December 29, 2015

STATE OF IDAHO          

County of Idaho

DECEMBER SESSION                                      December 29, 2015                FIFTH TERM DAY


9:30 A.m. The board convened with Commissioners Jim Chmelik, Mark Frei and Skip Brandt, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chmelik moves to approve the Alcoholic Beverage Licenses for Rick Alley/Silver Dollar, Chuck Rogers/Triangle Tavern, Canyon Pines RV Resort, Rodney Quick/Rodonna’s Country Haus. Brandt seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


Brandt advises he has a CBC Subcommittee Meeting on January 15, 2016 from 10 am-3 pm in Grangeville. Chmelik advises that he has a Bureau of Indian Affairs meeting on January 13, 2016 at 7 pm in Kamiah regarding Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.


Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the December 22 meeting. Frei seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.


10:00 a.m. Chmelik advised that he met with Sandra Mitchell and John Sandy regarding possible solutions pertaining to the Lochsa Land Exchange-it is apparent that the Land and Water Conservation Fund is not a viable option-possibly alternate lands could be proposed out of the area-advises that he feels that easements could work-he is moving forward looking for possible solutions. Unidentified meeting participant questions whether or not moving towards different solutions stops legislation moving forward. Ed Hines questions why copies of the bill were handed out at the previous public meeting-Chmelik advises that he feels it was made clear by Senator Risch that the bill handed out would not be what he puts forth-Chmelik feels Western Pacific Timber was putting it out there in an effort to be transparent.  Jim Jeffries meeting participant advises that he is encouraged that solutions are being sought and feels that common ground can be met-feels that Chmelik’s points about management and access are well taken. Unidentified meeting participant questions whether or not trade could not be accomplished entirely in the checkerboard area-Brandt advises that the NEPA process ties the hands of the Forest Service to an extent.  Unidentified meeting participant questions how the loss in tax base could be addressed separately from management component-Chmelik advises that taxes are based on total property value-advises that the dependence on PILT and SRS creates challenges for budget management.  Same participant advises that the loss of PILT and SRS exists regardless of the proposed land exchange-advises solutions should be sought separately to address these concerns.  Unidentified meeting participant questions why the Land and Water Conservation Fund is not viable-Chmelik advises that this fund is currently not accessible/funded.  Unidentified meeting participant advises that the trust issue and lack of trust is rooted in the situation with McComas Meadows, which was traded and is now being developed without any oversite.  Same participant advises that this energy should be directed at the Forest Service for them to manage the forests-discussion.  Janice Ingrahm questions why Western Pacific Timber doesn’t just keep the land-discussion.  Unidentified meeting participant questions who is driving the exchange-discussion.  Same meeting participant advises Western Pacific Timber is unknown-this is why there is a lack of trust.  Del Houger advises that the proposed easements, as he reads it, leaves a way out for Western Pacific Timber-Brandt concurs, advises that this is one of the things that the task force was asked to address, but declined to do.  Houger advises that access has also been limited in the Boles area-Chmelik advises this was a private to private transaction-Houger advises this is why the property needs to be public.  Jim Jeffries advises that private ownership is what is locking people out.  Shelley Dumas advises that she feels the Commission is catering to WPT, advises that she feels that the Commission must shelve their personal views in order to reach a consensus.  Brandt advises that he stands on the principles he was elected on-he is a private property advocate-has seen too much land lost to the Federal government.  Unidentified meeting participant suggests that additional acres should be proposed by the people-Brandt advises that this would be welcomed, however he has not found anyone willing to take this on-advises that people should contact the Forest Service to look at viable alternatives.  Unidentified meeting participant advises that looking at the past exchanges, such as McComas Meadows, should be a guide for future decisions-advises that subdivisions are not managed-this needs to be addressed, as well as forest management.  Rob Groom regarding McComas Meadows history-a promise was made and broken-advises that he sees that this may be what has happened between WPT and the Forest Service-discussion.  Unidentified meeting participant advises that the trade in McComas is also bringing in a criminal element-discussion. Ed Hines questions why Mark Frei hasn’t commented and asks for his position.  Frei advises that he campaigned on the platform that he would support the decision of the Task Force, so his position is neutral.  Frei advises that he also campaigned on a pro-business and pro-economy platform, however, he has now come to understand how dependent the county is on Federal payments and is open to working toward a solution.  Unidentified meeting participant advises that there is a need to diversify-discussion.  Unidentified meeting participant advises that he feels that the public has been asked to participate, yet the Commission will not listen.  Brandt advises that he recognizes that the group present is opposed, however he is convinced that this exchange will happened someway, somehow, whether it is between WPT and the Forest Service or the Forest Service and the Nature Conservancy.   Chmelik reiterates that his desire is to find a solution to the problem presented-advises that while he acknowledges that the group present is predominantly opposed, he has spoken to many people who are in favor of several elements of an exchange.  Brandt again advises that he would welcome people coming on board to help.  Del Houger advises that he feels that the lack of planning and zoning is part of the problem-permits would generate revenue.  Unidentified meeting participant questions whether or not Brandt would try to control any groups that come forward to help-Brandt advises that he feels that he is behind an exchange and would welcome public input on selecting alternative lands-discussion.


11:25 a.m.  Meeting adjourned.


Chairman______________________________    Attest:____________________________