December 28, 2016

County of Idaho

 DECEMBER SESSION                                      December 28, 2016                FOURTH TERM DAY


2:00 p.m. Note: Due to adverse weather conditions, the meeting was rescheduled from Tuesday, December 27 to Wednesday, December 28. The board convened with Commissioners Jim Chmelik and Mark Frei and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present. Skip Brandt is absent.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Annie regarding claims:

Current Expense         $         47,921.51         County Road and Bridge       $           21,810.88
Airport                       $         55,534.13        Emergency Communication    $               4,276.75
District Court              $           5,296.09        Title III New                         $                 184.57           Indigent                     $         28,731.31         Appraisal                             $                   95.11
Solid Waste                $                91.00        Search & Rescue                   $             1,906.27
Election Cons.             $                12.24        Noxious Weeds                     $          15,931.97         Snowmobile 25-A        $           1,830.45            Snowmobile 25-B               $               474.81
Total Expenditures       $       184,097.09

Frei moves to approve the claims. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Chmelik moves to approve the purchase of a computer for Denis Duman. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Chmelik moves to approve the Order of Cancelation as per Abbie Hudson, $77.18. Frei seconds.   Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Chmelik moves to approve the Liquor Catering Permit for Shore Lodge Whitetail, LLC at Burgdorf. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Chmelik moves to approve the hiring of John Rhoades in the jail and a wage increase for Detention Officer Matthew Bybee for completion of POST. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Chmelik moves to approve the Certificate of Residency for Megan Seubert. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Ron Funke regarding Framing Our Community parcel that is adjacent to the parcel exempted last fall as part of the new Elk City trailhead-requests that the additional parcel also be exempted. Commission has no objection to exempting this parcel.

2:20 p.m. Ackerman regarding grant application-this is for a grant from the State Historical Preservation Office that will allow the reprinting of the booklet listing historical locations in Idaho County. Chmelik moves to approve grant application of the Idaho County Historical Preservation Commission. Frei seconds. . Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Frei moves to approve the minutes of the December 20 meeting. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

Mike Cook regarding meeting with Valley Paving-he is working on putting together a meeting to resolve the issues with the completion of the airport projects.

2:30 p.m. Connie Jensen-Blyth regarding applications for grants-requests signatures.   Jensen-Blyth updates on events of this year and what has been accomplished to include public outreach/education, number of acres treated and funding sources. Jensen-Blyth updates regarding monitoring software and reliance on Forest Service data gathering equipment-we need to be looking for an exit plan from this system, as we are too dependent upon them for personnel and management of the data. Jensen-Blyth advises that she would like to meet with the Commissioners on a quarterly basis in the coming year.

2:51 p.m. Mike Cook regarding taxiway grant with the State-he negotiated an increase in State funding from 3% to 4.2%-this amounts to a savings to the County of $17,981. Cook advises that we need to pass a Resolution to approve the additional grant funding. Chmelik moves to approve Idaho County Resolution 2016-17. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent. Chmelik moves to approve the grant agreement with the Idaho Transportation Department Division of Aeronautics. Frei seconds. Motion carries with Chmelik and Frei in favor. Brandt is absent.

3:00 p.m. Chmelik moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to 74-206(1)(f) Legal. Frei seconds. Roll call-District 1-absent; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

3:10 p.m. Chmelik moves to go into Indigent proceedings pursuant to Idaho County 31-874. Frei seconds. Roll call-District 1-absent; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

0-Approval, 2-Denial, 0-Suspension, 1-Lien, 1-N1, 0-Lien Release, 0-Release N1

3:15 p.m. End Indigent

3:15 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman______________________________    Attest:____________________________