August 16, 2011


County of Idaho


AUGUST SESSION                               August 16, 2011                                 THIRD TERM DAY


10:00 a.m. The board convened with Commissioners Skip Brandt, Jim Chmelik and James Rockwell, and Kathy Ackerman Clerk present.


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Gil Bates, Ida-Lew, gives update on projects-advises that they have received a proposal from CEDA to join forces, making CEDA more eligible for grants. They are currently working with two businesses to deal with overflow operations for Idaho Sewing for Sports-also working with a guy who does welding and is a certified instructor—he may be able to step into a role as an inspector. Gives update on LSCS outreach projects-welding classes and GED. Advises that the City of Cottonwood will be celebrating their 150 year anniversary next year-they are looking at doing something big. Reports the Hire One program through the State of Idaho-several local businesses may be able to take advantage of this. There are a lot of other promising projects going on in Lewis County-general review of these projects. Discussion.


Rockwell moves to approve minutes of the August 9 minutes. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries with all in favor.


11:00 a.m. Mike Cook regarding response to Little Slate DEIS-letter approved by Commission. Cook also presents letter accepting proposal for appraisal on Dandliker property. Update on airport-working on a proposal for snowplowing on ‘as needed’ basis. Cook has contacted David Rauzi—will arrange a meeting with Free Press and Ray Anderson for story on airport developments. Cook is working with the Airport Development Authority regarding the potential of charging a tie-down fee for users who are not buying fuel-discussion. Cook also met with Jerry Arnzen to go over Search & Rescue building bids-is checking on requirements with City of Grangeville. Also, work has begun on repairs to the Grangeville-Salmon Road with Cook & Sons doing the work.


Rockwell questions amount on Title III funding on Search & Rescue-discussion regarding advertised amount and the need to keep within this amount.


11:30 a.m. Brandt moves to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC 31-874/Indigent. Chmelik seconds. Roll call-all in favor.

0 Approval, 5 Denial, 1 Suspended/Tolled, 0-N1, 1 release-N1, 0-Liens, 1-Lien Release


11:45 a.m. End Executive session. Break for lunch.


1:00 p.m. The Board reconvenes with all present.


Jim Gorges regarding check they received from Off-Highway Vehicle funding in the amount of $6,034.31-requests 2 sets of ATV tracks. Shortfall of $766 will be paid out of Title III funding under the category of Search & Rescue. Brandt moves to approve expenditure as requested. Rockwell seconds. Motion carries.


Doug Ulmer regarding Dive Team equipment request-equipment is out of date and needs to be replaced. Also, they had been using an old ambulance to store the dive equipment which has not been operational for some time-request the purchase of a used trailer for storage. Rockwell moves to approve dive team expenditures as requested. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


1:15 p.m. Gene Meinen regarding request that he has received from Ron Norland, who wants to move logging equipment in the Orogrande area. Commission has no objection to this. Meinen will prepare a permit.


Meinen requests a shift of $60,000 from the Upper Salmon Road Project for gravel placement to the Grangeville-Salmon Road Slide Repair Project. This would complete the Grangeville-Salmon Road Project and would, in effect, be a transfer between two approved RAC projects. No objection from the Commission.


Fort Misery Road Project Bid Opening: Crea Construction $96,113.75

Debco $112,112.00

Cook & Sons Construction $107,781.80

Highland Enterprises $83,131.35

Gene Meinen will go over bids-award at 9:30 a.m. on August 22.


1:20 p.m. Jerry Zumalt & Sheila Key regarding questions on E911 calls that originate on cell phones-discussion. Several suggestions were made. Jerry will do some further checking and report back.


Brandt moves to approve Idaho County Resolution 2011-05 SRS Resolution. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:00 p.m. Brandt moves to approve variance for Nolan Schoo to drill a well in the Area of Impact per letter from City of Grangeville. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


2:00 p.m. Budget Discussion–Rockwell recommends increase in deductible to $400 and $2000 coinsurance for a total reduction of 5.2%, leaving a 4.7% increase. Rockwell moves to adopt proposal. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


3:30 p.m. Jerry Zumalt & Molly Terhaar regarding slide project on Big Cedar. FEMA is not authorizing repairs in excess of emergency repairs of $29,000—actual repairs are estimated at over $450,000 based on proposals from Riedisel. FEMA wants to know what our official position is—are we going to file an appeal-discussion. Brandt will contact Senator Risch’s office to do some checking before we set up a conference call.


3:40 p.m. Budget discussions continue…Brandt moves to approve budget without wage increases and without taking a 3% tax increase. Chmelik seconds. Motion carries.


4:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned.



Chairman:_______________________________    Attest:____________________________