December 15, 2008


County of Idaho  

DECEMBER SESSION       December 15, 2008         SECOND TERM DAY 

            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.


            Riggins Senior Citizen request for funding presented by Rose.  Randy made motion to give Riggins Senior Citizens $250.00.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.


            Jerry Zumalt re: Slate Creek Levee – discussion followed on letter from Ron Mahurin regarding levee and bridge   in the Slate Creek area. 

            CORP of Engineer also requesting answer from county on our plans for the levee.  Discussion followed.  Letter will be sent regarding levee.


            Gene Meinen re: radio evaluation report – reported that he sent both proposals to Debbie Rupe –  proposals were sent to John Parker, Chief of Public Safety Communications for the State of Idaho.  Commissioners called Mr. Parker regarding his suggestion regarding the two companies – Clark Communication and Davis Communication.  Discussion followed.  Decision tabled.


            Jim Church and Jim Wemhoff re: Idaho County Fair Board appointments.  Cheri Holthaus will replace Linda Nida and Cheryln Pankey will replace Mary McPherson on the board.  Skip made motion to approve appointment.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.

            Jim Wemhoff reported on the new projects for the upcoming year.

            Lions Club lease on fair ground discussed.

            Jim Rehder requested a list of board members and minutes of the fair board meeting and a year end financial statement.


            Howard Lyman, NezPerce National Forest, Frank Church Weed Coordinator – grant application – 50-50 match on the annual grant which is due the end of December.  Mr. Lyman requested signature on grant application – discussion followed.  Jim made motion to approve grant application.  Skip seconded.  Motion carried.


            Skip reported on dumpster site at county road department with Simmons Sanitation – if weather hold – work should be completed in a couple of weeks.


            Gail Williams, James Zehner, Deanna Hall re: solid waste fee exemptions.  Currently have two residential and two commercials. Discussion followed.  Skip made motion to reduce one of the commercial (leasing company) to ½ commercial, permanently.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            11:30 a.m.        Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims I C 31-874.   Jim seconded.  Motion carried.

            12:03 p.m.        Ended.

                        Six approved – One release of lien & N-1


            1:00 p.m.          White Tail subdivision hearing requesting variances as follows:

1.      Variance to LHTAC Section III D

2.      Variance to LHTAC Section III G

3.      Variance to Idaho County Ordinance #20

4.      Variance to Idaho County Ordinance #20 Article IV, Section B

            Several people testified regarding variance.  Hearing will be recessed until 5:00 p.m. December 22, 2008 for further information.

            Hearing recessed at 2:15 p.m.


            Elected Officials meeting:

                        Steve Frei, Coroner,  reported there has been more work than usual. 

                        Kirk MacGregor, prosecuting attorney, reported increase in juvenile cases – misdemeanor probation for adults – increase in work load.  Adam Green will be deputy as of January 12, 2009.  He will be replacing Dennis Albers.

                        James Zehner, Assessor, reported they started selling restricted license on ATV’s.  State of Idaho did not mail out truck license plate as usual – two weeks late – this has caused extra work for the DMV – James also reported on homeowners exemption and solid waste fee concerns.

                        Sharon Cox, Treasurer,  working hard on tax collection.

                        Larry Dasenbrock, Sheriff, reported on ATV license plates – lots of slick road calls coming in – he is working with Doug Giddings, sheriff elect, and the radio system

                        Rose Gehring, Clerk, reported on General Election – NACo board meeting in Tempe, Arizona.

                        Skip Brandt, Commissioner, reported on ordinance for change in day for commissioners meeting for next year.

                        Randy Doman, Commissioner, reported on financial problems for state – federal government and county – land exchange meeting – mining in Elk City – jail concerns.

                        Jim Rehder, Commissioner, discussed fee structure for Idaho County and radio system.


            Deanna Hall and James Zehner re: solid waste fee exemptions as follows:

                        Arnold Fischer – full commercial solid waste fee – cancel

                        Dave Sturmer – ½ commercial and one residential – sustained

                        William Evanow – residential – sustained

                        Marilyn Watson – residential and ag solid waste fee – sustained

                        John A. Nuttman – ag solid waste fee – sustained

                        William Eisman – residential – sustained

                        Killgore Adventure – full commercial – drop to ½ rate commercial for this year – next year full rate along with all other outfitters/rafters.

                        Charles Vogelsong – one residential – sustained

                        Leslie Killgore – ag solid waste – cancelled   

            Jerry Zumalt re: public comment opportunity for EPA’s plan for two air permits for planing mill in Kooskia, Idaho.  Discussion – no comment will be sent.

            Slate Creek Levee discussed – commissioners will only consider acceptance of levee if the Army CORP of Engineer give us the proper authority and right of way.  County at this time will not consider authority of levee until the Army CORP show county they have authority to maintain levee.


            Kim Nuxoll, James Zehner. Cliff McLean and Dean Williams regarding the home he lives in – Dean and wife live in one portion – their mother lives in another portion of this house – question is whether or not this is considered one resident or two.  First part of house was on main roll in 1998.  2005, second portion was added onto occupancy roll – residence has two separate addresses.  Discussion followed.

            Sip made motion to remove one of the residential solid waste fees.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Each year owner will have to be re-evaluated.


            Virgil Wassmuth gave report on animal damage control meeting he attended, December 3, 2008 in Potlatch.  Pest & Range Improvement budget and revenue discussed.


            December 8, 2008 minutes.  Skip made motion to approve.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.


            Order for cancellation of taxes approved:

                                 Total – $6,072.74


            The Board recessed at 4:45 p.m.

 Chairman___________________________     Attest:_________________________