January 18, 2011


County of Idaho

JANUARY SESSION        January 18, 2011             THIRD TERM DAY

1:00 p.m. the board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik, and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk, present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

1:05 p.m. Lisa Klinger with the Payette National Forest regarding new developments impacting the portion of the PNF located in Idaho County. The winter travel plan has had some appeals, not all have been resolved. Rockwell questioned appeal process and whether or not plan is implemented prior to the appeals being completed. The plan will not be implemented until the appeal process is exhausted.

Payette National Forest received a large amount of stimulus money—Lisa reported on road projects that were completed with this money. Debco did a great job of completing the work on the Warren Road. Three culverts will be replaced in Burgdorf area this year, causing a disruption on this road while the work is completed.

Lisa regarding mixed-use policy that allows operators of ATV’s driving on roads managed by Forest Service or BLM to operate on those road without an operator’s license. Lisa presented a chart that identifies roads that have some risk associated with them. Comments are being sought until February 18 to help determine how road hazards will be addressed. Lisa reported that there have been 472 total accidents since 1983–only 4 of those related to mixed-use.

Lisa regarding Secesh River-Lake Creek Road Decommissioning Project-discussion. Project did not change any of the travel conditions already addressed in the travel plan.

1:35 p.m Debbie Evans, Glenwood-Caribel Fire District IDCBG grant request for funds. James Zehner addressed concerns that property taxes in the area would be going up-will not impact property taxes. Debbie also advised regarding letters of intent that are on the table for other projects in the county—we need to have some sort of a priority list in place so we don’t miss opportunities for grant money—only one project can be going at a time. Four categories of IDCBG grant awards: Public facilities, economic development, housing, and slum and blight–discussion. Debbie also advised that they are working on a grant through homeland security that will provide P25 emergency radio services.

1:50 p.m. Rockwell regarding letter to Idaho Transportation Department requesting several projects for Idaho County. This is an updated priority list adapted from the 2006 list previously provided to ITD. Commissioners signed.

2:00 p.m. Brandt regarding Courthouse remodel/plans to move Driver’s License/Civil Department to the main floor. Commissioner’s meeting room will move to the basement location and current Commissioner’s room will be split in half for Elections on one side and Auditor/Bookkeeping on the other side-discussion. Kathy Ackerman regarding reasoning behind the location of Elections—cross-training of employees. Jim Gorges regarding safety issues with current location of commissioner’s room. Rockwell regarding use/remodel of house across the street. Vern Meyer regarding safety of back stairs. Rockwell questioned regarding how elections are currently handled. Bette O’Brien advised on current procedure and anticipated changes. Brandt suggested we get bids for remodel and look at projected costs before deciding for sure. We will revisit this next week.

2:30 p.m. James Zehner regarding back-up for Rebecca’s position. There is a back log of work to be done and James needs to have this position filled. General discussion regarding a technology position. Zehner recommended sending new employee to training for Microsoft servers—discussion. Discussion will be continued next week.

2:45 p.m. James Zehner regarding destruction of records. Brandt moves to adopt Idaho County Resolution 2011-01. Jim Chmelik seconds. Motion carried–resolution signed.

James Zehner regarding vehicle maintenance-estimated costs at $750. Board has no objection.

3:00 p.m. Brandt moves to approve minutes of January 18, 2011 meeting as corrected. Chmelik seconds. Minutes approved as corrected.

Beverage licenses approved as follows:

Southfork Station—beer

Sunset Mart #9—beer and wine

Oscar’s Restaurant—beer and liquor

Busdastublup—beer and liquor

Padge’s Place—beer and wine

Lochsa Lodge—beer and wine

Cancellation of solid waste per Assessor’s request—Bernadine Bruegeman.

Approval of hiring of Margie Gortsema, Elections Office; approval of salary increase for Abagail Hudson, Chief Deputy for Idaho County Clerk; approval of waiver of 90 waiting period for insurance for James Chmelik.

3:30 p.m. Gene Meinen and Mike Cook regarding RAC projects proposed for 2011. Cook presented a timeline and outline of projects to be presented to the RAC. Priority of projects was previously discussed by the Commission. Forest Service is also endorsing the same two projects so it is hopeful that these may be funded from the RAC. Cook also presented a chart of contributions to the RAC and the return for Idaho County. Cook will make an oral presentation of the projects at the meeting on January 26.

Brandt regarding citizen complaints regarding roads. Gene Meinen indicated that concerns are being addressed. Meinen regarding Thorn Springs Road project—will have to wait a little while for run-off. Meinen regarding working with the Forest Service—may need to increase right of way by 20 feet or so to effect proper replacement of culvert.

4:00 p.m. Discussion regarding contractural negotiations with Mike Cook. Discussions will be continued to next week.

4:20 p.m. Brandt moves to go into go into executive session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

1 Approval, 2 Denials, 1 Suspended/Tolled, 3-N1, 1 release-N1, 3 Liens, 1-Lien Release

4:30 p.m. End executive session

4:35 p.m. Jerry Zumwalt regarding e911 equipment and enhancements-discussion. Brandt moves to approve expenditure of $56,751 for e911 equipment and enhancements, which will not include the Sectracom Net clock GPS System. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

4:55 p.m. Jim Gorges regarding additional snowmobile purchase—not necessary at this time, but would be helpful especially in the event of a search. Gorges regarding trip to Warren/Burgdorf/Secesh—presents a proposal for the purchase of two used snowmobiles and an enclosed trailer. Brandt regarding publication of Title III proposals and comment period. Commissioners have no objection to purchase. Gorges will make offer.

5:05 p.m. Commission adjourned.

Chairman:_______________________________ Attest:____________________________