July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023


9:00 a.m. *Fish & Game Property Purchase————————-Zack Swearingen
9:15 a.m. *Claims——————————————————–Lesli/Jamie
9:30 a.m. *Budget Presentation/Sheriff——————————Doug Ulmer
9:50 a.m. *Executive Session 74-206(1) b Personnel—————Doug Ulmer
10:00 a.m. *Budget Presentation/Juvenile & Misdemeanor Probation——Nadine McDonald
10:15 a.m. *Bid Opening-Seyer, Hardy, Baker, Keeler, Brovotto Projects————-Sandi Paul
10:20 a.m. *Budget Presentation/Title III—————————-Sandi Paul
11:00 a.m. *Budget Presentation/Prosecuting Attorney———–Kirk MacGregor
11:20 a.m. *Misc. Approvals/Additional Meetings—————–Commission
Minutes of the July 5 Meeting; Orders of Cancellation; Authorization to Reconvey; Alcoholic Beverage License-Cloninger’s Marketplace #5
11:30 a.m. *Budget Presentation/Noxious Weeds——————Joe Slichter
12:00 p.m. *Budget Presentation/Coroner————————-Cody Funke
1:00 p.m. *Commission Budget Workshop————————Commission

 “Camping is nature’s way of promoting the motel business.”

Additional Meetings:
Duman-July 13-IAC District II Meeting; July 19-Airport Advisory; July 20-CMC; July 27-Public Health
Brandt-July 13-IAC District II Meeting; July 20-25 NACo Annual Conference