August 3, 2010


County of Idaho  

AUGUST SESSION                               August 3, 2010                       FIRST TERM DAY   

            The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with Skip Brandt, Jim Rehder and James Rockwell, Commissioners and Rose Gehring, Clerk, present.


            Budget Workshop


            James Gorges re: vehicle payoff – on vehicle that was wrecked – ICRMP paid for value of wrecked car – Commissioners approved payoff of vehicle out of f/y2010 budget.


            Bob McCall re: compression brake problem in Mt. Idaho – logging trucks early in the morning – area is slightly under one mile for distance.  Discussion followed.  Commissioners requesting a petition from Bob – Bob will work also with Grangeville Highway District. 


            Lenore Hill re: sprinkler system on the courthouse yard – brown spots showing – not sprinkling well – may have to be reset – commissioners asked Vern Meyer to have sprinkler system checked.  Requesting money to finish the yard work – compost – flowers etc.  Cost approximately is $200.00 – commissioners approved. 


            James Zehner and Deanna Hall re: vehicle purchase for appraisers – checked with several car dealers – discussion followed – currently have 5 vehicles – wanting to trade in Jeep for $1,500 – James will do further research.  James would like to purchase the Explorer.  Commissioners approved the purchase of one vehicle for appraisers. 


            Skip made motion to amend agenda for one solid waste problem.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            Deanna Hall re:  solid waste fee – Ernest Knight – discussion followed.  Camper area is the one in discussion –  as of now he has two full fees and one half fee – request denied because it is a camper and can be used at any time. 


            Sheila Key re: road name change – Katherine McConnell –  Cedar Street in Kamiah – subdivision also has a Cedar Street – Woodland Acres –  suggesting Woodland Cedar – discussion followed – will work with Kirk MacGregor on this.  Kirk stated we only need a resolution – no hearing.  Streets will be Woodland Pine and Woodland Cedar.  Kirk will draft resolution.


            Mike Hall re: First Step Internet – presented map to commissioners – discussion followed.  Elk City will be a new place of service.  New Tower on High Camp and Doty Ridge and further development on Cottonwood Butte Site.  Connection for various hospitals discussed.  Hoping to put up towers as of now, but taking a few months.  Funds have not been released for the grant.   In the mean time the foundation work is being done.


            11:30 a.m.       Skip made motion to enter into executive session for indigent claims – I C 31-874.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried.  Roll call taken.

            11:50 a.m.  Ended.  Regular session resumed.

                                    Three Liens/N-1’s      Two approved


            Syd Fuzzell re: Walco Fuel Surcharge – Discussion followed.   The commissioners directed Kirk to write a letter to Walco reminding them the fuel surcharge report is due quarterly.  The last report was for three quarters of the year.


            Jeff Payne re:  rental of his house – discussion followed.  Requesting Jeff to come up with a price for rent. 


            Doug Sayer CEO of  Premier Technology, Inc., $100 million business,  located in Blackfoot, Idaho – James reported on his reason for asking Doug Sayer to be at this meeting – relocation and jobs.

            Doug reported on his vision for Idaho – necessary to get involved with rural communities.  They are also involved with Salmon, Idaho – industry has to step forward –  talent is in the kids – they work with schools – getting kids qualified to do the work.   Harold Gott and Gil Bates agreed to set up the next meeting with schools and businesses – training kids for employment.


            Agreement for the taking of evidentiary blood samples between Idaho County and Syringa Hospital District signed. 


            July 27, 2010 minutes.  Skip made motion to approve minutes as amended.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.


            Catering  permit approved as follows:   Halfway Club – 8-12-2010 – NRA  – Cottonwood Community Hall.


            Certificate of residency approved:   Michael Reuben Leach


            Warrant #2010-06230 – $717.80 void – billed in error


            Idaho County Sheriff’s monthly report for transfer of fees approved – $3067.91


            Gene Meinen re: road report.  Mrs. Nelson – road issue on Shira Road with the culverts – getting a quote on possible resolution.    Presented proposal to board on priority list for flood damaged roads for Thursday FEMA meeting on August 5, 2010 at 9:00 a.m  


            Property ROW between Spoon and Huntley – Gene did research – Gene cannot find a right of way in the county records.   Kirk has been corresponding with Mark Snyder (Spoons lawyer) 

            Kirk presented a letter from Mark Snyder regarding this right of way.  Based on survey by Pearson the right of way is not in the county right of way.  Kirk disagrees with Snyder’s letter – we have not found a vacation or abandonment of the old right of way – so actually there are two roads side by side.  Fence is in the county right of way.  Kirk will draft letter to Spoon to remove the gate, unless he can show someone the road has been vacated.

            Huntley said Spoon’s  fence is all on the county’s right of way.    Mr. Spoon must think the fence is on his ground.  Forest service granted the original deed.   

            Baldwin Springs road discussed – meeting will be held August 10, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.  Gene will take a few more pictures of the area.

            County highway standards.  John Watson and Mike Cook went through the LHTAC standards and the county standards.   County is more strict is some places.  Adoption of county highway standards was July 18, 2005.  Gene is requesting Jim to contact all highway districts to see which standard they adopted.  Skip said he would contact the highway districts.  Gene wants all highway districts to be the same. 

            Hold harmless agreement was presented to commissioners between Harry Stenzel and Idaho County to travel over Tommy Taha under Glenwood Road in Idaho County.


            Mike Cook re: airport report    AWOS placement has been started.   Appraisal and Consulting for airport was discussed.  Kirk and Mike will continue to work on this. 

BLM solid waste fee of $2,000 was also discussed.  Mike continues to work on this.  Forest Service pays county very little if any to the county.  Discussion followed.  They each have a contract with Walco and Simmons. 


            Rhonda Wemhoff re: courthouse remodel.   Rhonda and Bette viewed the Payne building – Discussion followed.  No decision made at this time.  Waiting for further information.


            Clerk, Auditor Recorder Fees and Licenses Monthly report approved.      


            Skip made motion to change the agenda to include executive session.  Jim seconded.  Motion carried. 


            4:16 p.m.         Skip made motion to enter into executive session according to I C 67-2345(c)   Jim seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Roll call taken.

            5:00 p.m.         Executive session – regular session  adjourned.


Chairman:_________________________________    Attest:__________________________