December 17, 2007

County of Idaho

DECEMBER SESSION                 December 17, 2007                THIRD TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.

9:00 a.m. Skip made motion to enter into executive session for personnel matters – I C 67-2345(a). Jim seconded. Motion carried with all in favor. Roll call taken
9:14 a.m. Ended.

Gene Meinen re: road report. Elk City ambulance lease – Jim made motion to accept lease as drafted – one year. Skip seconded. Motion carried with all in favor. Signed.
Airport meeting report – hole in front of Dandliker office – discussion – drain tile and fill will fix hole – commissioners approved.
Fuel prices a concern – lower compared to other airports – discussion followed – Gene will do further research.

Christmas Eve hours for courthouse – Randy suggested closing courthouse at 1:00 p.m… – no lunch hours. Skip made motion to approve the 1:00 p.m. time. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Max Pelham re: flag presentation to the citizens of Idaho County. This flag was flown into combat on October 31, 2007 in an EA-6B Prowler during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM VI.

Monty Rupp regarding Harrisburg Road – requesting road to be named Rupp Road – Woodland road area – James Zehner gave history of road name change – Gene Meinen explained cost & policy of road name changes – discussion followed.
Skip made motion to change this portion of Harrisburg Road to Rupp Road. Randy seconded. Motion carried.

Randy absent for remainder of meeting – meeting in Lewiston.

December 3, 2007 minutes & December 10, 2007 minutes. Skip made motion to approved minutes as amended. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Jerry Zumalt re: courthouse security – installation of key pad for access control locking devices to various doors in courthouse – estimate from Miller Hardware, Grangeville – $200.00 for each door – four doors – funding from 2005 SSHSP – Idaho County Equipment Grant funds.
Skip questioned fire escape for these rooms – discussion followed. Skip made motion for Jerry to proceed with installation of lock key pads. Jim seconded. Motion carried with both in favor.

Order for cancellation of taxes & solid waste fees approved

11:33 a.m. Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent – I C 31-874. Jim seconded. Motion carried. Roll call taken.
12:10 p.m. Ended.
Seven approved Two denied

Solid Waste Land Fill discussion
Steve West, Centra Consultant – long term plan – best value for our solid waste dollar – establishing a land fill in Idaho County that can be used by other counties – regional approach to solid waste disposal – more counties involved lowers cost of land fill – future meeting with other counties discussed.

James Zehner & Deanna Hall re: solid waste letters

Skip made motion to approve one pay period for Patty Suhr. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Law Enforcement Protection Agreement (extension) between Kooskia City Council and Idaho County – signed.

Greg Skinner re: preliminary plat for Rivers Edge subdivision in Elk City – 13 lots – by Black Swan.

The Board recessed at 4:30 p.m.

Chairman:___________________________ Attest:_______________________