County of Idaho
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9:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Ted Lindsley and Denis Duman and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.
Jerry Zumalt updates regarding various road repair projects happening as a result of disaster damage-things are moving forward and it will be ultimately beneficial to the County. Zumalt updates regarding the phone system upgrade-we have had some challenges in working with Lumen for account information-on the plus side, Kooskia Road Department is up and running.
Zumalt advises that there are some potential issues with our current firewall-he is working with CompuNet to resolve. Zumalt updates regarding a number of radios that have been purchased through grants. Zumalt also provides an update on the Broadband project-things are moving forward with Nez Perce County, discussion is still taking place with Latah County.
9:17 a.m. Teresa and Andrew regarding claims:
Current Expense: $ 59,527.91 County Road & Bridge: $ 119,248.38
Airport: $ 6,320.77 Emergency Communication: $ 18,280.75
District Court: $ 1,628.25 Court Facilities: $ 12,875.00
Title III: $ 1,140.10 Search & Rescue: $ 1,063.61
K9 Donations: $ 598.00 Noxious Weeds: $ 1,196.55
Snowmobile 25A: $ 20.64 Snowmobile 25B: $ 174.84
Interlock Device: $ 95.00 Broadband Infra. Fund: $ 24,223.73
Total: $ 146,393.53
Duman moves to pay the claims. Lindsley seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.
9:30 a.m. Mike Cook regarding the draft RFQ for Airport Engineering Services-currently this is being provided by JUB. Cook advises that it needs to be advertised twice with at least 30 days until the proposals are opened. Duman moves to approve the RFQ. Lindsley seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Cook updates regarding the End of the World project-this is moving forward. Cook advises that Section 16 is also moving forward, as well as some smaller projects-discussion. Cook provides update on the PAPI-discussion. Commission has no objection to moving ahead with the understanding that if the bids come back too high, the project can be scrapped. Cook updates regarding the Apron project-discussion regarding finding funding partners. Cook provides a financial snapshot of the Airport budget. Discussion regarding hiring back-up for the Site Manager for fueling, plowing, etc. Discussion regarding Courtesy Car-this will be continued at a later date.
10:00 a.m. Abbie Hudson updates regarding a total of$60,674.60 that is going to need to be refunded to Avista and Idaho Power for tax appeals in which they prevailed-this will need to be collected back from all of the taxing districts-discussion. Commission advises to pay the amount due in order to stop the compound interest-we will follow-up on process for collecting from taxing districts.
10:10 a.m. Brandt moves to approve the appointment of Brad Higgins as the Stibnite Advisory Commission. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the minutes of the December17 meeting. Lindsley seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Orders of Cancellation as per Abbie Hudson. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Alcoholic Beverage Licenses for NomNom, The Rib Guy & Gal, Clearwater Valley Marketplace, Cloninger’s Marketplace, Kooskia Mart, Cloninger’s Marketplace #5, Mountain River Outdoor Center and Pizza Factory. Lindsley seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Catering Permit for Bond Entertainment for the Greencreek Crab Feed. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the hiring of Clinton Haight in the Road Department. Lindsley seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Jt. Quarterly Report. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Waterways Report. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the Agreement with Nez Perce County for the CPF Broadband Project. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve the agreement for storage at the airport for Norm Lowe. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt moves to approve Idaho County Resolution 2024-24 for Destruction of Records. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
10:30 a.m. Session held in the District Courtroom-this portion of the meeting was not recorded.
Brandt regarding the Amended Findings-Jessup reviews previous order that was entered and reason for the amended order concerning the validation of the Milner Trail from Fish Creek to the Salmon River. Jessup reads amended order into the record. Brandt moves to approve the Amended Findings. Duman seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt regarding the Findings regarding vacation of the Milner Trail at Mount Idaho to Fish Creek. Jessup reads order into the record. Brandt moves to approve the Findings as presented. Lindsley seconds. Motion caries with all in favor.
Brandt regarding USFS perpetual easement with Idaho County- reviews proposed easement-this has been changed from a previous iteration to include a 20-foot easement around the work-arounds near White Bird Station and Adams Camp. Jason Blakely, attorney for the Idaho Pathfinders, reads an objection to the proposed easement. Todd Stenzel, advises that the proposed 20-foot easement is not enough-advises that they want to maintain a 50-foot easement. Brandt regarding working with the USFS to keep the trail open-discussion. Dave Thompson advises that he feels this should be ironed out entirely prior to any agreement. Bill Spencer advises that he doesn’t trust any negotiations entered into with the USFS-discussion. Lindsley questions Section 5 of the easement-Jessup advises that the language is standard USFS easement verbiage. Brandt moves to approve the easement. Spencer questions previous validation-discussion. Lindsley advises that he would like to have further conversation with the USFS-questions whether or not the USFS would grant a wider access-discussion. Duman advises that he, too, would like to table this until the USFS can be present. Larry Allen comments about easement. Matter will be continued.
11:41 a.m. Meeting adjourned.
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Chairman Attest