February 28, 2023

County of Idaho
Click Here to listen to the meeting


 9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Ted Lindsley and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1) b for personnel.  Duman seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

9:15 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Duman seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

9:22 a.m. End Indigent

9:30 a.m. David McKnight, AirBridge, updates Commission on broadband projects-expresses his desire to see that DIGB2 can move across the finish line with projects-discussion regarding ownership of completed projects for administration and maintenance.  Zumalt advises that the next DIGB2 meeting is March 9 at 9 a.m. in Nez Perce County-Duman plans to attend.  McKnight updates regarding additional Federal funding that is coming in future months that are all connected to last-mile projects.

10:06 a.m. Brandt resumes hearing on the Petition to Vacate Un-named Road.  Hunter Edwards has no further comment on the submission of information by Palken.  Jessup questions Edwards regarding whether or not any properties would be land-locked in the event the petition was granted and whether there is an easement for utilities in place-Edwards advises that easements currently exist and that no properties would be land-locked.  Jessup questions Palken regarding the route of the USFS sale-discussion.  Mr. York, previously sworn, testifies regarding USFS sale and route.  Brandt moves to abandon the property as presented in the Petition.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Jessup will prepare the paperwork.

10:20 a.m. End Public Hearing

10:30 a.m. Lesli regarding claims:

Current Expense:    $    70,749.87    Road Dept.:                 $    243,475.32
Airport:                     $    15,406.00    Emergency Comm:     $      15,282.52
District Court:          $    10,410.99    Idaho County Fair:      $      53,045.00
Title III-New:           $          660.29   Election Cons.:            $           175.20
Noxious Weeds:      $      4,028.03    Snowmobile 25-A        $        3,503.92
Snowmobile 25-B: $           64.74
Total:                           $ 416,801.88

Duman moves to pay the claims.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:46 a.m. Brian Hewson requests the purchase of a snowmobile trailer out of Title III funds-presents quote-discussion.  Duman moves to approve the purchase.  Lindsley seconds.

10:50 a.m. Meinen regarding purchase of pick-up for the Road Dept.-they will rotate one of their older pickups to be used in Dixie for the garbage pick-up-presents quote for a 2020 Dodge pick-up-discussion.  Duman moves to approve the quote.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Meinen requests the purchase of shop tools for each shop-presents a proposal for the purchase of two kits for $3200 each.  Brandt moves to approve the purchase of two tool sets.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Meinen advises that they are looking for an electric wench-discussion.

11:03 a.m. Meranda Small regarding two new potential Fair Board members.  Brandt moves to approve the appointments.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Small updates regarding the Farm & Forest Fair, scheduled for April 18 & 19-schools that previously will be rejoining the event again this year.

11:15 a.m. Sandi Paul regarding treating the Secesh Cemetery-advises that the boundaries have been surveyed and marked-questions whether or not Title III funds should be used, as the cemetery is owned by Grangeville Cemetery District-discussion.  Lindsley questions what the projected cost would be-Paul advises around $7500 which does not include travel to the site-discussion.  Paul advises that much of the debris could be offered as free fire wood. Commission directs Paul to move forward to putting together the two projects in that area.

11:30 a.m. Duman reviews the standard AIA contract prepared by CRA Architects-advises there are two contracts-a pre-construction contract and a construction contract.  Duman advises that the pre-construction contract is what we need to consider currently-advises that the pre-construction services amount was reduced by half-advises that the figure proposed for percentage of completed costs is a solid number-discussion.  The pre-construction agreement has been signed by Kenaston.  Duman moves to authorize Chairman Brandt to sign.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Brandt questions the timeframe-Duman advises that they have up to six months to obtain the project costs.  Duman updates on jail cell demo he participated in yesterday.

11:45 a.m. Lucky Gallego provides update on services provided and the number of veterans who are accessing services.  Gallego requests permission to travel to the VFW Convention in Arizona in July-discussion.  Brandt moves to approve the travel request.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.  Ackerman questions logistics of hotel and airline reservations-she will reach out to the hotel.  Gallego will take care of airfare and request reimbursement after the trip.

11:59 a.m. Brandt moves to approve the minutes of February 21.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Catering Permit for the Idaho County Lincoln Day. Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the pay increase for Tom Crowley for successful completion of probation.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Additional Meetings for Duman for Jail Planning and CEDA.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Additional Meetings-Duman-9-DIGB2 16-CMC, , 22-Airport Advisory 23-Magistrate Commission; Brandt-17 BLM RAC, 23-CBC ; Lindsley-20-City Council, 22-Airport Advisory

12:03 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

__________________________________                __________________________________
Chairman                                                                    Attest