August 29, 2023

August 29, 202

9:00 a.m. *Title III/Good Neighbor Authority Funds Discussion—-Commission
9:45 a.m. *SO Vehicle Purchases/Lifelock Purchase—-Mike Kindrick/Monica Walker
10:00 a.m. * Misc. Approvals/Additional Meetings——————–Commission
Minutes of the August 22 Meeting; Orders of Cancellation; Pittsburg Landing Seal Coat Agreement; SO Donation of Vacation Hours; Certificate of Residency- Diaz; Road Dept. Employee Wage Increase;
10:30 a.m. *U of I Extension Update————————————–Meranda Small
10:45 a.m. *Executive Session 74-206(1) d Exempt from Disclosure–Robert Simmons
11:00 a.m. *Solid Waste Update——————————————–Robert Simmons
11:30 a.m. *Executive Session 74-206(1) a Personnel——————-Commission

Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only.
Samuel Butler


Additional meetings:

Duman- August 30- Airport Advisory Board
Brandt- NACo Public Lands-September 8, September 14- Behavioral Health; September 22- WIR
Lindsley-September 21-ITD