gate.


Douglas McLean- the road has not been changed forever.


Commissioners all agree that a third party engineer looks it over and finds if it is of the same quality as the existing road. Rockwell stated that if the proposed Schwab road is found to be comparable by the engineer then the commissioners will be in agreement to swap roadways.  The existing road is not maintained by the county now and the county may or may not choose to maintain it in the future.  The county may or may not allow McLean to maintain it.

At this point Mel McClean stood up and acted as if he was unbuckling his pants and turn around with his backside to the commissioners and “mooned” them!

Schwabs are committed to finding a compatible access if this one they are proposing is not considered good by a third party engineer then they will find one that is. 

 Jim Schaeffer- Owns Selway Bar- the people in the bar think the Commissioners are on the right track.

Hearing concluded at 1:45


This will be continued on August 10 at 1:00


Meeting adjourned @ 1:50


Chairman:______________________  Attest:________________________