February 25, 2014

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho


FEBRUARY SESSION                                       February 25, 2014                              THIRD TERM DAY


10:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners James Rockwell, Jim Chmelik and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


10:00 a.m. Syd regarding claims


Current Expense         $       50,101.84           County Road and Bridge         $     40,384.65

Airport                       $       13,177.55           Emergency Comm.                 $       3,501.71

District Court              $         2,237.87           Title III Forest-New                $          123.73

Indigent                     $       16,339.91           Junior College                        $       1,000.00
Appraisal                    $         1,902.95           Drug Enforcement                  $           535.00

Solid Waste                $            127.14           Search & Rescue                    $             25.15

Election Consol.           $            760.96           Noxious Weeds                     $       5,192.07

Snowmobile 25-A        $            190.90           Snowmobile 25-B                    $          308.64

Total Expenditures      $    135,910.07


Brandt moves to pay the claims.  Chmelik seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


10:10 a.m. Rick Brazell, Jenny Fisher, Bill Connor, Joe Bonn, Jennifer Harris,  Terry Nevius of Forest Service and Emmett Taylor with Tribal Fisheries, regarding Crooked River Rehabilitation Project-primary change in this project is the removal of the Narrows Road project which will be tackled at a later time-the Meanders portion will be addressed first with full implementation to be within six years.  Rockwell questions when the last mining activity took place in the area-Fisher advises approximately 80 years ago-the area’s vegetation is not settled and the Meanders project is to return the area to more natural vegetation-Rockwell questions whether or not the habitat that is currently there was planted-Fischer advises that it is native to the area. Rockwell questions whether or not anyone has studied the number of fish in this area.  Harris regarding fish density survey done last summer-study revealed very low numbers, rechanneling will create spawning pools/habitat.  Rockwell advises that the cutthroat population is phenomenal-no better fishing around-questions why this would ever be disrupted and cost of the project-Fisher advises estimate is $2.5 million for the complete project-discussion regarding the low numbers of steelhead and other species in comparison to cutthroat.   Rockwell questions why the mining history is considered expendable-advises that he cannot lend any support for the project.  Emmett Taylor, Tribal Fisheries, advises that restoring fish populations are a priority and that this area has been identified as an area that needs to be rehabilitated.  Brandt questions what will happen to cutthroat if the habitat is restructured to encourage steelhead numbers.  Fisher advises that the Draft EIS is scheduled to be released at the end of March.


Brazell regarding the NPNF Travel Plan-advises that numerous discussions with this and previous Commissions resulted in a lot of great dialog and reconsideration in plans.  Fisher advises that a Final EIS will be rolled out this fall.  Brazell advises that there has been much discussion about ATV trails being opened to UTV’s less than 50 inches-he advises that he is working making this happen and is working with area groups to support greater access.  Brandt questions the 50 inches-Brazell advises that this is a National standard.  March 8 there will be another Travel Plan meeting-Brazell encourages attendance.


Order for cancellation-$108.24


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the February 18 meeting.  Rockwell seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:15 a.m. Rockwell moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(b) personnel.  Chmelik seconds.  Roll call-District 1-yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes


11:35 a.m. End Executive Session


11:37 a.m. Randy Doman regarding grant for watershed and weed work which was awarded a couple of years ago in conjunction with Idaho Department of Lands and the Forest Service-the money is now available, so the MOU now needs to be signed.  Brandt moves to approve.  Rockwell seconds.  Motion carries with Brandt and Rockwell in favor. Chmelik opposes.  Mike Edmondson questions whether this grant money is the same previously designated for fire mitigation and whether or not Idaho County is listed as a grantee-questions whether or not this places the County in a position of being obligated to maintain the work once completed-Doman advises that contracts are entered into with landowners-there is no follow-up or obligation on the part of the County to maintain the property.


11:45 a.m.  Rockwell moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to IC 31-874.  Brandt seconds. Roll call-District 1- yes, District 2-yes, District 3-yes.


0-Approval, 1-Denial, 0-Lien, 8-Release Lien, 0-N1, 8-Release N1


11:48 a.m. End Indigent.


11:50 a.m. Rockwell moves to approve payment of wages for Scott Dodson during his illness pending disability approval.  Brandt seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


1:00 p.m. Rockwell introduces public hearing for Framing Our Community grant. Those expecting to testify are sworn in. Joyce Dearstyne regarding petition with 167 signatures of support for the grant-majority of the population. Dearstyne regarding public meeting that was held in Elk City.  Debbie Evans advises that she has minutes from the Elk City meeting, as well as the sign in sheet from the meeting.  Rockwell asks for a show of hands from those present who support the project and those opposed-approximately 75% in favor and 25% opposed. Julia York advises that this project has been tough, but overall the experience has been one that most people can agree on, which is to bring jobs to Elk City-asks that comments given be kept to this particular topic. Chmelik questions participation from the Forest Service that would perpetuate businesses proposed in the focus of the grant-questions the ramifications from environmental groups.  Dearstyne advises that she continues to work on the Clearwater Basin Collaborative to effect a change in current practices.


Karen Crosby, owner of Elk Creek Cabins, offers support for grant.


Jamie Edmondson, Elk City Hotel, regarding her opposition to this process and this group.


Mike Edmondson, advises that the publication for the public hearing indicates that the application and supporting documents are to be available for inspection-requests to see application-advises that he contacted Dennis Porter from Idaho Dept. of Commerce who told him that these documents must be available.  Debbie Evans advises that her understanding, as a certified grant administrator, is that she must have the dollar amount requested and the grant handbook present at this meeting.


Cheryl Sims, Big Foot Firewood LLC, opposes grant, although she fully supports job creation.


Debbie Taylor, business owner in Elk City, opposed grant.


Tom York in support of grant.


Randy Bartlett in support of grant.


Micah Bartlett in support of grant.


Steven Knutzen in support of grant.


Eric Hasenoerhl regarding cost estimate that was developed.


Don Bush questions standing of Mr. Edmondson in this process.


Royce Brandt regarding possible closure of ITD service at Golden.


Ellen Bartlett in support of grant.


Anita May Johnson in support of grant.


Brandt moves to support moving grant process along based on evidence of support for the project.


Chmelik advises that he opposes this grant-feels that it is fundamentally wrong to obligate future generations.


Rockwell seconds based on support provided.  Motion carries with Rockwell and Brandt in favor.  Chmelik opposes.


1:45 p.m. End Public Hearing


1:45 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Chairman_______________________________     Attest:____________________________