August 20, 2007

County of Idaho

AUGUST SESSION                      August 20, 2007                THIRD TERM DAY

The Board met at 9:00 a.m. with all members present.

Janet Hohle re: Squaw Creek Culvert Replacement Project – presented submittal Number (RSN) 17, Cast-in-Place concrete mix design. Discussion followed. Jim made motion to approve submittal number (RSN) 17. Skip seconded. Motion carried with all in favor.

John Dilts re: road report. Cold mix patching on various roads – blading since it has rained – new loader has been ordered – will arrive in 60-90 days.
Cedar Creek sign discussed. Warren Wagon Road RAC project estimate discussed. Project is too costly to pay all at once – divided into four projects.
Wheel roller used by Kidder Harris highway district – accident – Kooskia City employee operating roller at time – highway district submitted claim to ICRMP (liability insurance).
Austree road in Larradon Heights subdivision – conflict between land owners on name change – commissioners called for hearing.

9:39 a.m. Jim made motion to enter into executive session – I C 67-2345 (b). Randy seconded. Roll call taken. Motion carried with all in favor.
9:45 a.m. Ended. Regular session resumed.
John requested two positions for hire for road department. Approved

NezPerce/Willowa Whitman/Payette forest and Lochsa Ranger District gave update on forest fires – various fires in Idaho County discussed.
Randy – RAC meeting the end of next month (September) – priorities discussed – reimbursement from forest service for county employees working during fire season discussed – possible agreement – will work on this during winter season.

August 6, 2007 minutes. Jim made motion to approve minutes as corrected. Skip seconded. Motion carried.
August 13, 2007 minutes. Skip made motion to approve minutes as corrected. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

Elected Officials meeting:
Rose – Clerk’s meeting in Orofino – scholarship fund.
Kirk – Lankford trial – meth cases – attended Prosecuting Attorney’s conference.
Sharon – nominated secretary of Idaho Association of Counties during her treasurers’ conference – tax payments using credit cards discussed – property tax committee meeting.
Kim for James Zehner – re-appraisal area – fire issues – timber and burnt structure issues – has ordered printer/copier/scanner for approximately $400.00 for appraisal department.
Skip – no report
Jim – IAC meeting in Moscow in September – Craig/Wyden funding
Randy – reported that Julie Fowler will be representative for Craig/Wyden fly in to Washington D C. Fire issues – road closures during fire season – re-imbursement for county employees helping with fires – immigration situation.

2:00 p.m. Jail Inspection by commissioners – quarterly inspection
2:30 p.m. Returned to commissioners’ room

Bette O’Brien re: Elk City Cemetery – existing cemetery – citizens want to take care of this cemetery.
Dennis Albers stated there are two cemeteries in Elk City – discussion followed. Cemeteries may be private – Bette will work with appraisers and Jim Davis on this project.

Jerry Zumalt re: resolution #69 Disaster Declaration – 30 Day Extension declaring a disaster emergency exists within Idaho County, resulting from existing and imminent danger to life and damage to property and natural resources due to severe wild land fires. Randy made motion to approve Resolution #69. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
FEMA ordinance #36 – approximately 36 policy holders – enforcement of ordinance. Discussion followed.
Interoperable Emergency Communication Plan – draft has been completed – presented to commissioners for review – after approval, Plan will be sent to State. Discussion followed.
Randy made motion to authorize Davis Communications to co-ordinate with FCC on County radio frequency allocation/assignments. Skip seconded. Motion carried with all in favor.

Charles Holliman re: Silver Lake Estates Phase II – owner next to subdivision refuses to sign plat – they signed agreement earlier to sign this plat – discussion followed. Charles would like to get this plat approved as soon as possible.

Randy Doman for Dave Crousser re: Golden Hills subdivision – requesting to put a drivable gate on road by his home for family reasons. Dennis Albers stated it has to have consent of other property owners in subdivision. Tabled until Crousser can meet with commissioners.

Solid Waste Fee discussion – hearing has been set for September 10, 2007 at 1:00 p.m.

The board recessed at 5:08 p.m.

Chairman:___________________________ Attest:____________________________