August 30, 2011


County of Idaho


AUGUST SESSION                               August 30, 2011                                 FIFTH TERM DAY


1:00 p.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present. Jim Chmelik was delayed.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Big Cedar Fuels Reduction Bid Opening—5-Star Forestry-$161,955     $2745 per acre

Native Lands West-$2600 per acre
AMJA, LLC.-$177,000 $2500

Pineda Post & Pole-$2706.35 per acre

Randy Doman regarding the request for biodegradable bar oil from a land owner-discussion.


Mike Dominguez regarding other work projects they have been able to get on the ground with the Forest Service using local workers since the County implemented these projects-commends Commission for getting this started.


Request for wage increase to $10.17 per hour for Motor Vehicle Clerk Megan Murphy approved for satisfactory completion of probation.


Chmelik moves to approve minutes of August 16 & August 22. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


1:30 p.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Rockwell seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

1 Approval, 6 Denial, 0 Suspended/Tolled, 1-N1, 1 release-N1, 1-Liens, 1-Lien Release


1:50 p.m. End Executive session.


1:50 p.m. Jim Gorges regarding replacement of vehicle that was wrecked about a month ago-discussion. Brandt moves to approve Bonanza Motors bid for the new vehicle using Title III funds to make up the shortfall of $4625. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:00 p.m. Meinen regarding project on Ft. Misery Road project. In order to do the project they had to purchase a small parcel of property from Thomas and Melva Turner. This has been done already-Board signs a purchase and sales agreement for this transaction.


Meinen reviews bids for Clear Creek Project-Debco was low bidder at $229,115.61. Brandt moves to award bid. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:10 Debbie Evans regarding grant projects-gives update on Glenwood-Caribel Fire Station-nearing completion. Work on Elk City Water & Sewer project is being held up pending all of the various entities coordinating aspects of the project prior to submitting a grant request. Ridge Runner Fire Protection District project has been delayed until next summer-they had some changes on the board and Phase I has not been completed yet. Several fire districts in Idaho and Lewis County are banding together to apply for funding for upgrades in communication equipment-this will be about a $500,000 project. Kamiah received funding for a feasibility study on a business park-this may end up in Idaho County-Lorraine Roach is working on this project-discussion.


2:30 p.m. Molly Terhaar regarding a contract that was submitted by the Tribe to the Bureau of Homeland Security. BHS is requesting a Commission signature. The work has been done and the Tribe has been paid—this is a formality for BHS’s records. Contract signed.


Brandt regarding Lochsa Land Exchange-update on last week’s tour of land-discussion.


Rockwell regarding airport meeting-trying to get all parties working together.


Chmelik regarding meeting with ITD with reference to proposed work at top of White Bird Hill, rock mitigation/scaling project.


2:50 p.m. Kirk MacGregor regarding Idaho County Recycling contract-several changes have been suggested by ICRMP. Rockwell advises Greg FitzMaurice and Kevin Tomlinson, representative of Idaho Forest Group, that the County is grateful for the generous offer of the free lease. One of the concerns is the potential presence of hazardous waste-without a costly study, it is impossible to determine if the area is free of hazardous materials, although they are confident that any hazardous materials found in the future would be the result of recycling activities. There is also a potential concern about injuries/liability that may arise through use of the site by the public. Discussion. MacGregor will contact ICRMP’s attorney to discuss areas of the contract that could be negotiated to satisfy ICRMP-discussion.


Janie Fluharty gives update on Idaho County Recycling projects-awaiting the finalization of contracts before they can go forward.


3:30 p.m. Employee ‘Meet & Greet’-Linda Arnzen-employee of Assessor’s Office has worked for the County for 7 years-works mostly on property transfers, also backs up DMV and circuit breakers. Deanna Hall-Assessor’s Office for 14 years does circuit breakers. Kathy Terhaar-Assessor’s Office Appraiser for the past 11 years-job entails wearing many different hats-the face of the County meeting the public. Zach Nichols with Sheriff’s Office-has worked for SO for 8 years-is currently a Patrol Sergeant-explains patrol area-describes incident of a recent theft and apprehension of the suspects-feels that his job is a calling, as do all of the officers he supervises. Phillip Smith with Sheriff’s Office for 10 months in the jail-was #1 student at POST-describes what they do in the jail-loves his job and has always wanted to do something like this-advises of current numbers of inmates-gives update on jail showers. Betty Umbinetti with Assessor’s Office in Motor Vehicle Department-is currently the Supervisor in that area-has worked for the County since 2004-describes changes in her job duties-salvage sales & changes to vehicle registration process. Amy Rose with the Sheriff’s Office has worked here for about a year-gives details of her job to include enforcing orders from the Court, wage garnishments, tax warrants.


4:15 p.m. Commission visit to District Court.


4:40 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


Chairman:_______________________________     Attest:____________________________