August 31, 2021

County of Idaho


8:45 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Denis Duman and Ted Lindsley and Kathy Ackerman, Clerk present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Duman offered an opening prayer.

Brandt moves to go into Indigent Proceedings pursuant to Idaho Code 31-874.  Duman seconds. Roll call-District 1-yes; District 2-yes; District 3-yes

1-Lien, 1-N-1

8:47 a.m. End Indigent

Ackerman regarding audio recording of Commission meetings-advises that she feels that this needs to be researched a bit more before moving forward-discussion.  Discussion will be continued next week.

9:02 a.m. Matt Jessup regarding the original adoption of Ordinance 48-feels that this ordinance may not have been adequately published prior to adoption-discussion regarding needed changes.  Jessup will work on updating the Ordinance for review next week with publication and a Public Hearing to follow.  Brandt regarding repeal of Ordinance 48 pending the establishment of the new Ordinance-discussion.  Jessup recommends no repeal at this point pending moving forward with the review and adoption of a new Ordinance.

9:30 a.m. Sandi Paul regarding fire mitigation projects in the Secesh area-advises that there are a number of people in the area who are upset with the change in pricing-discussion.  Paul advises that there are big issues with not removing lodgepole, as this is fuel for wildfires-discussion regarding treatment options and problems with areas that were previously treated.  Commission directs Paul to proceed with treatment of the Cantlon’s property, which was quoted at the lower rate-Duman will reach out to try to schedule a Zoom meeting with all parties in that area in order to clarify the limitations of the program.

Paul regarding Holt property that abuts Highway 13 and a County Road near Stites-advises that there is significant fire threat from the highway side-discussion regarding the possibility of Holt’s pursuing a road vacation of a county road and/or moving forward with treatment.  Commission authorizes treatment of the County Road.

10:00 a.m. Ben Stowell regarding road naming-one property owner called in with some alternate suggestions for the road name-discussion.  Brandt moves to approve Wild Rose Lane for the new road name.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

10:15 a.m. Brandt regarding the request from Community Action to appoint a representative for the Area Agency of Aging-Ackerman will place an ad and see if we get any applicants.

Brandt moves to approve the cell phone stipend for Joe Slichter.  Duman seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the variance for Todd and Carrie Nygaard. Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Order Granting Variance for the Nygaards.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the L2 extension request for Pine Ridge Water & Sewer and Kidder-Harris Highway District.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Duman moves to approve the minutes of the August 24 meeting.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with Duman and Lindsley in favor.  Brandt abstains-he was absent.

Brandt moves to approve the JUB Agreement regarding Roby Road.  Duman seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Brandt moves to approve the Additional Meeting Request for Duman.  Lindsley seconds.  Motion carries with all in favor.

Additional meetings-Brandt-September 1-Forest Plan Revision, September 10-WIR Public Lands; Lindsley-Ida-Lew-September 1, Grangeville City Council-September 20; Duman-CEDA-September 1, SAC/Stibnite Foundation-September 9, CMC-September16, Public Health-September 23

10:23 a.m. Meeting Adjourned

Chairman______________________________     Attest:____________________________